Goblin Tunneler

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Goblin Tunneler

Creature — Goblin Rogue

: Target creature with power 2 or less can't be blocked this turn.

capwner on "Master of Cruelties" - Budget but Strong?

1 year ago

As an x/4 in a no fury meta I think this card could potentially be good. The deck really wants Ragavan but yeah that's not very budget. Bowmasters too.

About 'understanding what to replace,' the way I think of it is, you know there are always more potential good cards than you can actually run in any deck, usually there are multiple good ways to build a deck. Every card should play into your synergy, except for sideboard cards which can attack something very specifically. And every card should be the best possible option for its slot (most versatility, most synergies with your other cards, most favorable in specific interactions vs. specific cards). Example, this is why I love Apostle's Blessing in here, it's versatile because it protects and evades, and these are both things your deck REALLY needs. And it's a cheap instant. Great card.

But now look at Goblin Tunneler, I see a card that is part of the gameplan, but it's also an x/1 non hasty creature and a 2 drop. This is going to fall short a lot of the time. Maybe a card like Wedding Invitation or Key to the City could be better in this slot. Generator Servant is great for the haste but it has the same weakness. Splitting that with artifact ramp like you did is good, maybe consider options like Pentad Prism but go with what you think plays the best. Molten Collapse is a strictly better Dreadbore and not expensive. Sunken Citadel might be a good land to combo with Rogue's Passage, maybe then Field of Ruin instead of Ghost Quarter? And Graven Cairns? On the lands topic I really like the idea posted above of adding Leechridden Swamp but you do need the fetches to really make it work.

Alesha, Who Smiles at Death has a nice effect but doesn't really synergize with anything besides bringing your Master back, which it can't even do vs. LB and Solitude. Maybe adding cards that combo with her like Fulminator Mage or Augur of Skulls could make her better. Lightning Greaves also makes her and a lot of your other creatures better too, this is a card I'd consider for a 1 or 2 of. But without adding more support, you might consider cutting Alesha and adding something along another angle.

I like Brainspoil, the tutor is nice because finding the Master is definitely a bottlneck in the deck. Grim Tutor is an option but a bit more expensive, Profane Tutor is affordable but has some problems. Having at least one other tutorable 5 drop would make your BS a lot better. 1 of Glarewielder would be kind of cute.

Hand disruption is another angle you might consider, it's really good for a slightly slower combo deck like this to nullify your opponent's big early plays and buy you a couple extra turns to combo them out. Collective Brutality is a pretty decent flexible card that also finishes your opponent.

In the end I think tuning your list and making cuts is about trying to make as many of these meaningful synergy connections between different cards as possible, getting the right amount of each type of effect you want (3 vs 4 of a specific effect like Dreadbore matters a lot vs some decks!), and then you cut either your lowest synergy cards, or effects you think you could safely go down a count on. Usually you want 6-8 ways of getting your key card in action, or 6+ of each combo piece/synergy if it involves multiple cards, and in a perfect world you want 4+ post board copies of HATE for particular meta decks, like 4 Leyline of the Void vs. Living End, or 8 killspells that can kill a Primeval Titan or Sheoldred. Your board cards should address aspects of other decks that really threaten you, no need to run those Leylines if you already beat that deck most of the time. It often comes down to having the right reactive cards, so you want good numbers of the ones you'll need the most.

Sorry for the whole ass book! It seemed like you wanted the help and I liked the concept/got into it a bit once I started looking. I think there's a lot of work and playtesting you could do to really optimize this, and maybe it could end up being pretty good+still affordable!

legendofa on ElfBurn

1 year ago

Welcome to the club, Antipickle!

What are your thoughts on Goblin Tunneler over Subterranean Scout? There's a few ways to gran thaste in here, and the ability can be used more than once.

plainsrunner on card: breath of fury or …

4 years ago

Thanks for all the suggestions! I've definitely considered Aggravated Assault for that reason, but part of the reason I'm considering Breath of Fury is that it has more moving parts and thus allows for more interaction from my opponents, hopefully preventing salt. The main issue I see is that breath of fury basically requires Goblin Tunneler or at least Rogue's Passage to be any good, while with Sword of the Paruns I can at least use whatever excess mana I have laying around to activate it if I don't have Skirk Prospector.

