Exultant Cultist

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Exultant Cultist

Creature — Human Wizard

When Exultant Cultist dies, draw a card.

xtopazinferno on Izzet Manipulation

7 years ago

I think it would be in your best interest to add Censor. Early game it's a good counter and late game it replaces itself. I'd also ditch the Exultant Cultists and add more Filigree Familiars

Firebones675 on

8 years ago

It's not the best ability wise but for flavor reasons you should include a couple cultists.

Blood Cultist literally has them drinking and that flavor text...

Other potential cultists: Death Cultist, Deathcult Rogue, Exultant Cultist, Kill-Suit Cultist, and Skirsdag Cultist

As for cards that synergize with nekusar, have you considered Fevered Visions? Seems like the sort of card you'd want.

Seeing as how you have multiple wheel effects, there is some consideration to Megrim and Liliana's Caress

Wheel and Deal is a pretty good wheel effect and if you really need to you can have it only target yourself.

BlaineTog on Docent's Tribe of Wizards (Izzet)

8 years ago

Yeah, we're a bit strapped for quality wizards right now. Manic Scribe is useless (this deck is better at beatdown than mill anyway), Reckless Scholar doesn't bring enough to the table, and Exultant Cultist is pretty awful too since you don't really want your wizards dying. Gisa and Geralf also doesn't do anything even in UB since there's no room for zombies.

My deck has been trying to make Halimar Tidecaller work, with Scatter to the Winds and Ruinous Path as the Awaken cards. It's a little clunky sometimes but recurring a counterspell is so good. This doesn't work very well in Red, though, since Red's Awaken card (Boiling Earth) is pretty terrible and Blue doesn't have any other Awaken cards worth running in this deck.

monkeynutts85 on Docent's Tribe of Wizards (Izzet)

8 years ago

Just a few mentions as a replacement for Jori En.

Manic Scribe, Reckless Scholar, Exultant Cultist

Scholar may work with Fiery Temper....instead of Geier Reach Land

Eggsofwrath on

8 years ago

personally, I think I'd move Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip to the sideboard, cut Sylvan Advocate, since it doesn't work with emerge due to its low mana cost. I actually really like Transgress the Mind in this deck, since the combo for emerge is usually Turn 3 creature with CMC 3, then emerge it into one of the 7 cost emerge creatures turn 4, so your turn 2 slot is wide open for control-based spells (or counterspells as well. Negate works great, so keep that in) Heir of Falkenrath  Flip doesn't work very well either, since the whole point is to flip it, and a flipped creature has CMC 0, making emerge useless on it. World Breaker is a fine card, but not necessary to the deck. I would cut the Noxious Gearhulk, but maybe put in another Verdurous Gearhulk, since you can totally drop it after a turn four Elder Deep-Fiend and dump some of the counters on the fiend. Speaking of Elder Deep-fiend, put another copy in. It's too good to relegate to only 3. I'd say the same for Mindbender. Vile Redeemer won't work as well as you think it will (trust me, it looks 10 times better than it is). You aren't really ever going to need To the Slaughter, and it A: takes up a 3 drop spot, and B.) You won't hit delirium with this deck 99/100 games. I like Pulse of Murasa here, just to maybe throw out turn 5 or 6 to pull back a sacrificed creature. Speaking of sacrificed creatures, use Exultant Cultist or Foul Emissary (four copies each, or 3 of one 4 of the other), since they work SOO well in this deck. It of the Horrid Swarm and Lashweed Lurker are great here (maybe 2 copies each?). As for sideboard, cut Inventors' Fair (why is it even there? You have no artifacts!), as well as cutting The Gitrog Monster, Collective Brutality, Gnarlwood Dryad, and Drowner of Hope, which you swap out for 2 Mockery of Nature, Advanced Stitchwing, maybe more aritfact/enchantment removal, and move your Grasp of Darkness copies to there. Anyway, best of luck!

RaficoCastilloQ on R/U Wizards deck

8 years ago

Hi everyone.

I'm trying to build a wizard tribal deck with the cards I own, focused around Docent of Perfection  Flip and Sigil Tracer The cards listed here are the ones I want to use, still have to filter them before uploading a built deck. Please help me with ideas (any combo you see among the cards I propose???). Keeping it budget or zero purchase is the main goal.

The cards are:

2 Docent of Perfection  Flip

2 Sigil Tracer

2 Jori En, Ruin Diver

3 Descendant of Soramaro

2 Stonybrook Banneret

4 Inspired Sprite

3 Stonybrook Angler

4 Prodigal Pyromancer

2 Fallowsage

4 Puppeteer

2 Waterspout Weavers

4 Ink Dissolver

2 Dakra Mystic

4 Sparkmage Apprentice

4 Voidmage Husher

2 Exultant Cultist

2 Glen Elendra Archmage

2 Omenspeaker

2 Stroke the Flames

2 Bolt of Keranos

3 Wild Slash

2 Sudden Impact

3 Mana Leak

3 Shock

3 Sage's Dousing

2 Quicken

4 Containment Membrane

3 Dream Fracture

2 Double Negative

3 Stream of Unconsciousness

4 Counsel of the Soratami

3 Cancel

2 Hands of Binding

4 Sleep

liljramos88 on Budget Simic Emerge ($35)

8 years ago

I also have a budget emerge deck. Plus one from me how much is your budget B/C cards like Decimator of the Provinces and Elder Deep-Fiend has gone down in price. Filigree Familiar is a better Exultant Cultist for the extra two points of Life.

StopThatGuy09 on Beneficial Sacrificial Army

8 years ago

yea, i initially had 8 but it made more sense to put Filigree Familiar in instead of Exultant Cultist. I should probally put something like Declaration in Stone maybe Always Watching or other black or white removal, maybe card draw if there is any for black or white.

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