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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Creature — Spirit
Tap three untapped creatures you control: Tap target creature.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Card creation challenge
5 months ago
I'd love me some redundancy for Opposition in Hylda of the Icy Crown. Skaab Wrangler is already in there, and I just found out there is Sandsower. But both of those are pretty expensive to activate. Sooo...
Blizzard Dome
At the beginning of your upkeep, sacrifice ~ unless you pay .
Tap two untapped creatures you control: Tap target creature you don't control and put a stun counter on it.
Create a permanent card with a cost to keep around.
Ripwater on
[RETIRED] "Marked For Death" - Teysa, Orzhov Scion
5 years ago
First of all I ofcourse don't know what your budget is. These cards I mentioned are in the higher price range, but unfortunately not on any reserved list and very easy to trade :) But fair enough if you don't want to spend that amount of cash on them!
To respond to your responses :)
The nim deathmantle I think is an auto include in any teysa deck, we play orzhov and we run out of a hand eventually. To use your turns to start looping stuff on the battlefield is pretty good. Nim is a real enabler in that way also an engine for your drain effects.
It felt exactly like that with the wurmcoil and the walker ;) The slumlord is really good, he often provides quite a lot of tokens and that's what teysa wants :) What's your plan with the Sandsower ? Cause if you only run it to untap Whisper, Blood Liturgist then I would just run another recursion effect instead of such a niche card... What about Dread Return , Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord , Chainer, Dementia Master are all very affordable recursion effects :-)
Vindictive Vampire I would just run in addition too, tbh. IF you really want to go towards the Aristocrats style! Lily I can totally understand. The standard meta still hasn't settled and therefor it's still uncertain if she will see play or not. I think as soon as that happens we'll know if she goes up or down. Nontheless it is a reaaaally powerfull card. Sorin is criminally underrated and in a aristocrats deck an absolute powerhouse and much better than the token generator sorin... Almost all your creatures are cmc 3 or less, wich means Sorin will fetch them out of your graveyard the turn he enters + the lifelink is a really nice addition as well. Gives you space to run for example Command the Dreadhorde or Bolas's Citadel . The ping effect I often use to ping a planeswalker, next to this it's on +2 so he grows big fast. I rarely draw him and go well this is completely useless right now...
Since Orzhov lack proper card draw like blue has, I would run Yawgmoth and lily tbh. They are both that good, but being on a budget Yawgmoth will probably do more for us.
Let me know how the Aetherworks Marvel works out for you! I have it in my binder as well and im curious about it!
DH i would keep out of your deck unless you play at a 75%+ powerlevel table. Otherwise it will ruin the more casual pods and it won't be fun for anyone. But that's the nice thing, see it more as a kill switch you can dump in your deck increasing the powerlevel of you deck quite a lot.
My bad about the draw then, it was late and I was about to get to bed, think I just overlooked them :-) Midnight Reaper I still need to get as well, I have one and it's in my Meren deck.... I have 2 bolas's Citadel's in my binder, but no idea what to cut for it in my list (you can always take a quick peek if you want to see if you have some ideas?)
I think what is almost more important than sac outlets are the recursion effects. It really is the engine of the deck. I play around 8-9 effects and a ton of card draw to get too them. Again Orzhov is not the fastest color when it comes to ramp, so we go midgame fast, and there we see out other problem. Going into the midcame empty handed is killing or not having a recursion effect on the field is also terrible to bring back out dead... As long as we can Recur our creatures we are good to go. That's why I'm no fan of Whisper/Ravos, they are creatures. People like to play boardwipes/spotremoval so often they won't survive. Putting your recursion on any other slot is better than a creature. If you are low on sac fodder than whisper is a horrible recursion effect because you need 2(!!) creatures to recur one thin. In my opinion Chainer/Victimize/Dread Return are all better because if they can drag your Sun Titan out of your grave the moment it resolves you have gass again :) Whisper and Ravos both need to wait an entire round wich is quite long to stay alive!
