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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Songs of the Damned
Gain for each creature card in your graveyard.

Crow_Umbra on
Ratica Apocalyptica
2 months ago
No prob Craeter! The only other fairly cheap mana accelerators that I can think of are some of the various Ritual effects like:
capwner on
Oops, All Bugs!! 2: Electric Bugaloo
6 months ago
Thanks SufferFromEDHD! Yeah Songs of the Damned is a pretty core part of our gameplan here :) I've never built belcher in EDH before so this was fun, I'd like to try a 4 or 5 color list sometime. I saw one on here that looked cool where you used 5c Sisay to tutor Inventors' Fair to tutor the Belcher. I think 5c could be a lot of fun just because you could run a lot more mdfc land and build it more like a normal deck. I am also playing around with an idea for a budget version of this deck that uses The Chain Veil to grist ult same turn and kill without needing the Yawgmoth's Will or Lion's Eye Diamond, the main cost for the deck. Thanks for checking out the list :)
SufferFromEDHD on
Oops, All Bugs!! 2: Electric Bugaloo
6 months ago
Nice seeing a unique glass cannon! I have run a boring 4 color Belcher with 4 mountain duals before but this is a unique twist.
Songs of the Damned you need all the mana you can get and this gets big.
Profet93 on
Turbo Hulk Reanimator | Budget Varolz [PRIMER]
6 months ago
Icaruskid +1 - Deck is very solid.
Songs of the Damned - Ramp, could replace rain of filth.
High Market - ? Probably not needed at all but its nice to have a land sacoutlet that doesn't get stop by an opposing cursed totem. Can be useful to get hulk to die to get other cards?
I wonder how Moonlight bargain is treating you given it's high cmc.
DreadKhan on
The Mimeospasm [Reanimator Terminator] - primer
6 months ago
Yeah, Dreadnought is one of those cards I was sure you'd already know about, but it seems really convenient with your Commander.
I think Triskelion is a better card with your Commander than Walking Ballista, but both can go infinite with Mikaeus iirc, but you'll need an extra piece with Walking Ballista because Mikaeus makes it a 1/1 base creature, so it won't die because it has no counters, Triskelion can ping itself and still have a ping for something else, meaning you can combo off easier with it, so I'd go with that.
I'm a bit surprised that Necrogoyf would be smaller than Tarmogoyf, especially if you've got Mill in your deck, it looks in every bin for creatures, surely there are 2 or 3 in each opponents' bin? If you've got 3 opponents with 2 creatures a piece (which doesn't seem like a big ask by mid game, but I don't know your playgroup the way you do!), that's 6 creatures before counting your own, and you've probably been filling it as well. I think I misread the Urborg one, it only looks at your graveyard, so you're definitely correct about that one!
It's not EXACTLY 'Fast Mana', but Songs of the Damned can generate a bunch of mana if you have a full graveyard, it's the kind of card you use with Razaketh, the Foulblooded I figure.
Keep in mind that there is a difference between playing a land with Explore or using Burgeoning, Burgeoning won't let you use Crucible unfortunately, but has a very high ceiling potentially. I use Burgeoning in my Sisay, Weatherlight Captain deck because that deck would love to have a hand with 6 lands and Burgeoning, but it's less keen on Explore and similar effects. You could try a Sakura-Tribe Scout, it's potentially better ramp than Birds of Paradise, you just have to run enough lands to justify it (I think 37 is fine), it's also a cheaper card to test out I suspect. Oh, with a card like Razaketh you can easily chain together a win if you've got lands, I do that in Meren with Life / Death which turns all my lands into creatures so I have plenty of fodder for Razaketh, I usually chain a few untap effects (I just recycle Benefactor's Draught a couple times to generate enough mana to win), Razaketh is a great card if you've got access to LED (even Lotus Petal can do work, and if you can tutor up Lotus Petal with Razaketh you can always dig out Mox Amber fwiw). I think if you wanted you could switch out Runescarred Demon for Razaketh (or just pretend Runescarred is Razaketh to test haha), both are tutors that cost a lot of mana, Razaketh is a much better body and a much better tutor IMHO.
