Anje Filter

Commander / EDH* artichoker


MTGSmith says... #1

I really like this list! I made a very similar deck not long after Anje was first spoilt and I'm growing to like it more and more, although I can't win as consistently as you and I've only got the Worldgorger Combo in mine but with Comet Storm , Torment of Hailfire and Exsanguinate as my Mana sinks, I should probably add the Dualcaster/Twinflame combo too just in case.

What cards bar the madness cards would you say are essential to getting Anje out in turn 2 regularly? I was hoping to keep my own list budget friendly to an extent :)

August 3, 2019 8:25 a.m.

MTGSmith says... #2

My list for reference, if you have any advice on card choices that would be greatly appreciated!

August 3, 2019 9:49 a.m.

If you run necropotence, you can use the cleanup step to discard a bunch of cards with madness and find worldgorger+necromancy into avavacyn’s judgement as a potential win line.

August 3, 2019 10:21 a.m.

If you run necropotence, you can use the cleanup step to discard a bunch of cards with madness and find worldgorger+necromancy into avavacyn’s judgement as a potential win line.

August 3, 2019 10:22 a.m.

Needs Boseiju, Who Shelters All . Gorger is already risky enough - and likely where the plan will stop - why risk the Avacyn’s? Tap it, save it, use it if Gorger Combo resolves.

August 3, 2019 10:22 a.m.

tompadget says... #6

Great deck! I hope to have one kinda similar to this with Anje. It looks very fun!

August 4, 2019 11:51 a.m.

Hissp says... #7

Thoughts on Dark Deal ? Seems like it could be gas for stacking untap triggers.

Mausoleum Secrets seems like great value since you're likely to fill your yard. Maybe Street Wraith would also be useful.

Should probably be running Simian Spirit Guide .

August 9, 2019 1:33 p.m.

artichoker says... #8

Hissp, thanks dude, those are some great thoughts.

I was a bit skeptical of Mausoleum Secrets at first because you can't directly fetch Worldgorger with it and it requires a bit of setup. However, you can always grab Entomb and my testing with it showed it was quite strong. Nice find!

I don't like Dark Deal; it's too slow and a worse wheel. Speaking of which, Wheel actually got the cut now that there's increased tutor density with Mausoleum. Mana is limited and you always gotta avoid whiffing on a wheel and then having to pass the turn.

Street Wraith goes in too. It's essentially a "madness" cycler but with more flexibility since Anje commander doesn't have to be out. Also adds to creature density for Mausoleum Secrets and Call of the Netherworld.

Simian Spirit Guide is an insta-include. Not sure how I missed that one.

Great suggestions!

August 10, 2019 2:53 p.m.

Hissp says... #9

I found a few others (I built my own list to fish with).

Have you tested stacking the untap triggers with wheel effects and/or Necropotence . Necro seems like one of the strongest cards in the deck, as you can win during the cleanup step with B open into Dark Ritual .

Restless Dreams is a must-include. You can also stack untap triggers discarding other madness cards. It's often better than Shadow of the Grave .

I put Cabal Ritual , Rain of Filth , and Mox Amber in my list. It's a judgement call how deep into "more rituals" you wanna dive but in trying to filter-storm off I found myself often wishing for mana more than any other resource.

Bone Miser feels like HUGE value. He turns filtering into unstoppable advantage. I also threw in Reanimate for him but that might be incorrect. Maybe Skirge Familiar would also be a good include for similar reasons.

Phantasmagorian is a cute way to untap Anje for free (which might make or break comboing off)

Shadowblood Ridge gives you T1 Anje potential with Mana Crypt .

Also don't forget the newly printed Archfiend of Spite!

I cut the Dualcaster/Twinflame combo. I'm not sure how often you're leaning on that but those cards are dead outside the main combo.

I'd also cut Jeweled Amulet , as it's dead outside the combo turn. I'd think about adding the almost-as-good Skirk Prospector if you're finding me wrong about that.

August 10, 2019 4:30 p.m.

shadowmage says... #10

add Sunscorched Desert then you can win with just worldgorger and animate dead

August 12, 2019 2:44 p.m.

Chillerpillar says... #11

Can you(or anyone else) explain Necropotence in a deck like this? How can you win when it is on the battlefield? BR has no enchantment removal too so you can't get rid of it. I fail to see it, please help me out here

August 12, 2019 4:13 p.m.

artichoker says... #12

Hissp, good thoughts my dude. I agree with Necro and have added it. Restless Dreams also sounds promising - will need to find if there's a slot for it. Seems like it could hurt early game though if there aren't enough creatures in the grave yet. Bone Miser and Phantasmagorian seem a bit too cutesy and like they would cut into the core density of the deck, but let me know how your testing goes. I have DualCaster combo in there as a backup, since if Worldgorger gets exiled, you essentially have no possible way to win. I could see an argument for taking them out though, since we're a one-trick pony anyway. (I may actually test that)

shadowmage, the reason I don't like Sunscorched Desert is because Anje is very color-reliant and if you've already played a land the turn you're going off (which most of the time you have since you need the mana) you won't have a way to win with that outlet on your combo turn.