jvitag on Dimir Flash Rogues

4 years ago

eEsnowalkerEe with a monsoon of respect, because I am working on my own Flash/Rogue deck at the moment (was looking around to get ideas on tuning my deck when I found yours), if you have to mull to get a certain combination of cards to win (or have a good time) then the deck needs to be tuned. Unless you have a deck like Jeskai Fires where you NEEDED to have 1 specific card in your hand and you can mull to 1 to get it, or unless you have a mad draw engine, then mulling to get a good hand doesn't, in my experience work. When you mull, in most cases you are starting the game at a disadvantage, one that even an ideal draw has difficulty bailing you out of. This deck does draw pretty well as long as you can keep Slitherwisp on the table, but I still think mulling to an ideal draw isn't great. The trouble I have been having with my own Flash/Rogue deck post-Zendikar drop is the speed aspect. I am finding that I have too many bombs and my list is too diversified and I am trying to fit in too many cards that I like because I like them rather than for their impact on the game. I wonder if some of that is going on here. I think Slitherwisp is one of those McGuffin cards that looks like it should be tearing shit up like a madman, and you have some counter to try and keep hold of it, but in my experience when you drop a wisp on the board your opponent goes balls to the wall to remove it and unfortunately, there is much more creature removal (and more creative ways to remove creatures) then there is removal of any other type. I want Slitherwisp to be badass too, I love the card art and the ability, but I don't try to build decks around it anymore. Cunning Nightbonder might also be a problem for you here. It makes your Flash cards uncounterable, but I think a smart strategy of playing around counters or making your opponent counter stuff you want them to counter is better and it frees up space for say, Soaring Thought-Thief which will help you get cards into your opponent's graveyard to make Drown in the Loch better. Drown is great because it works like a counter or as spot removal if you need it, but in order to be useful your opponent's graveyard needs to be full. Massacre Wurm is another bomb in your deck that is an AWESOME card. I drew a double-rare pack with a full art Wurm and a regular Wurm in it and I have been fooling around with some Gyruda, Doom of Depths/Massacre Wurm nonsense in another deck. The problem with Wurm in your deck, is without any kind of ramp at best, you can't cast it until turn 6, and in most cases not until much later and by that time your opponent might be overrunning you. Your average converted mana cost is 2.73, which means you could probably trim a land for something else. I'd also look into dropping Shark Typhoon. I have found cards like Jwari Disruption and Glasspool Mimic can help with a crucial ability in a crucial moment, or throw you an extra land when you are getting screwed. Blackbloom Rogue synergizes well with the mill/rogue strategy also while also giving you a possible land in a moment of need. I have been including a limited number of these double-faced half land, half something else cards in place of regular lands in my lists to squeeze in some extra flexibility. Mind Carver is another card that works well with the mill strategy. I'll be throwing up my own Flash/Rogue list here shortly when I am finally happy with it. I went Grixis and splashed Red for Embercleave, Valakut Awakening, Goblin Tunneler, Spikefield Hazard, and Zareth San, the Trickster.

ndlambo on grixis rogues

5 years ago


there are two routes to go here:

  1. rogue boggles: get a bunch of unblockable creatures and make their combat damage valuable
  2. rogue saboteurs: get a bunch of valuable damage-dealers and make them unblockable

I will make a copy of this decklist for each but my cut / include decisions are largely dependent on this decision. e.g. something like Goblin Tunneler would be useless in option 1 but useful in option 2

this original list will be option 2: rogue saboteurs.

Gob-droid001 on Krenko Mob Boss Goblin Swarm Deck

6 years ago

Hi there nmoore I really like this deck (and most involving Goblin hordes)!

    I do have a few suggestions:

Hope the ideas help, if you want more ideas please check out my deck

Grenzo's Method of Madness

Commander / EDH Gob-droid001


which also involves Goblin hordes - I'd love to hear any suggestions you may have!

TheNocholas on Saprokings

6 years ago

Whispersilk Cloak, Trailblazer's Boots,Pathmaker Initiate, Rogue's Passage, Goblin Tunneler and Reconnaissance are good cards to safe guard your "when this creature attacks or "when this creature deals damage.

TheNocholas on

6 years ago

Rogue's Passage and Whispersilk Cloak to get your direct-combat/infect damage. Pathmaker Initiate and Goblin Tunneler can also get direct-combat/infect damage in.

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