
A note from the creator

After playing various stompy builds for about a year and really struggling to compete against top tier decks i decided to do some heavy editing focusing around the decks current painful removal sweat and around the addition of the kaladesh block i decided to move away slightly from our mono background and play a small splash of white and a selection of forest finding fetchlands

This deck has got me into the top 8 in several win a box competitions and regularly got me top 1-4 in 20-25 people fnms with experienced competitive players.

its designed to play similarly to traditional naya zoo. the main differences being it's not quite as fast but has a much more powerful mind/lategame while being very hard for our opponent to deal with (lots of protection spells and in built resistance).


One Drops

  • Narnam Renegade: usually comes in as a 2/3 but still triggers Experiment One as 1/2 and combined with deathtouch makes this our most powerful card in the deck.
  • Experiment One: it get bigger with +1/+1 with every creature and regenerates. (currently used over pelt due to narnam and lion have only 2 power but 3 toughness)
  • Dryad Militant: nice aggressive one drop with built in graveyard hate (it really hates on control).
  • Loam Lion: if your leaning heavily into white a kird ape is always solid (if normally a bit out classed in this crowd)
  • Kytheon, Hero of Akros  : nice aggressive body and if you can lip him on turn 3 it can be a serious game changer

Two Drops

Note this build has currently dropped 2+drops due to hexdrinker doing a very solid impression of a 3 drop while allowing the deck to be even more early game aggressive

Three Drop

More Drop

  • Hooting Mandrills: he's big! he can be cast very cheaply and he is bolt/anger/push proof... oh and did i mention he has trample!



Other Options

for a full GW deck with no counter synergy G/W Stompy.

Traditional/suboptimal options

Other Versions

mono-green thread Stompy (Best Build).

Budget mono-green thread Fast Stompy (Budget).

nacatl thread Nacatl Stompy.

full GW thread G/W Stompy.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 2 years
Splash colors W

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

29 - 12 Rares

21 - 3 Uncommons

Cards 59
Avg. CMC 1.41
Folders None Budget Modern($200 +), Favorite Modern
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