Chillerpillar, Necropotence actually doesn't really have any interference with Madness or Anje's ability so it essentially doesn't hurt us at all. Here's its notes/rules information on interaction with Madness: "If you discard a card with madness and wish to cast it, Necropotence’s ability won’t exile that card. If you don’t wish to cast it, you choose whether it ends up exiled or in your graveyard. (2017-11-17)"

August 12, 2019 11:22 p.m.

Hissp says... #13

If worldgorger gets exiled plan B is your madness cards!! It's not great but I think it's better than clogging the deck with 2 dead draws. And that's a bonus to Bone Miser!

August 13, 2019 9:53 a.m.

Skeptimist says... #14

Songs of the Damned seems quite promising post-Anje to ramp up to the win cons after you find an initial mana source e.g. Lotus Petal , Mox Diamond , Mox Amber or Chrome Mox

I realize the mana requirements are quite steep here but it would be nice to have Command Beacon in case you are disrupted or whiff on the first attempt

I'd also consider Duress or Thoughtseize for a bit more protection.

August 13, 2019 8:51 p.m.

Hissp says... #15

Yes to Songs of the Damned !

I've also added Final Fortune .

I think you can cut Cut (haha), as Bloodhall Priest is also a wincon. This would be a good reason to run Phantasmagorian .

August 15, 2019 10:24 a.m.

artichoker says... #16

Yeah I'm considering cutting Cut, my only lingering concern there is we're reducing wincon density which makes Consult riskier in some cases. Also, you can see my description for how to get hellbent with Priest to win. Phantasmagorian is definitely not needed.

Songs of the damned does seem pretty cool!

August 16, 2019 10:47 p.m.

Hissp says... #17

Haha yes I realized that Phantasmagorian wasn't needed in my own testing - sorry I missed it in your description!

Thoughts on Final Fortune ?

Thoughts on Chaos Warp as an answer to enchantments?

August 18, 2019 11:32 a.m.

We over at Playing With Power MTG played this deck for our season finale! It was a lot of fun. We slotted in more interaction than this one currently had it (at least when we built it). We put in Imp's Mischief , Chaos Warp , Fire Covenant , Toxic Deluge , Faerie Macabre , Dark Confidant , and Thoughtseize .

The Doomsday line didn't seem to ever work out from when we played it. I always found myself either short on mana when wanting to cast it, or just wanting something else instead of doomsday. That's not to say it's not a good plan or line, that's just some feedback is all.

August 20, 2019 9:34 a.m.

I so regreting underestimating Anje when spoiled... this list is NUTS! I have a few questions though.

1- How do we win if Worldgorger is exiled from our graveyard/deck ? do we have any backup wincons other than worldgorger loops?

2- There's a few Trassios/Tymna decks in my new playgroup and life is being hell right now, how's our winrate against Hulk variants?

August 20, 2019 11:34 a.m.

Necron_Maverick there was a Twinflame / Dualcaster Mage combo in the deck for backups as well, but that appears to be gone. I'd sub in some more targeted graveyard hate and hand disruption against flash hulk decks.

August 20, 2019 12:51 p.m.

Snowflakz says... #21

Great deck I like that you exploit the flavor of the commander and use as many madness cards as possible.

I also built the deck for the first spoiler. However, I used a slightly different strategy.

I would like your feedback on the list :) enter link description here

August 20, 2019 3:26 p.m.

bruis81 says... #22

A nice combo line i was going to try for backup is necrotic ooze, kiki jiki, and mogg fanatic. Also goblin matron finds these as well as squee. Also buried alive can set this up with anger to give ooze haste

August 20, 2019 9:12 p.m.

bruis81 says... #23

My list plans to be less all in on madness cards and a bit more interactive with a few combo finishes. However it was cool to see like 10 cards filtered in a turn on the season finale.

August 20, 2019 9:18 p.m.

Judge_Beard says... #24

How about Garna, the Bloodflame ? Even at 5 mana, I can see her being pretty useful on a long madness turn.

August 20, 2019 10:31 p.m.

koylucumert says... #25

Isnt Necropotence just awful in this deck? The way you mainly put Worldgorger Dragon in your graveyard is by discarding it to anje, and necropotence exiles it. You dont even have a way to kill your own necropotence so you are stuck with it, essentially having shut down your own primary wincon.

August 22, 2019 5:01 a.m.

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