Cathedral Sanctifier

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Cathedral Sanctifier

Creature — Human Cleric

When Cathedral Sanctifier enters the battlefield, you gain 3 life.

landstalker10 on

4 years ago

Angelic Destiny is a nice card. No synergy. Try to think how it supports the theme and the majority of your cards.

Chalice of Life  Flip is slow, but is immune to most board wipes sooo its good and bad. If you are going to run this, you need an "enters the battlefield gain x life" such as Cathedral Sanctifier as a simple example. I will follow up on this below.

4x Kabira Crossroads

4x Flagstones of Trokair

Choice one, having both will slow you down A LOT.

I would suggest, trading Angelic Destiny and Honor of the Pure for Angel of Vitality and Bishop of Wings

Also, its considered bad taste to link your deck on another decks comments. Next time message.

MoonHollow124 on Lone Rider Mono-White Budget Lifegain

5 years ago

I like soul sisters, but I had some opinions on some cards in this deck. Cathedral Sanctifier just does not feel like it does much. 3 life is not that much, especially when you are gaining so much life. Rhox Faithmender feels like a "win more" card, as it is only really good when you are gaining a lot of life, and when you are gaining a lot of life, you are winning, so it becomes irrelevant quickly. It might be nice in the sideboard to maximize your lifegain against burn, and a big but makes it less likely to die to Lightning Bolt . Crested Sunmare is only good if you can play a creature every turn, and I would recommend Archangel of Thune over it. Blessed Alliance is most commonly going to be used to force an opponent to sacrifice an attacking creature because you have an overflow of life already and your creatures are usually frail, so you don't want to chump block with them. Condemn can have the effect of Blessed Alliance for cheaper. You also get to choose the target. Aerial Responder , while having a good rate, unfortunately doesn't cut it for modern, as you want your creatures to have an effect besides just attacking. To keep my hand filled, I use cards like Thraben Inspector and Squadron Hawk (a playset for obvious reasons). To lean heavily into the life gain archetype and guarantee more redundancy, you will want a full playset of each of your main sisters. Also, if you want to gain lots of life at one time, instead of Cathedral Sanctifier , you can run Martyr of Sands , allowing you to turn a Serra Ascendant on on turn two if you'r lucky.

Sorry for this essay on the inner workings of soul sisters.

joeandr802 on Boros Angels

5 years ago

You definitely need more lands in this thing. 20 lands will not get you to your five cost angels very easily and reliably. Alternatively, you could splash green for ramp. Cathedral Sanctifier seems objectively worse than Soul Warden or Soul's Attendant. I would run those instead.

Mullac on Ajani's Nine Lives

5 years ago

Evra, Halcyon Witness could be great here. You swing with it, last minute pay 4 to exchange life total, hits for your lifetotal and you gain that back through lifelink. Goldenglow Moth could replace Cathedral Sanctifier for a chump blocker and it has flying. Otherwise, it's a solid, nice looking deck!

Firegriff on EDH Custom Deck Challenge

5 years ago

The Challenge that I propose is this: pick a plane, then design a featured Commander of a Legend from the plane. The twist is that the Commander needs to be at least two colors and be designed as a Planeswalker that can be played as Commander. Describe the idea for the deck, how the Commander's Spark triggered, and a general idea of cards you might include as part of the deck if you were designing it for sale. For instance:

Deck name: Saving Grace Plane: Innistrad Commander: Sigarda, Heron of Light (3)(G)(W) Sigarda, Heron of Light can be your Commander. [+2] Put a 1/1 Human token with hexproof into play under your control. [-2] Discard a creature card from your hand. Put a 4/4 Angel token with flying and hexproof into play under your control. [-8] You gain an emblem with, "Creatures you control have lifelink and hexproof. Creatures you control may not be sacrificed. [4]

Spark: After the confrontation with the fused, corrupted Bruna and Gisela, after the 'victory' of the Gatewatch, Sigarda's heart longed for answers, for how to help heal her world. Her heart's cry pulled her out of her world to another, before pulling her back home, where she found Arlinn Kord waiting to speak with her. Realizing now the existence of other worlds, Sigarda has determined to find a way to keep the humans of her ravaged world safe from both internal threats and threats from other planes.

Deck concept: Angels, Humans and Spirits working together to protect and support each other.

Sample cards: Briarbridge Patrol, Cathedral Sanctifier, Champion of Lambholt, Champion of the Parish, Devout Chaplain, Bygone Bishop, Dearly Departed, Drogskol Shieldmate, Angel of Glory's Rise, Angel of Jubilation, Herald of War, Haunted Cloak, Avacyn's Collar, Inquisitor's Flail

lagotripha on

5 years ago

I'd love to see a spell in place of Cathedral Sanctifier- especially with doublecast in the mix. Have you considered either swapping it for something like Silence (a passable lock with soulfire) or Dragonrage? Even a basic token generator would help.

Another option is to go for a heavier 'creatures matter' lifegain. Soul sisters has a lot of tools out there.

Meurth on The Ground and Skies Roar

6 years ago

Lyra Dawnbringer of course, very expensive though :p Shalai, Voice of Plenty is also a very powerful angel.

Pride Guardian and Seal Away defend well against aggro decks. Mother of Runes is a great defensive card for your sideboard.

If you want to be a bit more aggressive, replace the Inspiring Clerics and a few Knight of Meadowgrain for some Glory-Bound Initiates and maybe some Knight Exemplars and Consul's Lieutenants.

I think Cathedral Sanctifier and Pride Guardian are usually better than Ghost-Lit Redeemer.

You could run a Luxa River Shrine for some extra lifegain.

Good luck with the deck, looks awesome!

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