Guardian Gladewalker

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Guardian Gladewalker

Creature — Shapeshifter

Changeling (This card is every creature type.)

When Guardian Gladewalker enters the battlefield, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature.

Zobeth on

2 years ago

I like the deck! The creature base looks pretty good so I dont know how much this will help but Guardian Gladewalker counts as a human and is cheap for the mana curve and buffs kyler

dsdude3021 on Slithering Succotash!

3 years ago


Wow, someone actually commented on this deck. Thanks for the advice man. I few things I have to note.

There is a reason I am not including other 1 or 2 drops other than snakes. They would be countered by Chalice of the Void if I play it. I thought Prowling Serpopard may be redundant because I have Cavern of Souls that already give my snakes uncounterable. I used to have counterspells in this deck before I ended up sticking to the Chalice, perhaps I may go full on control?

While wierd in concept, this deck is mostly a Deadeye Navigator deck, but with snakes. I may remove Deadeye Navigator entirely if I come up with a new strategy, but right now Deadeye Navigator is the end game. I am not sure that the expensive snake lords mentioned is a better alternative, but I will consider it.The idea now is to use Deadeye Navigator with Mystic Snake, so I can counter any spell for 2. Not the greatest combo, but that's why its jank. The fact that Deadeye Navigator is the end-game is why most snakes are ETB creatures, as otherwise Deadeye Navigator's only purpose would Mystic Snake. Snakes are good for landfall and ETB so far, so I thought an ETB based midrange deck would be perfect. I am scared of cards like Strict Proctor

The only ''snake'' tribal is this deck is mostly just Cavern of Souls with Chalice of the Void. The three tibal snake cards are not really lords and are kind of expensive mana value wise. Perhaps I remove Deadeye Navigator and try a different endgame plan? Snakes don't have much going for them for lords, so I don't think aggro is much of an alternative.

Sakura-Tribe Elder, may not be the best creature, but he is one of the best modern ramp spells, working well with Lotus Cobra. Also, possibly Coiling Oracle, but I wouldn't count on it. If anything,Tireless Tracker does sound snazzy. Investigate deck???????

Lol, no love for Guardian Gladewalker. Honestly, its not great. Its just a two drop snake with an ETB effect that I could eventually spam with Deadeye Navigator. It may also allow buff up my fliers to do more damage, while serving as a block body. Maybe I'll replace it with Tireless Tracker...

zapyourtumor on Slithering Succotash!

3 years ago

I like sneks, but I'm a little confused about a few things.

Firstly, it looks like you're leaning really heavily into the snake tribal and even including a bunch of not great changelings like Guardian Gladewalker. But, unless I'm blind, I don't see any snake lords or powerful snake payoff cards that would justify including that many suboptimal snakes/"snakes". All I see is a singleton Sosuke's Summons which is definitely not worth including Gladewalker imo. And there isn't mirror march anymore to profit off its ETB. Compared to coiling oracle, hexdrinker, ice-fang, etc. which are all great midrange cards in their own right, the changelings seem really mediocre.

I think the deck would perform better if you cut some of the not great creatures and streamlined it more into a resilient simic midrange/tempo deck by adding some of the new cards like Shardless Agent and Counterspell. Some removal would probably also be nice but UG is notorious for barely having any removal so I'd have to look harder for that.

I would also suggest going down to 2 deadeyes -- 3 seems like a lot and he's really expensive. Also not sure why Sakura-Tribe Elder is there either, since more control/value would be better than more ramp here imo.

For the sideboard, I see you mentioned Prowling Serpopard. Is there a reason that isn't in the sb? It definitely looks like a great suggestion that would hose blue decks.

I think the main problem is you have a lot of snakes, but I don't see any snake tribal payoff. I'd either get some snake lords or lean a little away from the creature heavy snek and more into the midrange controlly snek. And if the snakes are just for flavor, I think the flavor can be preserved even if some of the snakes are switched out for spells.

P.S. Okay I did some scryfalling and found that these are the only snake lords: Sachi, Daughter of Seshiro, Seshiro the Anointed, and Sosuke, Son of Seshiro. Two of those are more like shaman and warrior lords though, and the only good one is probably Seshiro who also happens to be 6 mana. So I'm not sure about him but I think he's worth testing as a singleton maybe.

DanMcSharp on Fractals

3 years ago


It's refreshing to see new players coming up with their own deck ideas instead of just copying the top meta decks. Welcome to the game btw!

I haven't seen many people play dedicated "fractal" decks so far, but something that I've seen people make work was using Body of Research to make a huge body and then win with Fling or Kazuul's Fury  Flip. It seems pretty close to the way you try to play the deck anyway seeing how you like to have Solve the Equation in your opening hands. A combo deck like that wouldn't really need as many tribal interaction and focus mostly on getting the right cards out asap while just staying alive, so cards that give better card selections Omen of the Sea , bounce spells Into the Roil and counterspells Saw It Coming could be more helpful.

If you prefer to play the tribal aspect where you try to win with creatures and superior board state, you shouldn't really need to rush to a specific card like you do when using Solve the Equation . Instead you should try to get the most out of you creatures. The Great Henge seems like a great fit in this case since you will have large bodies for the discount, and your creatures will get more +1/+1 counters for your existing synergies. I'm not sure what Confounding Conundrum is there for, it's usually a side-board card, or a card built around things like Field of Ruin to trigger it or in Yorion, Sky Nomad to bounce it, but another 2 drop you could consider would be Guardian Gladewalker since it gives a +1/+1 counter and it also counts as a fractal for Biomathematician .

I find that The Ozolith is a very nice fit for the deck, but drawing multiple is hardly ever going to help you, so you could easily cut 1 and only play 3. Also, going up to 23(or more) lands certainly wouldn't hurt. You could make it a Mountain if you want to go the combo route to supplement your Ketria Triome for the red splash so that any Fabled Passage can be a red source.

Btw, you seem to think that The Ozolith would cover you if Body of Research gets "countered", but if that happens the creature won't ever exist, so there will be no counters for The Ozolith to pick-up. If it resolves and then the creature gets destroy or remove from play by any means, then yes it would work.

Hopefully these suggestions are useful,

Good luck!

hubatish on Tribal Tribal

3 years ago

Ok I'm pitching Ramosian Sergeant again - you have 11 changelings this can fetch (& 12 with the Guardian Gladewalker ), so for a reasonable portion of the game this will be a cheaper Birthing Boughs that gets some additional utility with fetching actually good changelings like Masked Vandal or Unsettled Mariner .

And IMO Necrotic Sliver / General Kudro of Drannith / Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves are the worst lords atm, since they're gonna get some of your changelings killed, which is at odds with all the "get as many changelings in play as possible" cards. Your recursion is not amazing either.