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Kroxacoin to the MOON

Modern BRG (Jund)




2-0 BW Eldrazi and Taxes

2-0 Dimir Urza

1-2 Crabvine

1-2 Amulet

1-2 Jund

2-0 Burn

2-0 BW Eldrazi Taxes

0-2 Bant Stoneblade

2-0 The Rack

2-1 Jund

2-1 Bogles(Bad matchup alert)

2-0 UB Mill

2-0 BR Unearth(Best version confirmed)

0-2 Eldrazi Tron

2-0 Devoted Devastation (No Heliod version)

2-1 Jund

2-0 Bant Snowblade

1-2 Burn

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Collective Brutality mainboard means we have a chance in a matchup where we shouldn't honestly have one. Their clock is faster than ours, however, we can easily win with the 1-2 combination of Brutality into Skelemental, they should run out of gas very quick if we manage. Post sideboard we get access to Scavenging Ooze , a third Collective Brutality , and Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
These matchups are weird. They draw tons of cards, and can stabilize with Swords and Batterskull, so they should be hard. However, after testing, they have a very small ammount of creatures. If you remove everything they play, they'll end up losing by drawing a ton of air. You'll have to 2 for 1 yourself a few times, but trust me, discarding the creatures and removing them even if they draw cards with their ETBs is way more important towards the end. Save Fatal Push for Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath and the Germ token if you can, and you should be good, since our clock is good, and Skelemental hits will make them very sad.
These matchups are good. We're constantly discarding their best cards, and Dreadhorde Arcanist wins the game on his own if he manages to stick. Just remember to prioritize well what threats you want to remove. Post sideboard they get even better, since we get access to Plague Engineer , Anger of the Gods and Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
Try being fast game 1. Post sideboard, the couple of x3 Fulminator Mage and x4 Unearth will make it really hard for them to assemble their lands. If they assemble their stuff and slam down a Wurmcoil Engine or Primeval Titan , then the games become really hard. Still, this aggressive Skelemental approach has way more game against these than traditional BR and Jund lists.
These matchups are pretty even. Your hands are way more resilient to discard spells if you have an Unearth in it, since they'll be forced to take it, or take another spell. If they Kroxa or Liliana you, you can just discard a Kroxa, Pyromancer or Skelemental and revive it next turn. It's hilarious!
Be faster and disruptive. A discard spell followed by Skelemental beatdowns is a very good plan against these decks. Ancient Grudge is fantastic for this deck's sideboard if Artifact combo is a big thing at your LGS.
This one's hard since we enable them by making them discard stuff. Dredge seems very hard, and Crabvine is faster than us and they don't mind discarding cards from their hand at all. Our best shot is post sideboard, an early Nihil Spellbomb , or Surgical Extraction combined with Arcanist to shut down most of their threats, then Ashiok, Dream Render to exile their graveyard every turn, Anger of the Gods to wipe their recursive threats, and Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet to stabilize

We're all gonna make it

I actually think the deck's fucking legit.

Will actually keep updating. Excited about the deck.

Updates: July-2020: Cling to dust added to the main. Removed 1 unearth and 1 Brutality

3-Febuary-2021: Added Magmatic Channelers 3-March-2021: Back to DHA instead of Channeler


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98% Competitive

Date added 4 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 1 Mythic Rares

27 - 9 Rares

10 - 5 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.07
Tokens Elemental 1/1 R, Zombie 2/2 B
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