If you want Haste on your Commander I think I'd use Hall of the Bandit Lord, it's not a spectacular card but it will give you access to Haste, I've been fairly happy with it in a competitive list that cared about Haste on the Commander, it's a terrible land but Haste is REALLY good sometimes.
capwner on
Oops, All Bugs!! 2: Electric Bugaloo
7 months ago
DarkKiridon Nope, no lands! The whole point of this deck is to use Recross the Paths, Abundance, or Goblin Charbelcher to reveal the whole deck and put it back in ANY order. From there we can stack 30 insects on top, mill them all with grist, and then win on the spot with Songs of the Damned. Full combo description is in the Oathbreaker list linked in the description, it works exactly the same just with 30 bugs instead of 17.
Because of the combo gameplan, I lean towards bugs that are A. Cheap so I can turn on Springleaf Drum, and B. X/1s to sac to Skullclamp, rather than some of the more 'playable' insects like those you mentioned. You could really run any insects you like though, they are really just there to get milled. I'm running some intentionally bad ones just for style points. An optimal build would have every 1 cost insect before anything else I think.
Thanks for the comment! :)
leovolt884_ on
Songs of the Damned BGr (2024)
7 months ago
Blood Pet pays for itself, puts itself into the grave, and is an additional mana if sacrificing it on a later turn. Not sure how much the deck needs it, but sac for black then casting Songs of the Damned seems pretty good for Crypt Rats, Consume Spirit, or playing out a cycling creature as a beater as early as possible. Not really sure what to cut if anything is the issue. Deadshot Minotaur doesn't seem great to me because you'll hardly play it as a creature or benefit from its etb? Not sure how consistent getting off its cycle is without playtesting myself so it could be good, but based on just looking at the deck it feels like the least consistent of the 1 mana cyclers you have. It could be a good contender for adding in spore frogs, discard, or other utility main board
Profet93 on
Evil dead ☠️ (Ode to Sheoldred)
8 months ago
Nothing wrong with your artifact count. Do keep in mind in more competitive metas, there will be a fair amount of artifact removal though. Regarding your recursion comment, black doesn't have much good artifact recursion, most is in colorless. That being said, a versatile tool you might find of use is Beacon of Unrest as it is reuseable and can bring artifacts or creatures from either grave. It's cmc is a bit high for what it does, but that's the cost.
Regarding the question is it necessary to have all the artifact, some are worth cutting potentially....
Elixir of Immortality - Not needed, lifegain is minimal, recursion is not even to hand. I can understand using this in response to grave hate but even then, is that such a big issue given (I assume) that you're focusing on drawing into your combo? How has it played for you?
Font of Mythos - I get the idea behind it, but 4 mana while helping your opponents is a bit too expensive for my tastes. Since you said you wanted suggestions for a more competitive meta, this is a prime cut.
Mind Stone > Everflowing Chalice - Chalice is nice to combo with rings + voltaic key but you're not doing that here. Mindstone is similar to chalice (2x counters) but has the option of draw. Given how the flexibility of chalice ramp is outweighed by the benefit of other rocks at the same cmc, I would stick with mindstone. There's a reason it's highly played in more competitive metas.
River Song's Diary - Fun card for sure, just not central to your deck's theme.
Staff of the Death Magus - Worst card in your deck, hands down.
Sword of Once and Future - Only works on less than 18% of your deck. Combat damage is not central to the deck's theme. Pro black might stop you from targeting your own creatures (should you ever want to). It's a fun card, but not needed.
Tainted Remedy - Lifegain isn't seen in more competitive metas. If this is a decision for your particular meta, I understand. Otherwise, I don't see it's value.
Songs of the Damned - You run less than 20% creatures, even with all the wheels/draw/discard, I am unsure of how impactful this is for you. What has your experience been with it?
Cabal Stronghold - I strongly dislike this card. It's purpose is ramp. You need 4 basic swamps + this just to break even. Its unlikely you get that many basics in a row, in the beginning, with such little lands and basics in general.
Shizo, Death's Storehouse > Rogue's Passage - Not a beatdown deck. While I get the potential for combat as an alt wincon should things go awry, it's expensive for what it does. Shizo, while limited to legendary creatures, it's much easier to use. Plus, politics!
Xtough's suggestions are extremely solid, don't sleep on them. He makes great points all around. His suggestion of Imp's mischief is spot on, it's my favorite black card. It can redirect targeted removal, draw and extra turns while "countering counterspells." Don't discount the political nature of it as well in addition to being able to bluff with 2 mana open (just like the blue player!)
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