Well there it is: My full fledged Version of a Pox-Deck for the Tiny-Leaders Format ready to ruin everyones fun.The Deck is full of small but nasty synergies aiming to disrupt the opponents plan.I will address those in the following little card-by-card breakdown;
Kuon himself is a neat guy; Having a big butt he is capable of blocking most creatures in the format by himself; The ability to sometimes become "
The Abyss
" is even nicer for we barely play any "real" creatures at all.
Creatures are few but hand-picked for this deck;
Nether Spirit
can block forever and is a nice little attacker too once the game has turned into a grind.Almost impossible to get rid of.Bloodghast on the other hand is just a dumb attacker profiting from our self-discard effects too and being able to constantly come back from the grave.Finally Necroplasm is there to clean the world of Tokens and Weenies being all the more effective in a format with a mana curve topping at 3. The fact that it's recurrable is just icing on the cake.
Liliana of the Veil is just a strong card and needs no explanation. The fact that she singlehandedly strenghtened Legacy Pox should be sufficent to include her in this deck.
Bitterblossom is another card that should not need any explanation. It's just super dooper strong in a a slow durdly deck like this. As a side note : It feeds Contamination very well.Speaking of with: The card kills nonblack decks singlehandedly and synergyzes with
Nether Spirit
( and
Mishra's Factory
+ Crucible of Worlds) as well.
[Crucible of worlds]] is a value card too, allowing us to reuse all those discarded or sacced lands. Also a great card in conjunction with Wasteland to wreak havok among those 3-color-decks.
Chimeric Idol
is a strong beater who dodges our Pox-Effects and opponents sorcery-speed removal.Same goes for
Phyrexian Totem
who happens to deliver black mana in addition to beeing a BIG beater.
Cursed Scroll
seems to be THE strongest card in the whole deck( maybe even in the format?) allowing us to mitigate the fact that we often play in topdeckmode. Almost all the creatures in this format die to it wich by itself means a lot. Being a (slow] Wincon just makes it better. Never build a deck without this card. Its amazing!
Speaking of WIn-Cons : The Rack and Shrieking Affliction serve as cheap sources of damage - The Former can even damage (and kill) Planeswalkers.With Liliana and Raven's Crime supporting them they can get there.
Pox and
are crazy strong here too - Maximum Resource disruption for a low cost. Mandantory.
Entomb is a pure utility card. Most of the time it will fetch a
Nether Spirit
for endless blocking but there is more to it. Having a crucible in Pplay this can enable the Waste-Lock. Against Tokens it'll fetch the Necroplasm
Reanimate is simpy there to steal their strongest dude from the grave. Again the 3cmc restriction of the format makes this card a lot less painful ( and potentially weaker too :-( ) then in other formats.
The Rest of the deck are Discard Spells and Removal. Most of this Removal even bypasses Shroud/Hexproof and even Indestructability.