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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Vanguard of Brimaz
Creature — Cat Soldier
Heroic -- Whenever you cast a spell that targets Vanguard of Brimaz, put a 1/1 white Cat Soldier creature token with vigilance onto the battlefield.

LB0818 on
Spells of a Feather! (Feather - Cantrip)
2 years ago
Added cards Boon of Safety & Illuminator Virtuoso. Removed Press into Service & Vanguard of Brimaz.
zapyourtumor on
Pussy on F I R E
3 years ago
Always happy to see a cat deck.
Have you considered Brimaz, King of Oreskos? He's a cracked card if not answered immediately. Adorned Pouncer is also great.
For the one drop slot, I prefer Leonin Vanguard over Sacred Cat.
Also, all your creatures are cmc 3 or less. I would definitely consider cutting the 2x Chariots (they don't look that great tbh) and try to fit in 4 Collected Company.
I'm also not sure why you have 3x Rancor and 2x Madcap skills -- I feel like they would be a lot better in a heroic-type cat tribal with Vanguard of Brimaz and Tethmos High Priest. They don't seem to fit here (maybe I should try to revive my cat tribal deck with these hmm?).
Prismatic Ending is a great removal card for any deck running white and 3+ colors, I'd definitely consider cutting a few paths and adding it here.
When you finally make a sideboard, Prowling Serpopard would be really effective against any deck that runs counterspells.
TheVectornaut on
Heroic white Soldiers
4 years ago
Strive is an excellent way to ensure you're not missing out on heroic triggers on your other creatures when spells inevitably get diverted to Phalanx Leader . Launch the Fleet and Ajani's Presence are the best two options in white. If you don't mind running nonhumans, Vanguard of Brimaz and Tethmos High Priest could make Fight as One viable instead. More generic instant/sorceries could be Gird for Battle , Hope and Glory , and Tandem Tactics . Finally, if you prefer the Hero of Iroas , Kor Spiritdancer type of play, Spirit Mantle + Daybreak Coronet is a great way to push damage and Karametra's Blessing is a nice trick.
multimedia on
Feathers: The Musical
4 years ago
Hey, you're welcome.
Giving your opponent's 10 life when Aria ETB sucks, but because with Feather your able to cast so many instants a turn the 10 life isn't much overall. Aria's verse counters scale that's what makes the 10 life less of a problem and makes it so good with Feather.
Tajic is better with more of a token go wide strategy because then you can get mentor benefit with your creatures and you can take more advantage of his damage protection with your own spells that do damage to all creatures. You have a token subtheme here with Warboss and Pyromancer. If you like Tajic could expand on tokens with heroic: Akroan Crusader and Vanguard of Brimaz. An expanded token theme makes Zada, Hedron Grinder good because any pump spell that targets Zada also targets Feather and each token you control.
Tajic protects your creatures from noncombat damage meaning spells such as Chandra's Ignition which is good Feather because you first target a creature. If you target Tajic then he doesn't die from Ignition and all your other creatures including Feather also don't die, but potentially all your opponents creatures do as well as doing damage to each opponent. Ignition can be bonkers with Zada, Tajic and tokens because then each token is a copy of Ignition. Blasphemous Act and Chain Reaction are two other powerful damage spells that can be one sided creature board wipes with Tajic and tokens.
jakeyuki12 on
Feather's Token Tantrum (~$200)
4 years ago
Hiya! Long time Boros player here.
If you find yourself wanting more token makers, Vanguard of Brimaz is another option. You could also run tutors to find them like Recruiter of the Guard and Imperial Recruiter.
Additionally, Feather is a very mana-hungry commander. Because of that, I recommend you up your land count to 38 lands. You need to consistently make your land drop every single turn with this deck, so you need to have a healthy land count.
Now besides those, I've just got a few tips when it comes to building a Feather deck. Many Feather decks run into the problem of wanting to do too much. You said you want your build to be the token build with Voltron as a back-up. I think that's great. I see you running cards like Iroas, God of Victory and Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite that support the token theme that I don't see others run in Feather decks, so kudos to you for those. With that in mind, you might want to reconsider running the burn cards you currently have since they don't support tokens nor board-wipes.
Okay, let me get into important pieces of Feather decks. Feather is a powerful commander, but she has one serious flaw- if she's not on board, your deck falls apart very quickly. When she is out the cards in your deck as incredible, when she's not they're quite bad. Your deck relies almost entirely on synergy, so you need to make sure you protect Feather. With that in mind, figure out how many low-cost protection spells that target you need to consistently protect Feather. Basically, enough so that you always have a way to protect Feather when you play her.
Now, as far as ramp goes, I find you really want your ramp to be two-mana and be able to produce colored mana. This way, you can play Feather on turn 3 with one mana open to protect her.
You've got a solid list already, I think the suggestions and some thoughtful consideration on your part can make it even better.
jakeyuki12 on
Feather 75%
5 years ago
I've seen a lot of decks built around Feather, the Redeemed and I've been playing Boros in EDH for a long time, so hopefully I can give some helpful advice.
The first thing I noticed- you only have 6 ways to ramp in your deck. Feather decks tend to be very mana-hungry, wanting to always have mana to cast your spells and also have enough open to protect Feather. I find for a Feather deck mana-rocks that cost two mana are ideal. They let you cast a mana-rock turn two, play Feather turn three with one mana held up for a protection spell. You already have some signets, which is good. Other good ones are Talisman of Conviction, Marble Diamond, Star Compass, Coldsteel Heart, etc.
Another thing I noticed is that you're playing both Mirrorwing Dragon and Zada, Hedron Grinder but only have one creature that can generate tokens (that being Monastery Mentor) and no way to tutor said creature. If you're going to be running those bigger creatures that multiply your effects across all your creatures, you're going to want to run more token makers. Some decent ones include Young Pyromancer, Akroan Crusader, and Vanguard of Brimaz.
Finally, I advise upping your land count to 38. Like I said, Feather is a mana-hungry deck, so you want to consistently make your land drop every turn of the game. Having 38 lands as opposed to 36 helps with that.
Also though, how has Underworld Breach been performing in your deck? At first glance it doesn't look like the best card for a Feather deck since you're not exactly filling up your graveyard, but I can definitely be wrong.
thepowermine on Official missing/incorrect card/token thread
5 years ago
Akroan Crusader and Vanguard of Brimaz seem to be showing the wrong tokens.
mmartak on
Feather in My Cap
5 years ago
- Anax and Cymede
- Balduvian Rage listed
- Chandra's Ignition check
- Dualcaster Mage another
- Mirrorwing Dragon listed
- Monastery Mentor listed, $
- Phalanx Leader
- Sheltering Light listed
- Thermo-Alchemist
- Valorous Stance listed
- Vanguard of Brimaz listed
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