Wit's End

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Wit's End


Target player discards his or her hand.

TheOfficialCreator on Tergrid EDH

1 year ago

I'm not sure Gauntlet of Power or Invoke Despair are necessary.

Cards like Thoughtseize, Ostracize, Inquisition of Kozilek, Harsh Scrutiny, etc. are pretty good with Tergrid s well.

Also, Memory Jar, dear god.

Reality Smasher, Street Wraith, Struggle for Sanity and Wit's End are also possible inclusions, as are Dark Ritual and Cabal Ritual.

Juuluk on Deathkeeper, shaman spellcaster- looking for …

3 years ago

Decklist: Sek'Kuar, Shamankeeper

Hello everyone, this is my first post. I'm looking for some advice on a few of my combos in my Sek'kuar the deathkeeper edh deck. It's my first edh deck and the first time i've built singleton as well, so i hope to gain some insight from some more experienced deckbuilders.

First of all, it's shaman tribal, and i have most of my creature slots handled. My main combo in the deck is Mortuary coupled with Verdant Succession. Together, those two can get me infinite if I have my commander or Judith, the Scourge Diva and any green creature if it sacs itself, which shamans are good at. I think this one is solid, but i'd like a second opinion if anyone can see a flaw i can't.

That's my main win combo, but i have a blow your top off style combo for the win as well. This one i'm mainly focused on instants and sorceries being in my graveyard. It involves Finale of Promise and a Shaman's Trance, as well as two valid targets in my graveyard to cast, or yours. This one i'm more concerned about, and I'm juggling several spells to include. Right now I have Sins of the Past and Decree of Pain as well as Searing Wind and Haunting Hymn in the instants pile. Also considering Worst Fears and Wit's End.

The idea with this is to either use an emergence zone to do it on my opponents turn or to do it on my main phase, thats why I thought the hymn would be good. The Sins of the Past is a questionable replacement for a Yawgmoth's Will, but if I copy it with the finale, I could target multiple spells in everyone's graveyard with it, correct? Idk though, it feels janky. If anyone has some streamlining suggestions for either win condition I'd really appreciate it, thanks.

Also: whenever I try to link my commanders card it pops up with decklists. He gives 3/1 graveborn tokens with haste when nontoken creatures die in case anyone doesn't know. Hence why the Mortuary combo would be so effective, since they can't really stop all the sac triggers. At least, i dont think it can be interfered with really. I'm just getting back into magic after a four or five year break, so sorry if I seem especially dumb rn.

shadow63 on Favorite Answers?

4 years ago

KibaAlpha why not play Wit's End or Monomania

Necrocol on dis nigga

4 years ago

A great start to what I was thinking of doing.

I recommend considering these as well Mindslicer, Delirium Skeins, Mind Shatter, Gibbering Descent, maybe even Wit's End

ztcrown on

5 years ago

Crosis's Charm , Cruel Ultimatum , Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur , Dream Salvage , Perplex , Skull Rend , Fraying Omnipotence , Rakdos's Return , Wit's End , Quest for the Nihil Stone , Patient Rebuilding , Shrieking Affliction , Torment of Hailfire , And also there's lots of great specter creatures that would work great in the deck, probably better than a dragon sub-theme if you wanted to go full discard control.

Iamme10000 on Rise of Nicol Bolas: Grixis SuperFIENDS

5 years ago

Full of fun effects and flavor, but you don't call things to my attention for flavor shenanigans. You call things to my attention for cold, ruthless efficiency.

First of all, you have cards that pull you in directions that the deck...just isn't going. Malfegor wants you to discard your hand, but you like having a full hand of tricks. Ashnod's Altar wants you to sacrifice creatures, but most of your creatures aren't expendable. God-Pharaoh's Gift wants you to reanimate things smaller than 4/4s, but most of the things you'd want to reanimate are bigger. Not sure you have enough cards (dragons and instants/sorceries) for Bladewing the Risen or Augur of Bolas. Fraying Omnipotence hurts you just as much or more as it does the other players, and Apex of Power is neat in theory, but with the number of big, expensive things you're running, you'll usually be casting only one card off of it. Gate to the Afterlife wants you to have things dying, but your things are too expensive to kill so haphazardly.

Then there's a few things that just suffer from the scale of EDH. Tormenting Voice can do work in mono-red, but you have blue. Play blue card draw. It's just...better. Even the cheap stuff. Hell, Chart a Course is a bad option and it's almost strictly better. Eternal of Harsh Truths doesn't do all that much here, just drawing you a few cards...whopee. It's EDH. Nobody cares. Likewise, Undermine has pretty much no upside over Cancel, and if you can, I'd try to find a better counterspell. For Elder Mastery, I'd be hesitant including it, because it bares your throat to removal or tempo plays for not...too much gain, because if you can leverage it to advantage, you're probably already winning. Sadly, except in niche cases, Wit's End isn't super effective in EDH because it won't hit for more than a few cards in almost all cases.

And never forget in EDH, your general matters. When you flip Bolas, you get a super powerful 'walker and an endless stream of cards. To fully take advantage of this, play removal, a few cheap counterspells, and most importantly, MORE RAMP. You are a very top-heavy deck. You gotta double down on that ramp; you'll always have something to do with your mana, especially with Bolas in the helm.

I have more optimizing comments, but those are the big glaring problems I see. Others are suboptimal things that you might want to keep for fun and trolling (I know how you play).

For card suggestions, peruse Lord Bolas. It is a rather expensive list, at times, but it can give you an idea of how to work with the Ravager as a commander.

Jimmy_Chinchila on GodSmack

6 years ago

You might consider Nephalia Academy to hedge against hand discard like Wit's End or Sire Of Insanity.

Learn from the Past can help refill your library in longer games, or Elixir of Immortality or Laboratory Maniac even, so you don’t mill yourself.

You might also consider some Planeswalkers. Tamiyo, the Moon Sage especially, and most Jace’s, could go a long way.

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