Rakdos Reanimental

Modern* Mattydap


Having the deck right in front of me playtesting —Aug. 16, 2022

Quite a few changes have been made to the deck.

  1. The landbase changed a little bit adding one each of the new kamigawa lands just for the chance they are relevant

  2. Took out a bit of the outdated removal in place of merchant of the vale and ashenmoor liege hoping to make it more consistent and the liege lets me recur the fulminator mage in game 2

  3. Still considering adding another color for better cards while still not straight losing to blood moon and leyline of the void

  4. Would still like feedback on this deck, plan on doing more playtests at FNM and hopefully get the kinks out before too long.

htfilm says... #1

Overall, I really like the deck. It's a solid concept that has some great synergies. There are, however, a few changes I would make. First, you probably want to add some Thoughtseize . Sieze can take more than Inquisition, especially things like Cryptic Command or Jace, the Mind Sculptor , and this change makes your disruption stronger. Not sure how many is correct though. Ball Lightning and Spark Elemental are both cute, but I'm not sure how much work they really do here. Some number of Ball Lightning could be good to pressure your opponent, but I don't think the Spark Elemental s are worth it. I would replace them with Fulminator Mage s. Fulminator seems so good to run in the main here. It works great with both Unearth and Thunderkin Awakener , giving this deck a land disruption dimension that also improves game one against tron. Then, I would add Kolaghan's Command . KCommand gives us another way to rebuy our elementals and also serves a variety of other roles at the same time. It's perfect here. I would also remove the Dragonskull Summit s and throw in one or two more fetchlands that can get swamps (this also pairs well with Fatal Push ), as well as more basic swamps (cut a mountain if you need to). This is where the sideboard comes in. With the Fulminators removed, You have a bit more space. Add a fourth Leyline of the Void to maximize your chances of starting with one. Some of the Claim / Fame s, if not all, should go too, as they can't get a Ball, Skelemental, or Fulminator back- basically all your best reanimation targets. Then, add in 3-4 Blood Moon , depending on the meta. Your two-color manabase, with the basic swamps, gives you yet another way of disrupting your opponent's mana. I also think that this means you can take the Damping Sphere s out, as your tron match-up is looking excellent with the blood moons and Fulminators. Add in a pair of Surgical Extraction if you can for even more graveyard hate. The Anger of the Gods is not a great interaction with your recursion, so I would swap them with Sweltering Suns , which doesn't exile and also can be cycled, and perhaps a Terminate or two to deal with larger threats. The other thing I worry about with this deck is that there aren't enough good ways to discard elementals to be brought back. Faithless Looting is excellent, of course, but swapping two of the Lightning Bolt s for Lightning Axe gives you another route to discard as well as a way to deal with larger threats mainboard. Put this all together and I think you have a very strong deck, with the ability to dish out large amounts of damage quickly, as well as use your hand-attack, KCommand, Skelemental, Fulminator (recurring every turn to blow up lands), and Moon to lock your opponent out of the game completely. Flamekin Harbinger serves as the glue to this disruptive machine. One interesting card I found as I was looking for other options was Bloodpyre Elemental . You can't hardcast it, so you'll have to get it back with Awakener, but it can be tutored for with Harbinger. One copy in the sideboard seems interesting.

Anyway, those are just my thoughts. The deck seems sweet and potentially very powerful, and I'm excited to see what it can do.

June 26, 2019 9:52 p.m.

I think you're a little heavy of removal and light on kill potential. Also, Fulminator Mage doesn't work with Thunderkin Awakener because it's strictly lesser than toughness. I don't normally like the self plugs, but my list and yours differ so much I want to see your opinion Value/Combo Balls

June 27, 2019 7:49 a.m.

Mattydap Mainboard 2x Terminate, take out 1x Fatal Push and 1x Collective Brutality. Would also like to point out other options for getting rid of your opponents resources: Mind Rake and Blightning. Mind Rake's overload also gives you a way to put your elementals in the graveyard. Also, depending on whether or not you've bought the deck yet, Prismatic Vista works like Marsh Flats for your deck, and is a cheaper option. I'd add in another Surgical Extraction as well, after removing a Terminate from the sideboard. Chandra, Acolyte of Flame also seems like it would like this deck. Lastly, if you wanted to splash white, Spark Trooper is very good and if you wanted to splash green Groundbreaker would make a great addition.

(On a separate note, if you see a lot of Planeswalkers in your meta, Dreadbore is a good option instead of Terminate.)

