Invigorated Rampage

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Invigorated Rampage


Choose one —

  • Target creature gets +4/+0 and gains trample until end of turn.
  • Two target creatures each get +2/+0 and gain trample until end of turn. (They can deal excess combat damage to the player, planeswalker or battle they are attacking if lethal combat damage would be dealt to all blocking creatures.)

CameronKossen on Mono Red Weenie Hyper Budget Value Engine

1 year ago

What if you were to replace Blades of Velis Vel with Invigorated Rampage? A few more cents for an additional punch might be something.

Barbarian_Sun_Pope on

1 year ago

Love Feather shenanigans (+1), have you considered Invigorated Rampage? I doubles up with Feather, works great with Illuminator Virtuoso and anything with Madcap Skills. As a bonus it turns Dreadhorde Arcanist into a pseudo Ball Lightning, except it's even bigger =).

xram666 on [PDH] Zada

3 years ago

Nice deck. +1 from me.

I don't see Invigorated Rampage . I would cut Distemper of the Blood as I don't see a lot of discard enablers.

And I would play Dwarven Mine over one of the mountains.

plakjekaas on Goad effects

3 years ago

Coordinated Assault , Invigorated Rampage , Nahiri's Stoneblades , and a few that care about attacking creatures, no matter who controls them, like Trumpet Blast , but you'd need to combo in combat, those won't work with The Akroan War .

But nothing that does it for all creatures your opponents control, as far as I could find.

Barbarian_Sun_Pope on Boros Aggro Revisited

4 years ago

I think you definitely got the right idea here with the changes. Lightning Helix is definitely better than Searing Spear. Have you considered Thalia's Lieutenant? It pairs really well with the Champion of the Parish on T2.

If you're leaning more towards the battalion route, I would suggest Akroan Hoplite (pairs great with Silverblade) and Hanweir Garrison. Though the Garrison can be a little slow (unless paired with the Mauler), it does pump the Champion and Lieutenant pretty consistently.

As far as spells go, I would suggest Brave the Elements and Invigorated Rampage (+ Silverblade bonded creature) that can get surprise wins out of nowhere. Hope this helps.

-Arcanity- on Mirrorwing Wolfpack

4 years ago

I see you're going all in on Silverfur Partisan, running a total of 11 wolves in your deck. Since you're going so deep on one card, I'd play the full four. the ability even stacks when you have multiple on the battlefield!

Now, an issue I see is that if you do not draw either Zada, Silverfur, or Season of Growth, you're left with a bunch of underpowered wolves, which isn't ideal, though I don't think there is a way to fix that as all the more powerful wolves come from original Innistrad block which isn't in pioneer.

Also, I recomend you swap Vines of the Recluse with Invigorated Rampage. Vines is very poor, as this kind of deck simply isn't in the market for a defensive combat trick. Rampage is ideal for this deck as it can target two creatures, thus making two wolves for each Silverfur in play. The extra mana should be manageable (you have 8 ramp sources in the deck, even excluding the Enter the Unknowns).

Bababad on

5 years ago

looks like a smooth brew!

have you considered Dreadhorde Arcanist ? seems like the free spell scaling would be a boon.

cast it, next turn Invigorated Rampage into a swing into an Invigorated Rampage seems really solid

K1ngMars on Is Steel Heavier Than Feather?

5 years ago

Now the deck is really complete! Keep up the good work Arkheid!

What about some tutors for Sunforger ? I think this would really go a long way into improving the reliability of your wincons. Enlightened Tutor can both grab Sunforger and Smothering Tithe !

I'd also suggest to add some of the available Wheel effects for compensating lack of draw spells in Boros. These also synergize perfectly with Smothering Tithe , allowing for explosive turns. These cards are:

On the other hand Khorvath's Fury , Collective Defiance , Chandra Ablaze and Chandra, Flamecaller don't let you always draw 7 cards, but can be useful in letting you dump bad hands.

A question. Why do you have Twinflame ? It doesn't seem to be a good card in this deck, as copying your commander, albeit rebuying you the spell, is then shut down by the Legend Rule, thus having you sacrifice one of the two between original or copy of Feather as a state-base action.

I would kindly advise Hall of the Bandit Lord , as it allows for very good plays you otherwise would miss: its only problem is that it can work only if you are casting for the second time or more your commander and use its mana for commander tax. On the other hand, I would also suggest Lightning Greaves , as you could cast all your instants on the commander and at last equip the Greaves: it can be more of a nonbo than anything else, as it also cuts off combat tricks you could cast and is not removable from the commander unless you control another creature. You have a low creature count, so IDK, maybe not worth including.

I would swap out Bandage , Niveous Wisps and Guided Strike for Panic , Invigorated Rampage and Adamant Will .

At last, one kindof good card for ramp in not green: Explorer's Scope .

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