Casting of Bones

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Casting of Bones

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature

When enchanted creature dies, draw three cards, then discard one of them.

DreadKhan on Teysa pale booby

2 years ago

If you want a cheap source of bodies, Haakon, Stromgald Scourge can reanimate any knights, including Changelings. If you Final Parting for Haakon into the Yard and Nameless Inversion you can recast Inversion for 1B as many times as you want, potentially killing lots of stuff. If you use Haakon, you should look at ways to discard him incase you draw into him. I have run Avenger en-Dal to decent effect. Bloodsoaked Altar is a sneakily good card if you can stand to discard. Body Snatcher isn't super-cheap, but it's a ton of value and can discard Haakon. Bog Witch can turn any card into a Dark Ritual, which helps since your deck has a lot of Black costs. Devout Witness is handy if you don't want to run Disenchant because you need more creatures. Icatian Crier makes 2 bodies fwiw. Skirk Ridge Exhumer makes nifty bodies. The Restoration of Eiganjo  Flip not only makes bodies and discards, it also can recur something small, it can even ramp you if you recur a land. Undertaker is much cheaper than Tortured Existence, it's not as good but it's still solid. This isn't an exhaustive list, but these are some options if you want to try out Haakon.

If you use Haakon and something like Pawn of Ulamog or Sifter of Skulls, a sac outlet and Universal Automaton to get infinite death triggers. If you use a Knight that costs B to cast, there is Bog Initiate to fix. There are better things you can do than this, but this is pretty budget. If someone tries to exile your combo pieces, you can always sacrifice them to send them to your graveyard instead.

Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire is a pretty reasonable tutor, and if you need to, you can find an effect for someone else to use (hopefully to your benefit, like a board wipe or removal spell). Eye of Vecna is nice cheap card draw. Strands of Night is a cheap repeatable recursion source, something that is worth a look. Casting of Bones is pretty solid draw if you can count on having creatures you want dead, 3 cards is a lot for 3 mana.

Spell_Slam on Aphemia, the Freaky Zombchantress - Primer

3 years ago

I play Aphemia in my 99 in my Ramses Overdark EDH deck. I've been really impressed with the incremental value she can create over the course of the game.

One particular synergy I liked with her was using enchantments on the opponent's creatures, then destroying them for additional benefits.

Minion's Return , Shade's Form , Unholy Indenture , and Unhallowed Pact all fit into this category.

Something like Casting of Bones could allow you to refuel your hand and potentially put two enchantments into the graveyard.

Yoke of the Damned is good along the same lines. It will pretty consistently kill the creature within one turn cycle, especially if you have some spare zombies and a political ally. Seal of Doom is more convenient, but is more expensive and hits less creatures.

Nighthowler is excellent for your deck. It has been one of my main win conditions. It's even better when you play it on Aphemia since she has evasion and can one-shot someone easily with the Nighthowler and Commander Damage.

I would include a few more ways to kill creatures, including spot removal and board wipes. Kindred Dominance seems great for you. Extinguish All Hope conveniently spares your commander and many of your creatures.


5 years ago

I love this deck. It's such a trip down memory lane to see all these sweet skeletons from across magic. I bet it's a blast to play.

One particular Skeleton you don't have in your list anywhere is Skeletal Crocodile. It has some really sweet artwork that turns heads whenever it sees play.

A card with some pretty terrifying art is Skeletal Grimace. I get that most of your creatures already regenerate (which is probably why it's not in your deck) but the art is great and you could use some more pump in your deck. Goes well on a crocodile...

In terms of actual playable cards you could use, I have a couple. Skeleton Key gives you some much needed evasion and card filtering. Most skeletons have low power and could easily skulk through for damage. Casting of Bones is another great way to get card advantage. Bonus: there are a few different artworks for you to pick from!

This might not be super flavourful, but I thought I would mention it. Hatred would be a great way for you to actually win games occasionally with your deck. It has some of my favourite flavour text in all of magic and just so happens to mention bones.

