Wild Slash

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Wild Slash


Ferocious — If you control a creature with power 4 or greater, damage can't be prevented this turn.

Wild Slash deals 2 damage to target creature of player.

TapatioDorito on Budget Burn

2 years ago

Temur Battle Rage or Assault Strobe could be especially dangerous here. TBR enables Trample onto both Bedlam Reveler and Vexing Devil even if they are alone on your side of the field. You can also use Flame Rift as a risky but higher source of player damage, and Unholy Heat to deal with creatures, since you will likely want to go after Delirium anyway.

Finally, if you're going for a Shock type of card, try Wild Slash, Play with Fire, or even Tarfire, as Tribal is a card type that Delirium checks for.

to_regatha_and_beyond on zdevil burn

2 years ago

Good first draft! A few things to consider-

  • Since Raphael, Fiendish Savior isn't modern-legal, you might want to consider some alternatives. Maybe something like Rakdos, the Showstopper could work in Raphael's place? It's pretty powerful removal and a strong body on its own, so it makes for a good finisher, and more importantly, it's allowed in the format.
  • Try to look for better options for cards whenever you can. A few of the cards you're running have strictly superior alternatives that I would check out, for instance Blaze could be replaced by Fireball or Banefire.
  • Set up a sideboard so that your deck will be a bit more alterable. Cards like Devils' Playground, Wild Slash, Tibalt, Rakish Instigator and Vengeful Devil might make good sideboard options.

Consider these, and I'm excited to see where you take the deck from here! Very interesting first iteration.

Balaam__ on Giant Tribal

2 years ago

At a glance two things jump out at me. This isn’t Standard legal, but that’s an easy enough fix to change it to Modern or something.

The second thing is more concerning though. The only Turn 1 play you have here is Wild Slash, which will only ever be a Shock at that stage since you will not be able to proc Ferocious. And the odds of even drawing that are 4 in 60. I’d recommend adding more 1- and 2 drop spells, maybe an assortment of burn and creature cards. It would help establish a board presence to survive long enough to get some Giants in play. You do have cost reduction cards to enable quicker casting of your Giants, but they’re not viable until Turns 3 or 4 at the earliest, so you’ll still have to contend with having almost nothing to play Turns 1-3.

TheWiseDragon43 on Official missing/incorrect card/token thread

2 years ago

It seems that the database is missing the versions of Hidden Strings and Approach of the Second Sun from the Pioneer Challenger decks. It may also be missing the other cards from those decks, Isolate, Silkwrap, Spell Queller, Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Wild Slash, Searing Blood, Lurrus of the Dream-Den, and Ethereal Armor. I think the set number is Q06 for all of them

BioProfDude on Bro facts

2 years ago

Other than it being a 1 drop 2/1 creature, I'm not sure why you have Hotshot Mechanic in this deck when you have no vehicles? Dauntless Bodyguard, Dragon Hunter, Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip, Soldier of the Pantheon, or Usher of the Fallen all offer something for the same power/toughness and mana cost. Out of that list, I'd go with Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip or Dauntless Bodyguard, though the others are pretty decent as well.

I'd also consider Wild Slash as a possible burn spell to add.

Cool deck idea! +1 from me!

zapyourtumor on

3 years ago

20 creatures feels like too many, I'd cut the stormchaser mages and go down to 16. Also I think you can go down to 18 lands. You could consider replacing the blistercoils with Stormwing Entity.

For the instants and sorceries, you have a lot of draw a card effects, but I don't think Renegade Tactics + Slip Through Space + Expedite are worth it. I'd add some removal in Play with Fire and Wild Slash (I recommend 6-8 of these in total). Then some card filtering in Consider, card draw in Of One Mind (since you'd have 8 humans and 8 non-humans), and maybe a singleton Treasure Cruise for mid game.

Hardhitta7 on H: Binder W: Riverglide/Reveler/Prowess

3 years ago

I’m trying to finish up my Pioneer Prowess deck, I’m mostly looking to trade for the cheaper stuff, I plan to buy the Steam Vents and Spirebluff Canal s this Friday. Just trying to save a bit of money by trading for the smaller stuff.

I just copied my binder from a different trade site I’m more active on, unfortunately it didn’t copy over correct sets, so ask if your interested. I’ll try to get all the sets updated tonight/tomorrow.

What I’m looking for:

Edit: I also have a bunch of BFZ full-art lands.

acbooster on Chandra Casts Gun

3 years ago

Brain in a Jar nets you almost no value, with Lightning Strike being the only card that would benefit since you have to pay a mana into it to get the effect. Wild Slash requires a lot of legwork to get the useful part of the effect, which is the unpreventable damage.

Bonecrusher Giant , Skullcrack , and Insult / Injury are better includes than Wild Slash, if only because it's a guaranteed 'damage can't be prevented' effect as well as damage. As for walkers, Chandra, Torch of Defiance would likely do better than Chandra, Flame's Catalyst . Comes out earlier, has a mana ability, and is strong creature spot removal in a pinch. Burning for face is important, but you definitely need to keep your opponent's board state in check at the same time.

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