Stormchaser Mage

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Stormchaser Mage

Creature — Human Wizard

Flying, haste

Prowess (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, this creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.)

Hypersayia9001 on Narset / Bria

7 months ago

So, I'd personally start by looking at your creatures and seeing what doesn't have a benefit outside of itself, if that makes sense.

So, Monastery Swiftspear and Stormchaser Mage only contribute a single body to the board state and their own prowess. Beyond that, they don't offer anything. Triton Wavebreaker is similar there, though the ability to use it as an aura might be useful in some situations, most cases it's just a body and you'd prefer a cantrip. You don't have enough wizards for Adeliz, the Cinder Wind to be of use, and same vein, too few of your creatures are otters for Valley Floodcaller to work either.

In a prowess heavy deck, you want to be running as few creatures as you can get away with. somewhere in the ballpark of 20 would probably be best.

Balaam__ on Sprite Dragon

10 months ago

I like what you’re going for, but I’m not sure Street Wraith belongs. You clearly don’t intend to hard cast it, but I can’t see any other potential interactions with anything else in the deck. Cycling Street Wraith won’t apply any counters to either Sprite Dragon or Stormchaser Mage, temporary or otherwise. I think this slot would be better served by a free-to-cast card that would buff your creatures or by a cheap utility spell.

Lucas88 on Izzet-Murktide

2 years ago

Here´s what i would do, cut 4x Stormchaser Mage, 2x lands and add x4 Unholy Heat and then add 2xLava Dart or 2x Spell Pierce...that my deck right there xd, i use lava dart, but in some matches i kinda wish they were spell pierce lmao

lhetrick13 on Jeskai Aggro

2 years ago

Radiant_Draconis - Glad you were open to it and I can not deny the synergy is there with Kaza and Stormchaser Mage, I just thought that his abilities seem to be a little lackluster for your build given how it only affects the next instant or sorcery, the lack of wizards in the deck, it requires him to tap, most your spells do not actually require a colorless mana, and you don't really need haste/flying. I would have thought something that plays more upon the strengths of the deck (control/burn) like Baral, Chief of Compliance would fit in nicely. Even Goblin Electromancer would give you the same bang without the need to tap a creature and you could get out multiple of them as they are not historic. Either way, enjoyed looking at the deck!

KaptnK on

3 years ago

Asmoeus here are some suggestions around what I would do to improve the deck on a budget



  • Look decent. Gilded Lotus does have a high mana cost so would keep an eye on how often you cast it.


  • Remove Creative Technique (with your lower mana curve odds of you revealing something really good is low) > Add Arcane Denial as a good, cheap counter spell
  • Remove Fiery Encore (expensive and requires you to discard a high mana cost card to deal decent damage) > Add Solve the Equation (Tutor for the spell you need)


  • Remove Charmbreaker Devils (returning spell at random will not often get what you need, and does not have a way to get around blockers) > Add Runaway Steam-Kin (Will help you cast more spells and give you mana)

Other Considerations

zapyourtumor on Dead, Bath and Beyond

3 years ago

Interesting concept! I've seen some DS lists playing Sprite Dragon before but I haven't seen one this aggressive before.

First off, Stormchaser Mage doesn't seem that good. There are usually better options for that slot in modern like Stormwing Entity. However, here I think you should definitely add a full playset of Scourge of the Skyclaves. Scourge is like a more aggressive shadow that works well in builds that lower the opponent's life as fast as their own (like this one).

Temur Battle Rage is a classic GDS card that can steal wins out of nowhere and adds additional reach to the deck, I'd definitely consider it as a 2 of here.

Serum Visions and Sign in Blood feel too slow.

I personally prefer Distortion Strike over Slip Through Space. Slip replaces itself but distortion is a 2 for 1 and the second cast doesn't cost mana, making it more mana efficient - and it also buffs the creatures.

Dragon's Rage Channeler + Mishra's Bauble package may work here since its being included in both UR blitz decks and DS decks, and this deck is kind of like a marriage between the two. A 3/3 flier for 1 mana and a 0 mana noncreature spell to trigger prowess could probably help a lot.

For the manabase, I feel like 18 is enough. If you add the baubles, which turn the deck into a 56 card deck, 17-18 is definitely the sweet spot. I suggest you take out checklands like Drowned Catacomb and Sulfur Falls. I'd add 2 Fiery Islets to help guard against flooding out. They can also lower your life total in a pinch to buff shadow and scourge.

Icbrgr on Jeskai Prowess **UPDATED**

3 years ago

so ive been obsessing over this deck lately and have some things to note and suggest... Lurrus and pyromancer conflict with the companion mechanic... a substitute im filling in is Stormchaser Mage. Otherwise another piece of tech ive been tinkering with is Jeskai Ascendancy instead of lurrus; its neat but i think lurrus is the way to go... Quicken is somthing else im toying with to work with light up/ending and considering Shelter for staving off spot removal/evasion.

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