Forsaken Monument

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Forsaken Monument

Legendary Artifact

Colourless creatures you control get +2/+2.

Whenever you tap a permanent for , add an additional .

Whenever you cast a colourless spell, you gain 2 life.

hemalgiac on Grim Monolith + Forsaken Monument …

3 months ago

Sorry this is a late comment for this post, but Grim Monolith and Forsaken Monument do in fact produce infinite mana. Forsaken Monument states that when you tap a permanent (that means mana rocks too), you add an additional colorless to your pool. So with both permanents on the field, now when you tap Grim Monolith, you net 4 so now you can use 3 of the 4 floating colorless to untap the monolith and rinse and repeat. This will essentially produce infinite mana. So the person online was mistaken in the sense that he thought Forsaken Monument produces double mana. It just adds 1 more colorless to permanents when they're tapped. Again, I apologize this is late and you may have found an answer already.

Flarhoon13 on Imoti and the Dino Hippo--Explosive Fatties

4 months ago

Having built 52 decks, I endeavoured to play them all, in roughly the same order as I created them.

Aug 22

Blaine's house

Imoti and the Dino Hippo loss Turn 3 sacrificed Myriad Landscape. T4, with no other play, played Heartbeat of Spring. This enabled Kurtis to win on his turn 4. - Kurtis' The Peregrine Dynamo went off! with Ugin, the Ineffable allowing Gonti's Aether Heart ❤ to take two extra turns, thanks to a The Peregrine Dynamo copy. All is Dust and Forsaken Monument... Man, so much colourless greatness. Rob's Kaalia and Blaine's Isshin folded handily, too. This deck's second or third loss. 24-27. .471

Flarhoon13 on Gettin' Kozi

4 months ago

May 3, 2024, I started a new quest. Having built 52 decks, I endeavoured to play them all, in roughly the same order as I created them.

Aug 15

Gettin' Kozi won with Basalt Monolith -- fetched by Moonsilver Key - and Forsaken Monument. I forget the win con, likely Staff of Domination to draw and play my entire deck. My record goes to 21-25-1 for a .457 win percentage.

Profet93 on Colorless Artifact Combo Deck

7 months ago


How is trading posts a wincon? What are your combos aside from basalt + rings + top? Do you feel you often lack card advantage given your limited draw engines which are mostly looting or one time use? Perhaps either kozilek might warrant an inclusion as something you can ramp into.

Voltaic Key > manifold - Voltaic is better for combos since you can untap it with its own ability if copied while manifold is better if you're going voltron. Given it's a combo deck, I believe voltaic is the better fit. Voltaic + Everflowing chalice (4x) + rings =

Forsaken Monument + basalt =

metalworker + voltaic + rings =

How often do you use mirrorpool given your extremely limited targets? Its one of my favorite lands, I'm just unsure of how impactful it is.

Mystic Forge - Super useful on it's own. Can combo with an artifact cost reducer (cloud key, semblance anvil, foundry inspector, etc...) + top

Given you run blinkmoth well, have you considered adding it's brother Blinkmoth Urn?

I highly recommend the urza lands in your maybeboard!

Profet93 on Karn Mono

1 year ago


Voltaic Key + Rings of Brighthearth + everflowing chalice (4 counters) =

Forsaken Monument + Basalt =

Rings + Basalt + 2 mana = + top = Draw and cast your deck

Mystic forge + Top + artifact cost reducer = Draw your deck

Metalworker + Voltaic + Rings =

Mycosynth Lattice + Karn Creator = Hard Lock

Sanctum of Ugin - Tutor

Gerrard's Hourglass Pendant + Emrakul, the Promised End = Fun times

Mystic forge + aetherflux + top + artifact cost reducer = Kill everyone

Cursed Totem has anti-synergy with 8 of your creatures, how has it been working for you?

wallisface on Colorless Competitive - 2024

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

darkemoji on Titans, The Clean-Up Crew

1 year ago


Appreciate the feedback!

  1. Fantastic little combo with built in utility from either card, however I've been leaning towards keeping the deck towards high power in casual. So that's why the current list only has one combo so far which is Forsaken Monument + Basalt Monolith.
  2. As above.
  3. This is an interesting land. Was considering Clock of Omens at one point for tapping artifacts. May test how well Blinkmoth Well works with Winter Orb and Trinisphere as I've been favoring stax lately in colorless.
  4. Have never seen this little artifact before and it's hefty in utility. Synergy with Emrakul, the Promised End and some recursion sounds spicy. Will test this in the future.
  5. Considered Karn, the Great Creator + Mycosynth Lattice in the original decklist, however I found that the cards were too niche when played separately and decided to cut them for some fun/win more cards such as Helm of the Host and Mirage Mirror. Even keeping Rise of the Eldrazi in the decklist.
  6. I was wondering about adding some recursion in and missed this little include. Arch of Orazca -> Buried Ruin

One question from me to you is: how do you feel about Chimil, the Inner Sun? On paper, I like its utility in preventing counterspells and discovering cards off the library the same turn it comes into play, but I have yet to play test it.

Rhadamanthus on Grim Monolith + Forsaken Monument …

1 year ago

You can use double square brackets around a card's name to create a reference link to help make sure people understand what all is going on in the question: Grim Monolith, Forsaken Monument

No, this doesn't work. Forsaken Monument only adds a single extra when you tap something for colorless mana, not one for every colorless mana you add. Grim Monolith just produces 4 mana in this example, not 6.

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