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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Oldschool 93/94 | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Xira Arien
Legendary Creature — Insect Wizard
, : Target player draws a card.

legendofa on
"Commonly Mispronounced" Tribal
7 months ago
I actually have no idea how to pronounce a lot of these. The ones that are real words I can get, but I don't know how most of the made-up names go--I can read them, but I don't know the official pronunciation--stress patterns, weird letters, etc. Maybe I should listen to more podcasts or watch videos or whatever.
A lot of them are just paying attention to letter order. Je gan tha, not Je nga tha. St ro mkirk, not St or mkirk.
Some of my (probably wrong) pronunciations Show
How did I do?
EnbyGolem on Rare commander build?
3 years ago
Wow, great thread idea! I love seeing what other obscure commanders folks are running!
My original EDH deck was a creepy crawlies theme (insects, spiders, scorpions, and oozes) that used Xira Arien. I don’t really see any other decks with her at the helm. The deck is retired now but it was a pretty fun concept!
The deck I use the most now is my old-border jank deck with Balthor the Defiled as the commander. It is by far my favorite thing to play with :) Interestingly, Balthor seems to have a fair number more decks in his name. When I started my build almost 2 years ago, he had around 90 decks on EDHRec; I’m not sure why but he has double that now.
GangstaFranksta on
Red Green Black EDH
3 years ago
These are the things I don't think are very strong in the deck at the moment.
Death Denied just takes them to your hand and most of the ones you want are big, it would probably be better if it put them on top of your library. The same could be said for Darigaaz's Charm, Phyrexian Reclamation, Necromantic Thirst, and Disentomb.
I don't think Charmbreaker Devils, Xira Arien, Staff of Nin, or Yurlok of Scorch Thrash add anything to this deck at all.
I'm not sure Hoarding Dragon and Lathliss, Dragon Queen is that good; are these really worth it? This doesn't seem like a dragon focus deck really, even though you do have a few dragons. I think the energy is better spent focusing on another theme like big creatures and sacrificing, ramping, or jund control.
Jund Battlemage puts tokens onto the field but it costs a mana I'm not 100% sure it's worth. Something like Dragonlair Spider or Grave Titan like I mentioned in my last comment are more worth it imo.
I don't like Shreds of Sanity because there aren't that many instants or sorceries in the deck to begin with and I feel that the deck would be stronger if it focused on it's creatures anyway.
tiffanyann on Unique Commanders
3 years ago
Hey guys! For those who don't know me, I'm Tiff and I like to build fun and underplayed commanders. My playgroup has tasked me with coming up with a new deck or theme that hasn't been done to death so I wanna open up the discussion with you guys; What should I build?!
I want something crazy and unique or maybe something never been done before. Any cool suggestions or decks you've always dreamed of?
I'm super janky so anything goes.
Genju of the Realm no creatures only enchant lands is a weird example.
Or Xira Arien Oogie Boogie (Grist) all bugs.
EnbyGolem on Fun Commander
3 years ago
My all time favorite is Balthor the Defiled but I also really like Kami of the Crescent Moon and Xira Arien . I've also seen really cool builds around Volrath the Fallen too! I play in quite an underpowered play group so these might not be best picks for you but I would still try giving them a shot! You never know, a janky old lengendary might be the perfect match :)
legendofa on Card creation challenge
3 years ago
Nobody tell fatalzintomyum about Ragnar or Xira Arien .
Idoneity on None
4 years ago
The set of Legends introduced both Legendary creatures and multi-coloured cards into the game. More important is the second for the sake of this comment.
Dakkon Blackblade , of the same set as Halfdane , oddly adheres to what we see today of the ordering, being .
Lady Evangela bears the mana cost of .
More inconsistencies can be seen in Sol'kanar ()and Tetsuo Umezawa (), Xira Arien () and Vaevictis (), and, lastly, Angus () and Ragnar ().
Oddly enough, all of the four Naya legends ( Johan , Jacques , Palladia-Mors , and Hazezon Tamar) have the same colour ordering.
All of the two-colour combinations (except for Rakdos ?) are backwards from what we see today, yet are all constant.
The Dark's Scarwood Gobbo () is similar to Legends' mana costs, an ensample being The Lady of the Mountain () (my favourite card of all time).
The afield system seems to have been rectified in Ice Age, for it had Centaur Archer (), Diabolic Vision (), and Chromatic Armor ().
(Legends had Jedit Ojanen ())
My concensus here is that WOTC did not have much of a grasp as to amounts and mana costs in the debut set, whereupon inconsistencies may be seen about the expansion, yet they righted this two releases later.
Not much is actually in this comment, but others may use this information as they wish to sieve through Magic's multi-coloured monstrosities.
Idoneity on
The Gyves of Mendacities
4 years ago
Mcat1999 - No, please. I welcome any commentary, and I am more than fain to describe my deck building. I stopped using the description for strategy analysis in favour of my turgid writing style some while agone.
So, I enjoy building older commanders, but synergizing can be a little difficult. This is especially prominent in the set Legends. From merely perusing all of them, they are not too powerful and lack much in their colour identity. (As examples, Dakkon cares about lands in Esper and Xira Arien forcing card draw in Jund.) With Halfdane , I had to build an Esper deck that abuses power and toughness.
Due to the general not having Red or Green, I am forced to be creative. The thing I went to immediately were creatures that acquired different stat-lines regarding board states, such as Consuming Aberration . A fair number uses the number of cards I have in hand to tell (around sixteen total in the colour combination), thus I have a deck built around drawing cards.
That brought me the goal of having a large hand size; I then needed to get there somehow. I chose for a control deck with a Flash subtheme, using Nymris and Hippocamp as draw engines. If not, I have a lot of card draw, along with tutors to find the card draw.
Flashing things in on the end step before my turn also allows Halfdane to gain their power and toughness immediately. That is the reason for the giant speedy idiots.
Unfortunately, non-Green decks need time to draw cards, so I have wraths and defence to stay my opponents' aggression.
This left me with a controlling, card draw deck with giant Flash creatures . It mainly wins by never relenting on any front and slowing my foes to a point of non-progression, all whilst I assail them with 7/7s. Entreat the Angels is honestly just a backup plan if I draw a Mystical Tutor .
In summation: control the board, ramp into big idiots , fulminate thy who art inimical.
This was overlong, but I hope it explained your query.