Fungal Shambler

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Fungal Shambler

Creature — Fungus Beast


Whenever Fungal Shambler deals damage to an opponent, you draw a card and that opponent discards a card.

DemonDragonJ on Waste Not

7 months ago

I have replaced Fungal Shambler and Kheru Lich Lord with Indulgent Tormentor and Sheoldred, Whispering One, which reduced the average converted mana cost of this deck from 3.73 to 3.71, which is very nice, since the newer cards better fit the theme of this deck.

legendofa on Should I Keep Fungal Shambler …

8 months ago

As a 4/4 for 6 mana across three colors, Kheru Lich Lord needs a strong ability to justify its cost, and I don't believe it has one. It costs three additional mana to have any more utility than a vanilla creature, and the randomness and lack of repeatability make it very unreliable. It also directly competes with The Mineoplasm. Fungal Shambler is better, and probably close to on par with Indulgent Tormentor and Demon of Loathing. Sheoldred, Whispering One is by far the best option of what's listed. There's some tension with the commander, but it's mild and temporary, and I think the battlefield control more than makes up for it.

DemonDragonJ on Should I Keep Fungal Shambler …

8 months ago

I have an EDH deck with The Mimeoplasm as its general, and I have both Fungal Shambler and Kheru Lich Lord in that deck, but I am not certain if I should keep those cards in that deck, since I am not certain how well they work with the theme of the deck, so I certainly would appreciate any feedback that anyone here can offer any feedback, on this matter.

I am contemplating those creatures with creatures such as Indulgent Tormentor, Demon of Loathing, or Sheoldred, Whispering One, but I certainly would be interested to hear any other suggestions that other users of this forum may have to offer.

What does everyone else say about this? Should I keep Kheru Lich Lord and Fungal Shambler in my The Mimeoplasm EDH deck, or replace them with creatures that better fit the theme of the deck?

DemonDragonJ on Commander Masters Previews and Speculation

1 year ago

Fungal Shambler and Dromar, the Banisher have never been reprinted, so they definitely deserve to be reprinted in this set.

The Immortal Sun is an all-around awesome card, but it has been printed only once, so I very much would like to see it reprinted, in this set, as well.

DemonDragonJ on Double Masters 2022 Predictions and …

3 years ago

Double Masters 2022 will not be released for several months, yet, but I am so excited about it that I wish to begin speculating about it, now. The first Double Masters set was wonderful and contained many great cards, so I have high expectations for the second set, as well, and I am certain that WotC realizes that the players are highly anticipating this set, as well.

Another reprint of Doubling Season would certainly be nice, as that is such an awesome card that it will always be expensive unless it is reprinted frequently, but I know that WotC is not likely to reprint it again, so soon after reprinting it in the first Double Masters set, so reprints of both Anointed Procession and Parallel Lives would also be greatly appreciated.

Rhystic Study, Smothering Tithe, Dockside Extortionist, Edgar Markov, Exquisite Blood, Reflecting Pool, and Vedalken Orrery are all very expensive, so definitely need to be reprinted, in my mind.

Ancient Spider, Book of Rass, Dromar, the Banisher, Fungal Shambler, and Mystic Remora are not especially expensive, but have never been reprinted in the modern card frame, so it would be nice to see them reprinted with it. Similarly, Oloro, Ageless Ascetic and Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis were originally printed in the modern frame, but not the Magic 2015 version of that frame, so I would like to see them reprinted with it.

Chromatic Lantern and Privileged Position are not too expensive, but definitely still should be reprinted, to keep them available and affordable.

I definitely would like to see Absorb, Recoil, and Undermine reprinted, preferably downgraded to uncommons, since I do not feel that they should be rares by today’s standards, and further reprints of Mind Stone, Thought Vessel, Thran Dynamo, and Gilded Lotus would also be nice, as well. Arcane Signet and Commander's Sphere are not expensive, but they are difficult to obtain in foil, so reprints in this set would help with that, but that is not likely to happen, since this is not a Commander set.

What does everyone else say about this? What are your hopes and prediction for Modern Masters 2022?

DemonDragonJ on New commander products

5 years ago

This is very awesome, but I worry about being overloaded with products, that WotC may be focusing on quantity rather than quality; however, I shall make an effort to remain optimistic about it.

On a more positive note, I am very pleased to learn that there shall be a great number of reprints, since there are many cards that I feel need to be reprinted, and my most desired reprints are Book of Rass , Akroma's Memorial , Vedalken Orrery , Rhystic Study , and Reflecting Pool , but some other reprints that would be nice are Dromar, the Banisher , Undermine , Recoil , Fire Covenant , Fungal Shambler , and Tsabo Tavoc . I am certain that I shall remember more cards as time passes, so I shall mention them, here.

Also, is that a new incarnation of Baron Sengir? Yes, finally! I am certain that many long-time players have been waiting for years for this, and I know that I am one of those players; I have very high expectations for that card, since a character of his iconic status deserves nothing less than the best.

Will Commander Collection replace Signature Spellbook? I certainly hope not, since only two of those have been released thus far, and there are still many more characters who have not yet received their own.

DemonDragonJ on Modern Horizons Announced

5 years ago

I also think that Tempest Drake , Fungal Shambler , Sky Spirit , and Prophetic Bolt would be great to see in this set, as well.

DemonDragonJ on Iconic Masters Announced

7 years ago

I am somewhat excited about this set, but not as excited as I was about Eternal Masters (and I was very excited about that set), because this set does not seem to be the same type of set as the other. Iconic cards are often, but not always, powerful and popular cards, so this set may not have quite as many valuable cards as did Eternal Masters, but I still am excited about it, since I hope to see some older cards reprinted in the new border style.

Some specific cards that I would like to see are Absorb, Backlash, Essence Vortex, Fire Covenant, Fungal Shambler, and Dromar, the Banisher, since none of those cards have ever been reprinted, at all, let alone in the new card frame.