Gilder Bairn

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Gilder Bairn

Creature — Ouphe

, : For each counter on target permanent, put another of those counters on that permanent.

legendofa on In what color to combo …

8 months ago

Welcome to the club, DndDungeonGeist!

Aside from personal preference, which Crow_Umbra covered nicely, always seems to have several tricks. Training Grounds, Gilder Bairn, and Seedborn Muse are great enablers, and it's almost trivially easy to get infinite mana and/or counters, if that's your thing. Counterspell and Heroic Intervention are pretty typical protective spells. And if budget's a concern, all of these have very inexpensive replacements that work just as well most of the time. Lots of drawing, mana, and stability make this a very solid color pair for combo.

Tsukimi on Bears Together Strong

1 year ago

Just a heads up, Gilder Bairn is not legal with your commander who is mono green, because hybrid mana is considered to be both colors.

lhetrick13 on summer slam looking for help

2 years ago

squee_goblin_nabob - After I posted my comment I thought to myself, that as long as you have Gilder Bairn out with able to generate mana via tapping and Zirda, the Dawnwaker to lower the activation cost, it does open up your play book with with Vitaspore Thallid/Utopia Mycon to generate unlimited Saproling creatures/mana or unlimited damage with Walking Ballista. Still a lot of moving parts but actually a pretty cool idea with several ways to generate a wincon.

I personally hate control decks so I spend most my time trying to figure out how to beat them and not how to build them but I definitely think going that direction will be beneficial. Counterspell, Vapor Snag, Archmage's Charm, Spell Pierce...I despise them all but give them a nod for being effective.

lhetrick13 on summer slam looking for help

2 years ago

squee_goblin_nabob - This seems like a lot of moving parts to get the combo...

To make sure I understand your idea, you plan on getting Gilder Bairn on the field and getting Paradise Mantle on it. Paradise Mantle allows you to tap Gilder Bairn on demand and Gilder Bairn's activated ability allows you to untap it on demand. If Training Grounds is in play, which is it currently in the sideboard only, that drops the cost of Gilder Bairn's activated ability of only which you can create using the mantle. This alone requires three piece to all be in play simultaneously to work and a single piece missing causes the whole combo to fail but you ALSO need Simic Ascendancy to be in play for the main wincon to take place. You can use Simic Ascendancy's activated ability to create a +1/+1 counter or you will need to get Walking Ballista on the field and then the infinite combo will take over.

You are running 4xEladamri's Call and 4xGilder Bairn to help force that. You are doing the same with 4xParadise Mantle and 4xStoneforge Mystic to force that. You still need a way to help get both Training Grounds and Simic Ascendancy on the field as well...

Personally, I think the only way to make this complex combo work is by running this more as a control deck and waiting to set everything up. It has no ability to handle aggressive decks or even mid-range decks as the creatures present are pretty lack luster in terms of combat and abilities. I would suggest, pulling back on the searching cards, add in some draws and fill this deck with spells to keep you opponent staled for as long as possible while you get all the pieces in place you need. That is my two cents...

heinrichgraum on Planeswalkers Perfected

2 years ago

Thank you! That is a very, very tough question given this deck's blatant disregard for budget considerations, but only a handful are over $10 in their cheapest printings. I would probably reconsider some of the cards that have been cut over this decks long history. Venser, the Sojourner, Ob Nixilis Reignited, Kiora, Master of the Depths, and Vraska the Unseen all spring to mind. I would also consider bringing back some of the old creatures like Clever Impersonator and Gilder Bairn which got cut to trim down towards the legendary theme.

legendofa on Pursuing Perfection, Part 11: Simic …

3 years ago

I might revisit an Experiment Kraj idea I had some time ago. Basically, Kraj with a counter on Gilder Bairn and any creature that can produce or better as a tap effect instantly gives everything with a counter as many of those counters as it wants. With Llanowar Tribe, Canopy Tactician, some new planeswalkers, Sage of Hours, Strixhaven Stadium, and other fun bits and pieces, this might be doable.

aponiato on Zaxara, the Exemplary EDH

4 years ago

Recommend considering Hydra's Growth and Gilder Bairn for token doubling shenanigans.

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