Curse of the Pierced Heart

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Curse of the Pierced Heart

Enchantment — Aura Curse

Enchant player

At the beginning of enchanted player's upkeep, Curse of the Pierced Heart deals 1 damage to that player.

StopShot on New format idea: "Cursebound"

5 days ago

@Bookrook, the restriction on curse rarities is in place to keep curses themselves from being arbitrary. If most decks wanted to splash a color, an overwhelming amount of them would likely by default utilize whatever curse disrupts them the least, such as Curse of the Pierced Heart with seldom any deck ever picking any of the other red curses to splash into that color. An Ink-Treader Nephilim that uses Curse of Oblivion as their commander's fate would likely get much more value from color splashing into black than whatever drawback that curse would exert on them.

The mindset should be that the strength of the nonlegendary commander should also determine the strength of the curse. I do acknowledge rarity is and can be a very inaccurate way to determine power level, but it's a simple solution that benefits game balance to some extent better than to have no rule that mandates equal strength between commander and curse.

StopShot on New format idea: "Cursebound"

5 days ago

Cursebound is a "Rule Zero" extension of the EDH format. All legal EDH decks are legal in Cursebound. Cursebound slightly loosens up deck-building limitations of EDH to allow for nonlegendary creatures to be your commander while maintaining traditional commander gameplay as well also lightly capping the power level of nonlegendary commander decks for the sake of fun and fairness.

In the cursebound format, if your commander is a nonlegendary creature you must also have a "curse" card as your "commander's fate" in the command zone. The chosen curse card in the command zone can only enchant yourself, and it has the added text, "[this curse has] protection from yourself." If your commander is a nonlegendary card, you can only cast it from the command zone if your "commander's fate" is already on the battlefield first. The "commander's fate" is not subject to the command tax. Removing a player's commander's fate from the battlefield will not counter or return their commander to the command zone if their commander is on the stack or on the battlefield. (Removing the commander's fate only impacts their ability to cast their nonlegendary commander from the command zone.) The command tax still applies to nonlegendary commanders and nonlegendary commanders are treated as if they have the legendary supertype regardless of what zone they're in. (As in they'll proc cards like Hero's Blade," and cards like Mirrorweave would not see that commander as a valid target.) All other EDH rules apply.

In Cursebound you are allowed to choose a commander's fate that is outside your commander's color identity. The color identity of the commander's fate will also be added to your commander's color identity, (and thus you'll be allowed to add cards of that color identity to your deck). There are only two deck building limitations regarding the commander's fate. (1) Your commander's fate must be of a higher or equal card rarity than your commander. (Ex. Vampire Nighthawk + Curse of Predation is allowed. Vampire Nighthawk + Curse of the Nightly Hunt is allowed. Vampire Nighthawk + Curse of the Pierced Heart is not allowed because the curse is of a lower rarity.) If a card has multiple rarities then their rarity is always the least rarest from among their physical card printings. (2) Curse cards that have the words "you" or "your" or omit the words "you" or "your" in its text box can not be used as your commander's fate. (For example, Maddening Hex and Curse of Vengeance can not be your commander's fate as they mention the word "your" and "you" in their text boxes. Curse of Disturbance and Curse of Opulence can not be your commander's fate because both omit the word "you" in their text boxes - "Whenever enchanted player is attacked, [you] create a 2/2 black Zombie creature token." & "Whenever enchanted player is attacked, [you] create a Gold token.") All front-faced curse cards that meet these criteria may be used as your commander's fate. Decks can only have one commander's fate.

The intent and spirit of this format and the commander's fate is for two reasons. To provide nonlegendary creatures with more color flexibility as they're much-much more likely to be mono-colored compared to most legendary creatures, and to keep in spirit with "Rule Zero" fairness by providing a reasonable drawback that can make their existence more tolerable to more playgroups. These principles should be kept in mind when enforcing a banlist for this format, for example, Curse of Obsession and/or Bane of Progress would both be banned from being command zone candidates simply for going against the spirit of the format by either being able to abuse their curse's drawback or having a way to negate their curse's drawback from the command zone with very little difficulty. Command Beacon would be an example of a banworthy card in the 98 for also skating around the spirit of this format as well. (Do note, cards banned in the 98 don't apply to legal EDH decks that aren't running a commander's fate in the command zone.) While competitiveness is acceptable trying to find ways to break the intended mechanics of this format should be discouraged for the sake of healthy game balance and group enjoyment.

legendofa on Is Card:Chaos Warp's ability a …

2 years ago

No, it's a condition, not a triggered ability. Triggered abilities use one of three phrases:

  1. Whenever (X happens), (do Y). Whenever Slate Street Ruffian becomes blocked, defending player discards a card.

  2. When (X happens), (do Y). When Merchant of Secrets enters the battlefield, draw a card.

  3. At the (beginning/end of X phase/step), (do Y). At the beginning of enchanted player's upkeep, Curse of the Pierced Heart deals one damage to that player.

If it doesn't use one of those formulas, it's not a triggered ability.

zapyourtumor on Fire & Lightning it burns, oh my!

3 years ago

Adding some creatures for a mix of some aggro with the burn is usually good (e.g. Monastery Swiftspear ). Eidolon of the Great Revel is also a powerhouse. Browbeat is bad, if you want to run draw Light Up the Stage is much better, or maybe Magmatic Insight to get rid of your dead lands.

Incinerate and Lightning Strike suck, I'd go up to 4x Searing Blaze and 4x Rift Bolt instead.

For the sideboard, Red Elemental Blast (and Pyroblast ) are both not legal in modern. Chain Reaction is two expensive and late game, Curse of the Pierced Heart is way too slow and Reverberate is usually not great either. I'm not too well versed in burn sideboards so I won't give any suggestions here -- you can probably find plenty of good suggestions on google.

Bullettrainsam on Fog Burn

3 years ago

You could go down in landcount to like, 17-18 lands. Also, instead of Reclaim consider Pulse of Murasa . Consider Thermo-Alchemist because it can get burn off of your fog spells as well. Curse of the Pierced Heart considering you're trying to drag the game out while burning them to death, Searing Blaze over Shock because it can hit creatures and players, and considering you're split between fog and burn you want every burn spell to go as far as possible.

Gracco on Red Kamigawa

4 years ago

Needs at least 22 land. also Curse of the Pierced Heart is an option as pseudo-additional red shrines that are not limited to 1 on board. Shrine of Burning Rage is also good and super on theme. Leyline of Punishment should be in the deck in higher numbers or not at all since you want to always open with it. As an alternative to Leyline consider Tibalt, Rakish Instigator. Quest for Pure Flame is also a card that is best at 4 because you want to see it early. Max out Lightning Bolt. It is just so good and somewhat on theme. Nice to see a Kamigawa/Ryusei type deck. Firebrand Archer could go to 4. -1 Torbran -4 Vexing Devil -2 Jaya -2 Leyline -1 Honden -2 Comet Storm -2 Chandra's Fury -4 Ember-Fist Zubera -1 Shock +1 Mountain +4 Ramunap Ruins +2 Tibalt +1 Lightning Bolt +4 Shrine of Burning Rage +4 Curse of the Pierced Heart +1 Archer +2 Quest for Pure Flame is one way to go about changing it.

Twist35 on Tier 1 Burn

4 years ago

The deck looks really cool, but I think that there are some sub-optimal card choices in here. I would say that not running Skewer the Critics is a mistake, and you should probably up your count of Rift Bolt I would cut the Dangerous Wager and add some number of Curse of the Pierced Heart. Best of luck playing this!

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