foxboy93 on
[RETIRED] "Marked For Death" - Teysa, Orzhov Scion
5 years ago
I have considered Nim Deathmantle for a couple of reasons, namely for combos with anything that makes two creatures and Ashnod's Altar . It is still a work in progress and might make it in. At the time of this post, I cannot really afford new cards, due to personal reasons. Ravos was an add because it also buffs my small weenie creatures, so it sort of made sense. Whisper was added due to recurrable effects that can be used multiple times and not a one and done type of effect
Wurmcoil and Hangarback Walker are both from the previous build, you are correct. At the time of this post I replaced them with Sandsower and Ogre Slumlord . Whether or not they say it is hard to say, but the deck is still needing tweaking as I go
Vindictive Vampire I did consider, but ended up using Falkenrath, since it was more of a Blood Artist (in the sense that it triggers WHENEVER a creature dies, not just mine). Liliana is also another high $$$ card, and hasn't been purchased for that reason. It WAS considered, do not get me wrong. Sorin I don't see much reason to play, not really doing much. I think I'd rather play the ones that make tokens (Elspeth and Sorin) if I add planeswalkers to the deck
Yawgmoth, Thran Physician IS a card I'd love to get, and yet another $$$ card. Might try and trade for it, since I would honestly most likely play it over Liliana
Divine Visitation was removed as of this post, in place of Aetherworks Marvel . I literally forgot this was a card. Sure, we don't do allot with Energy counters, but we are constantly saccing our own things! Digging 6 cards deep and just casting it for free essentially is AMAZING! It means we might get out an instant speed removal or even a board wipe. It will also just help us to see more of the deck.
I'd like to get a DH for the deck. I feel like its "not needed" to make the deck playable, but it changes the power level very quickly. I might trade out one of the creature based sacs for Altar of Dementia, just to be able to actually mill people as another possible win con.
To address your concern about card draw: Corpse Augur (replaced today with Mentor of the Meek ), Grim Haruspex , Krav, the Unredeemed , Midnight Reaper , Tymna the Weaver , Night's Whisper , Painful Truths (replaced with Sign in Blood instead), Read the Bones , and Skullclamp make up the draw package. Most of them are "whenever X creature dies", but some of them also take on the properties of working with the Spirits we make to help us to connect (Tymna). Krav turns creatures into life gain and card advantage, and Skullclamp because...well, thats obvious. Bolas's Citadel . while not straight up card draw, can help really churn through the deck.
My biggest weakness I am having with the deck, is not having fodder, or not enough things to do with the sac. Like, I know I got enough sac outlets, cause I am sometimes flooded with them all. But it just feels like I dont have enough TO sac to get these triggers when I don't have my engine going
ibstudent2200 on
Ghave +1/+1 Counters
7 years ago
Entrei Because it's moronic to play CARD A for the sole reason that it is good with CARD B (when CARD A is terrible without CARD B), unless you have enough copies of cards that can substitute for CARD B. If you play Ivorytusk Fortress because it works with Cryptolith Rite, but no other cards that either have or grant tap abilities, you're going to end up with your elephant doing nothing most games. However, if you play Ivorytusk Fortress with Rishkar, Peema Renegade, Earthcraft, Glare of Subdual, Cryptolith Rites, Diversionary Tactics, Nullmage Shepherd, Symbiotic Deployment, Field Surgeon, Selesnya Evangel, and Sandsower, your elephant is probably going to be useful in most games where you draw it.
Note: I don't recommend playing some of those cards. Sandsower seems terrible without an absurd number of creatures, at which point you should be playing Collective Blessing instead.
Darkaxel1990 on
8 years ago
This is the first deck in version 2.0. I first removed from the generic pool of guild cards the worst in a multiplayer environment: Dutiful Thrull, Mourning Thrull, Syndicate Enforcer, Blind Hunter, Beckon Apparition, Cry of Contrition, Conjurer's Ban, Purge the Profane, Shadow Lance, Gift of Orzhova and Moratorium Stone were simply too weak; Sin Collector and Castigate are great in 1v1, but not very much here. And I'm still dubious about Alms Beast. Then I tryed to improve the deck adding Droning Bureaucrats, Loxodon Gatekeeper, Sandsower, Spelltithe Enforcer, Ghosts of the Innocent Faith's Fetters and Sphere of Safety to slow down the opponents and take time to build a stable board so is possible to take advantage of all the life drain the deck offer. Then Moonlight Bargain and Underworld Connections for card draw, and finally some bombs: Skeletal Vampire, Angel of Serenity, Luminate Primordial, Sepulchral Primordial and Grave Betrayal. The deck now perform as a strong wall against enemies, stopping them while slowly draining their life.