June 27, 2019 1:29 p.m. Edited.

hungry000 says... #5

1-2 Ingot Chewer in the sb is good for artifact hate vs the karn prison decks since you can tutor it out with Flamekin Harbinger. You might not feel like you need it since you have K Command but it's something to think about.

June 28, 2019 12:18 a.m.

hman4398 says... #6


June 28, 2019 2:40 a.m.

hman4398 says... #7


June 28, 2019 2:45 a.m.

Jackfrost23 says... #8

Can i steal this? It is so cool!

June 28, 2019 3:47 p.m.

Jackfrost23 says... #9

June 28, 2019 3:57 p.m.

Mattydap says... #10

Jackfrost23 yeah go for it dude, I posted this deck so other people could play with it. Also I tried Spark Elemental and it's just not worth it.

June 28, 2019 8:25 p.m.

domgrigore says... #11

Have you considered Ashenmoor Liege? Can be brought back with Awakener and buffs all your creatures, potentially allowing you to recur Fulminator Mage every turn

July 1, 2019 2:26 p.m.

ThatOneMfer says... #12

Really loving this deck ATM. I watched Saffron Olive play a version of this on his MTGGoldfish stream the other day. Looked super fun. +1.

July 4, 2019 1:05 p.m.

DrayDray says... #13

I like the deck! +1

My feedback:

  1. I definitely agree that maybe a single copy of Blightning in the mainboard could be beneficial.

  2. I would also suggest Murderous Cut - between Faithless Looting and all the other low-cost Instants and Sorceries you are running 1 copy of Murderous Cut would be easy to cast for 1 black mana consistently.

  3. Tragic Slip would be very easy to turn on with all your creature hate and self-sacrificing.

  4. That being said you do run a fair amount of creature hate - I think mainboarding a copy or 2 of Nihil Spellbomb in the place of 1 or 2 destruction spells would improve your game 1s against decks like Dredge and Phoenix - just a thought

Looks good though, good luck!

July 9, 2019 2:53 p.m.

Flooremoji says... #14

Faithless Looting ban was really hard on this deck. Do you think it could add Merchant of the Vale as the replacement?

September 27, 2019 3:30 p.m.

Chasmolinker says... #15

Cool deck! +1
Please cut Eldrazi Conscription for Pyretic Ritual. Also not a fan of Prismatic Vista. Dragonskull Summit would be better here.

August 10, 2022 2 p.m.

Mattydap says... #16

Chasmolinker Thanks for the feedback! I don't know how an eldrazi conscription found its way in, I think the Auto-suggestions were screwing with me. Also I kind of prefer the Vista over adding another land that taps for mana simply off the basis of deck thinning and trying to draw as little lands as possible, but I may try out having the more consistent land base during play testing. That might just be my Death's Shadow brain talking though

August 10, 2022 4:44 p.m.

Mattydap Hey there. Long time no see as far as this list is concerned; if you want to make it more modern, one of the first things I'd recommend is going 4c, honestly. You gain Spark Trooper that way, but also more importantly get access to Faithful Mending which is an excellent way to start binning cards. You also get access to some excellent removal pieces such as Prismatic Ending and excellent card advantage such as Expressive Iteration, all of which I think would make this deck excel. Let me know if you need any other help and I'll try to keep an eye on this list. Thanks!

August 11, 2022 12:27 a.m.

Chasmolinker says... #18

AbyssusDraconem that sounds like a Jeskai build... Spark Trooper would be OK at 3 MV but it doesn't connect with Unearth.

This list already has enough ways to bin cards with Lightning Axe, Cathartic Reunion and Collective Brutality. If there were any room for it, Altar's Reap would be a good card to sac the Lightnings after combat for added value.

August 11, 2022 2:55 p.m.

Mattydap says... #19

AbyssusDraconem I appreciate the response, I have considered splashing white for Thrilling Discovery . Though I wouldn't want to add Spark Elemental because I can't get it back with Unearth. Prismatic ending would be a nice edition for combating like Chalice or something.

Chasmolinker Altar's Reap would be cool, but wouldn't Village Rites work better?

August 11, 2022 7:11 p.m.

Chasmolinker says... #20

100% For some reason I didn’t think that was Modern legal. Not sure why.

August 11, 2022 11:11 p.m.

Mattydap Yeah, did not remember the unearth. Didn’t glance closely enough at the list - still would advise Prismatic Ending and Expressive Iteration and I think Faithful Mending beats out Cathartic Reunion in my book, but totally up to you.

August 12, 2022 4:03 a.m.