Order of the White Shield

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Order of the White Shield

Creature — Human Knight

Protection from black

: Order of the White Shield gains first strike until end of turn.

: Order of the White Shield gets +1/+0 until end of turn.

FAIRxPOTAMUS on Band of Kjeldor

1 year ago

DreadKhan I can understand why it may seem sensitive and with that it is a little more difficult to find that card or others like it so I probably couldn’t add it. So far I’m looking at Call to Arms , Kjeldoran Skycaptain , Order of the White Shield , and White Shield Crusader . I’m seeing these cards fit into my budget and that really makes or breaks it for me. It’s why i haven’t rostered Exile or Swords to Plowshares yet. Your feedback is really helpful. I think next time I shop I’ll get some pump creatures and maybe some enchantments.

DreadKhan on Band of Kjeldor

1 year ago

I like decks based around a block, so I kept my suggestions to stuff from Ice Age block (minus Homelands which has nothing to do with Ice Age).

Why no Swords to Plowshares? When I playtested this vs my Oldschool deck (which uses Fallen Empires very heavily) your deck felt like it wanted Swords to kill off my fatties in such a way that it can't be reanimated, there is also Exile I guess if Swords is too pricey? More flying might work well too if you have lots of Banding creatures with First Strike out, maybe x1 or x2 Skycaptain? Maybe a couple Wild Aesthirs? I think you could get away with a couple Order of the White Shield in here, you have tons of creatures with Banding already, they can protect your pump knight very well.

If you ever develop the budget for it Kjeldoran Outpost is a nifty old card, there arguably isn't a better version of it even today, and it used to see plenty of play. Thawing Glaciers is another old card that could let you shave a few lands if you can fit x4 of it in somehow, if you can get a Glacier out you'll never be short of lands. Since you run so many creatures, maybe Inheritance?

For your sideboard have you thought about Order of the Sacred Torch? There is also Energy Storm to deal with flying heavy decks. Royal Decree is pretty nasty vs Red or Black decks.

Gecko83 on Mono White Devotion

4 years ago

Played about 4 games now and some changes were made let me know what you think...
The following were added: Heliod, Sun-Crowned, Soul Warden, Aetherflux Reservoir, Sun Titan, Linden, the Steadfast Queen, Ajani's Pridemate, Daxos, Blessed by the Sun, Smothering Tithe, Soul's Attendant, Suture Priest, Flawless Maneuver, Altar of the Pantheon.

In replacement of the following; Skybind, Gerrard's Battle Cry, Daybreak Coronet, Consecrate Land, Celestial Dawn, Order of Leitbur, Glittering Lion, Clergy of the Holy Nimbus, Order of the White Shield, Brightling, Herald of Anafenza, and Knight of the Holy Nimbus

Celestial Dawn was hard to remove, but i was unsure how it worked with Blood Moon or Emeria, The Sky Ruin. So let me know your thoughts. I went more life gain, but it keeps me around a bit longer. With most of the creatures being low powered unless pumped up by other creatures, something was needed Sun Titan gets things back the mana cost for most critters is 3 or under. and if titan doesnt work or is removed Emeria, the sky ruin gets him back. Sun Titan and Kami of False Hope is so fun.

Shagoth Let me know what you think, its early in the process. i am interested in y

TheMadRocketeer on 3rd edition white deck?

6 years ago

How strict are you being on including only 3rd (Revised) edition cards? The other White Knight-like cards, Order of the White Shield, Order of Leitbur, and Silver Knight, came later than the third (Revised) edition. All are great, though.

Some more good ones:
Eye for an Eye to turn a loss into a tie or otherwise prevent a crushing blow from being one-sided
Righteousness for a fantastic combat trick - "Look. My Mesa Pegasus just ate a dragon!"
Lance as a great ability for cheap
Wrath of God to reset the battlefield
Resurrection as a perfect card to follow a board sweep
Death Ward as another - Doesn't help against Wrath, though.

Revised also has some great color-response cards, including the B, U, G, R, & W Circles of Protection and Wards, Conversion, and Karma.


6 years ago

You'll also note that Order of the Ebon Hand and Knight of Stromgald are the parents of Knight of Malice. Anyone who does not like it is either a fool, or doesn't remember the power of those two knights making babies.

The white counterpart Order of Leitbur and Order of the White Shield are the parents of the Knight of Grace I'm almost certain as well.

We'll see if the White/Green "Go Wide" strategies can hold the Darkness this time. I assure you; I do not think so. And this little group of Gatewatch planeswalker decks. I doubt they'll be able to succeed over the long term. Bannings will happen. Mark my words. But hey, at least we'll get 90 days of greatness.

DragonsApprentice on Enchants on Enchants / White Privilege (WIP)

7 years ago

Ok, thanks. I made some changes based on your input. Replaced Crusade with Swords to Plowshares and made room for two extra Emeria, The Sky Ruin. Also replaced Order of the White Shield in the sideboard with Hidden Dragonslayer, just because I think I'd find more uses for them in the future. Any thoughts?

TheMadRocketeer on I hope he didn't die of anything catching, eh?

8 years ago

I had not considered these, but I certainly will. Thanks! The only one I know I have at least one of currently is Cemetery Gate, but I'll check for the others. I need to work on my mana base (to better handle cards with or in the cost), and I've wanted to replace some or all of the Order of Leitburs and Order of the White Shields and/or increase the creature count. Your suggestions will help me make a good start. Very much appreciated.

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