In terms of cuts, I don't think Cryptic Gateway is a great card in your deck. It's more for tribes with very expensive creatures, which you don't really have many of. Vulshok Morningstar also seems really weak for your deck and could be any of your other maybeboard cards or whatever you like in people's suggestions. Aside from the sweet art and nostalgia, is there any reason why Nightmare is in the deck?

sleeper_agent007 on Toxic Love [Pharika Budget Enchantress]

6 years ago

Looks good, man. I have been working on my own version of Pharika Enchantress. Here are some ideas:

Color fixing / Ramp

  • Abundant Growth fixes mana and draws 2 with an enchantress in play.
  • Fertile Ground, Overgrowth are classic aura ramp.
  • Elemental Resonance in any deck that plays a green God from Theros.
  • Draw

  • Mourning, Whipsilk are draw engines in your deck.
  • Bequeathal two cards for 1 mana.
  • Casting of Bones fits the theme and let's you dig deep.
  • Phyrexian Arena, Dark Tutelage, Underworld Connections, Greed provide steady card draw throughout the game.
  • Fruit of the First Tree as a flavorful alternative to Harmony?
  • Creatures

  • Curse of Disturbance free armies are good.
  • Druid's Call on Pharika would also be good.
  • Verdant Embrace can be even better.
  • Genju of the Fens is a mana sink that dodges sorcery speed mass removal that could also help you close out the late game.
  • Power boost

  • Exoskeletal Armor, Nighthowler, Herald of Torment, Eternal Thirst give you a significantly better chance at winning with commander damage.
  • Removal

  • Gift of the Deity is a one sided wrath every turn if Pharika is online.
  • Lingering Death gets rid of Avacyn, Eldrazi, and other annoying indestructible things.
  • Nyx Infusion is a flavor win.
  • Traveling Plague moves fast in a multiplayer game.
  • Toolbox

  • Shade's Form is one of those hidden gem cards. Mana sink or Mind Control. Not bad for three mana.
  • Spreading Algae can act as TechEdge on crack. I mean, I see Urborg in like 90% of my games. Algae will do some work.
  • Unnatural Hunger not great against token armies but can be solid against other decks.
  • Argetlams on Baby Come Back

    6 years ago

    I personnally think you don't have enought cards to mill yourself and too much cards to actually draw. I mean you're going to play with your graveyard anyway so you might as well put some more cards in it.

    for exemple Perpetual Timepiece and Charmed Pendant are a must in this deck in my opinion. Also so Draw / discard effects are verry powerful here, like Casting of Bones.

    lastly, do you really think you need Seasons Past? i mean you are already playing with your graveyard, if you use it to take back instant / sorcery, Scribe of the Mindful would probably be best as you'll be able to recast it.

    codyacbrave on

    8 years ago

    wow thanks for the suggestions! Since I have Urborg in the deck I will definitely include Genju of the Fens, however if my opponents have no islands Genju of the Falls will be deadish.. unless i want a 3/2 flier... I looked at the one time Fool's Demise cards and decided against them because fool's demise just covers that, so excluding the two other cards gives me room for more things. I'm considering adding Casting of Bones drawing cards is always fun. Doomwake Giantis too expensive for what he does but I'll definitely have to find a place for Thoughtrender Lamia. Thanks again for the comments!

    Tomahawk-Bang on

    8 years ago

    Genju of the Fens and Genju of the Falls will enable you to repeatedly kill lands with Ramses. False Demise and Unhallowed Pact each are a one-use Fool's Demise. Casting of Bones is a lot of fun in a Ramses deck, too. Hakim, Loreweaver will make sure you can get your recurring enchantments like Sleeper's Guile back from the graveyard if they are countered. Use his first ability to put them onto Hakim himself and then, once you use his second ability, they will go back to your hand. Constellation creatures like Doomwake Giant and Thoughtrender Lamia are pretty cool if you play 20+ enchantments in your deck.

    Maggi on Super Budget Skeleton Tribal

    8 years ago

    when they see your deck they lose their minds so it would be ok to have Brink of Madness in it,Casting of Bones could be useful and Curse Artifact & Dance of the Dead have nice skeleton art (pretty useless though) and Intimidation gives your cretures fear pretty mana heavy though

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