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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Elemental Horse

Haste (This creature can attack the turn it comes under your control.)

When Thundermare enters the battlefield, tap all other creatures.

king-saproling on Look at my horse

2 years ago

Wow this deck has some unexpected horsepower. What do you think of Emiel the Blessed? It makes infinite colorless with Workhorse.

Riding the Dilu Horse could be another thematic way to present lethal with Jegantha.

Some others you might like: Sundering Growth, Thundermare, Verity Circle, Tithe, Phantom Steed, Corpse Knight, Lu Xun, Scholar General, Capture of Jingzhou

ProximaNova on Ilharg, the Raze-Boar

4 years ago

I reccomend Spawn of Thraxes, Warstorm Surge, Thundermare (which makes a great combo with Warstorm Surge before your Commander is out), Fanatic of Mogis, and Demanding Dragon

kennical on The Spiciest Pork Chop

5 years ago

I feel like Ilharg's ability was created for creatures like Etali, Primal Storm , Bedlam Reveler , Lathliss, Dragon Queen where the creature might be temporary, but they have permanent effects. I love the inclusion of Thundermare and Breaker of Armies for the free swings though.

K1ngMars on Help Finding Cards for a …

5 years ago

I'd consider cards that tap all the creatures of your opponents (which also protects from incoming attacks your planeswalkers):

And I'd also consider cards that double the damage rowan can deal with her minus ability, so that you can better clean the board:

majorappliance on Elementribal Horde of Notions

5 years ago

i like Goblin Bombardment , esp since theres an omnath and a muldrotha to cast it back after a bane. also, more sac engines means more advantage from maelstrom wanderer constantly being cast from your graveyard. For an older more jank build i ran, i liked Timbermare and Thundermare to control my opponents combat phases.

majorappliance on

7 years ago

I used to run a, elemental deck, i used Conspiracy at the time, but i guess now we can use Arcane Adaptation, though, i guess all we really need is Ashes of the Fallen for the Horde of Notions ability. That plus Maelstrom Wanderer, too good, ofc a sac engine like Phyrexian Altar would be nice to get the engine started. what amusing is elementals like Thundermare (which has been made a elemental) and Timbermare with like, a Deadeye Navigator, or maybe a Mindslicer and Ashes of the Fallen to control cards in hand. Maybe more control-y than you want. Spike Weaver is for infinite fogs if you got the ashes of the fallen, graveyard hate hurts tho.

lagotripha on Making Dash Great Again!

7 years ago

Glitterfang and Dragon's Claw to add some longevity and cheaper presence. Avalanche Riders is relatively cheap and fits the theme. With more spitits I'd suggest Clash of Realities for board control, but Foundry Street Denizen is another option. In the Web of War is a little high cost. Keldon Marauders/Mogg War Marshal/Foundry Street Denizen matches the theme and is very strong in this kind of setup. Basically, you only need 2-3 dash creatures in hand and thats all your mana soaked up every turn, so it'll be better to have some stuff with an immediate impact for the rest of those slots. I like the idea of Pandemonium for grindier matchups, likely outdamaging pourpouros, but you will need to survive that earlier game. Quest for the Goblin Lord is nearly functional here, Thundermare is almost playable. All told, good luck and happy brewing.

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