Cerodon Yearling

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Cerodon Yearling

Creature — Beast

Vigilance, haste

DeinoStinkus on List of Bugs and Feature …

2 years ago

Cerodon Yearling's image does not appear to exist anymore, in the playtester, thumbnail, or on the card's page.

Hearthfire Hobgoblin is also weirdly cropped and Battlegate Mimic has missing art as well.

DemonDragonJ on Righteous Wrath

4 years ago

I have replaced the two copies of Glory of Warfare in this deck with two further copies of Cerodon Yearling, which was the original number that this deck had, a change that reduced the average converted mana cost of this deck from 2.94 to 2.81, which means that this deck is now tied with my black/white deck for having the lowest converted mana cost out of all my decks. I was loath to make that change, since GoW is an awesome card, but I decided that Scourge of the Nobilis and Balefire Liege were more than sufficient to make my creatures more powerful and it also was more valuable to have a greater number of creatures to be made more powerful.

Now, I am wondering if I should replace Wear / Tear with Duergar Hedge-Mage, or leave that card as it is.

DemonDragonJ on How Many Lands Do I …

4 years ago

In each of my two-colored decks, I have 28 lands out of 60 cards total, but I am wondering if that may be too many, at least for decks with lower mana curves.

For example, let me start by focusing on my red/white deck; that deck has a very low mana curve, so I am wondering if I can remove two lands from that deck to make room for two additional copies of Cerodon Yearling, which would obviously help with its focus on combat.

What does everyone else say about this? How many lands are necessary in a 60-card deck?

lagotripha on Borosaurs

5 years ago

As usual in red/white tribal brews, Mirror Entity and Taurean Mauler are good. Rampaging Ferocidon was banned in standard but is modern legal. Snubhorn Sentry is a lot simpler to turn on, and running an 'all 3 toughness' board means a single pump puts you out of bolt/anger range.

I'd look at more 'pump the team effects' like Legion's Initiative and try to top out with Huatli, Warrior Poet and Waves of Aggression .

Theres probably some colour matters/keyword shenanigans you can manage with Cerodon Yearling / Relentless Raptor / Sky Terror / Swiftblade Vindicator / Truefire Paladin , but that feels like a different deck.

GoblinsBeatElves on Ultrabudget: Blazing Rush

6 years ago

I feel like with Cerodon Yearling, Consul's Lieutenant, and Ash Zealot, you really need access to both colors of mana on turn 2. Is Battlefield Forge our of your budget? I feel like it would help with your game plan, and being able to play those cards on T2.

JKRice on Jeskai Humans

6 years ago

The deck looks pretty solid but there are a few things I would change.

1: Cerodon Yearling is pretty good but there are better options. The same thing goes for Swiftblade Vindicator. I would recommend Goblin Guide for the same damage but less cost, letting you get early aggro in.

2: Burning-Tree Emissary would be a pretty good card to add in (if you get four of them in your starting hand you can have 8 power on the board T2). Also this would combo pretty nicely with Bloodbraid Elf, ramping you 2 mana.

ThallionDarkshine on Brion Stoutarm Budget Sacrifice

6 years ago

Cerodon Yearling and Sky Terror are both somewhat low value cards, basically just cheap attackers. Also, Sundering Titan is unfortunately banned in edh (and by unfortunately I mean fortunately, because it would be a huge pain to deal with).

Cataclysmic Gearhulk could be a pretty decent board wipe, though it does kind of clash with how many artifacts you run. Conquering Manticore is another creature-based Threaten effect, letting you more easily repeatably steal opposing creatures. I also think that more tutors to help you find Skullclamp for draw or Thornbite Staff for repeated sacrifice is pretty important. Hoarding Dragon is a great way to do so, since not only can it get equipments, it can also fetch some of your other powerful artifacts. Godo, Bandit Warlord is another great way to do so, and can beat down geared up with a bunch of equipments if need be.

Next, some more synergy pieces. Mistveil Plains lets you reuse Sunforger targets, and can even be found by Tithe, which can be found by the Sunforger, meaning that you only need to draw Sunforger to have access to any of its spells once per turn. It can also be found by Knight of the White Orchid. Next, I really like Heirloom Blade as a kind of backup Skullclamp. It works really well alongside Taurean Mauler, always giving you at least 2 draws, and they're specifically creatures, meaning you always get another creature to sacrifice. In addition, it combos with Serra Avatar when you've already drawn the rest of your avatars, meaning that you just redraw the avatar after sacrificing it.

Check out my Brion deck for more inspiration. It's a bit more focused on one big explosive turn, but has a lot of powerful synergy pieces that could work in any Brion list.

Brion EDH

Commander / EDH ThallionDarkshine


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