Auriok Windwalker

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Auriok Windwalker

Creature — Human Wizard


Tap: Attach target Equipment you control to target creature you control.

Blobby_Bobby on The Queen and Her Knights

2 years ago

Oh, and with all the free equipping you have going on Colossus Hammer can be a real beater. Also Brass Squire. Every knight needs a squire!

I'm sure you're aware of Stonehewer Giant, Leonin Abunas and Auriok Windwalker. I'm a real big fan of the Giant in particular. And if you can get haste on the boy? You got yourself a real Hephaestus going.

Lastly Indestructibility is pretty multipurpose, get that one knight to be utterly unstoppable or keep that one Sword of ---/Embercleave mostly safe from removal. Doubtful, but perhaps Darksteel Forge? Though the CMC of that one is so high I doubt it'd be useful unless you're already winning the game anyway. The Forge is really made for those artifact decks.

SwiftDeath on Helm of the Host and …

3 years ago

Delphen7 I looked for a long time and couldn't find anything supporting it either. It is a weird trigger from the way it is worded so I guess if you had something like Auriok Windwalker you could use it to equip at instant speed. If I could mark two answers as accepted I would mark yours as well but Seshiro corrected me on the Halvar trigger so he gets the mark this time. Thank you all who took the time to comment.

jakeyuki12 on Wyleth Voltron Smash Face

4 years ago

Here are a few of my thoughts: Seeing that Wyleth incentivizes you to go all in on Wyleth, there are a few things Wyleth appreciates. 1) Number 1 priority is protecting Wyleth. Wyleth has no inherent protection, and will become the target of removal when you get a ton of equipment an auras onto it. I think Mother of Runes and Giver of Runes are both excellent inclusions for this. Sejiri Shelter  Flip can double as a land but also be a protection spell. Depending on your budget, Deflecting Swat and Flawless Maneuver are both excellent options for protecting Wyleth (for free!). 2) Wyleth really appreciates free equips. You're already running Ardenn and Sigarda's aid. Brass Squire is another good one to include. Hammer of Nazahn also free equips your equipment when they enter the battlefield. Magnetic Theft is okay, but only works once. Auriok Windwalker is a bit more clunky but also gets the job done. 3) Wyleth really appreciates haste. You want to slam down Wyleth, get him suited up, and be swinging in right away to get the card draw ability, so haste is very appreciated. You've already got a handful of equipment that give haste. Crashing Drawbridge is an excellent creature that blocks early and gives haste. There are enchantments that can give haste like Fervor and Hammer of Purphoros. There are other creatures that do it like Anger, Urabrask the Hidden, or even the land enchantment Footfall Crater.

So that's a lot of card suggestions, and I'm not suggesting you run all of them. Make sure you have the best options from each category and that you have enough of them.

Elasar99 on Rograkh, Intrepid Archaeologist

4 years ago

Swords to Plowshares is a white staple in EDH and is even better than Path to Exile since you don't give an extra land to your opponent. Also, if you go Voltron you don't mind how many lives an opponent has since you win doing just 21.

Auriok Windwalker and Brass Squire may also be interesting options for free equip shenanigans.

If in the end you add red to the deck Kediss, Emberclaw Familiar can be a fun since you will be doing damage to all opponents at the same time.

Suns_Champion on United States Marine Kor | Akiri, Fearless Voyager

4 years ago

The Custom Categories have been updated with a "Living Weapon" section, including

I think these are the coolest way to take advantage of Akiri's ability for as few cards as possible, and I expect to see this line-up and probably more of the 4-6 cmcm ones in most Akiri lists.

I'm still looking to better take advantage of Akiri's protection ability. Leonin Shikari will help with that, and there's some instant-speed-equiping equipment/enablers out there like Healer's Headdress, Sparring Collar, Auriok Windwalker, Brass Squire, Magnetic Theft... do these all seem worth it? What are y'alls thoughts?

Control_Train on Feather Redeems Boros in EDH [Primer]

5 years ago

Styms - I’m glad you like the deck and I hope you have as much fun with it as I do! Thanks for the typo tip also, I’ll fix that.

proterran98 - Thanks for the compliment! I think you’d have to rebuild the deck in one of two ways for Sunbird’s, but I love the idea. You could either make the deck entirely (or a huge majority) one cmc, so that every spell is bound to hit something unless it’s a land revealed, or build your deck with a Birthing Pod type of curve with more lean into the lower cmc spells. You could definitely make it work I think, and it’d be fun as hell if nothing else.

Matticusrex - Sunforger has a place, but it is highly mana intensive and you need to build around it heavily. One card you would require for a Sunforger package is Magnetic Theft . Some other possible additions are Auriok Windwalker , Brass Squire , and maybe even Puresteel Paladin to cheat the equip cost. You also need tutors for Sunforger, of which there are four or five reasonable ones. Other cards that I think make Sunforger better are Mistveil Plains , Canal Dredger , Epitaph Golem , Junktroller , and Reito Lantern so you can reuse spells you get that would go to the graveyard. Another notable inclusion is Settle the Wreckage as a tutorable one sided board wipe.

I originally had it in the deck, and considered adding it back in recently, but the slot efficiency is poor for the value you gain. Why it’s in such a high percentage of those decks is likely because the top decks on here have or had Sunforger for a long time, and it feels like a natural conclusion, even though it isn’t upon inspection.

If the package itself weren’t so expensive (tutors alone likely costing $30-$70 for maximum efficiency) I would say try it and see for yourself. A problem I often ran into with Sunforger was that it took way more resources to get and hold up Sunforger that could have been spent progressing my board or doing something worthwhile. It is a powerful card, but not one that I think truly fits here, even in a storm build.

For example: if you can manage to get all 3 instant speed equip cards, 3 graveyard to bottom of library cards, and hold up the mana to do all this, you could theoretically Settle the Wreckage on each players turn in a pod, rendering you unattackable. However, Intimidation Bolt has a roughly similar effect for about a dozen less card slots and costing around the same mana to hold up for three turns in a row.

TLDR; wouldn’t advise Sunforger, but if you want to include it certainly can be played well If built around properly

As an aside, if you’re just using it as a tutor, and not trying to build around abusing it, it might be reasonable there just to find Teferi’s Protection, Boros Charm, or Angel’s Grace in a pinch. Even then, you’re investing 8 mana to cast one spell from your deck, and a further 5 for each other spell you get with it. Hope this answer is in-depth enough to help with your decision making.

He_Who_Hungers on

5 years ago

Cool take on the quite common equipment deck. Here's some you might consider adding:

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