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Body Double
Creature — Shapeshifter
You may have Body Double enter the battlefield as a copy of any creature card in a graveyard.

irishdragon47 on
Mono-Blue Pauper EDH
1 year ago
It's neat going back to look at this, since I don't know if Pauper commander was a thing seven years ago. It sure is now, but still pretty rare. Though commanders are restricted to uncommon creatures usually, even if they're not legendary, which creates some nifty interactions. Some of this deck I'll have to borrow from, because I'm looking to use Body Double as a commander, and milling/dredging into big Eldrazi or unblockable things would be nice.
's the list I'm working on if you're still around and interested.
ASalesman on
Unesh, Ultimate Guide (Tribal)
1 year ago
GHoag Thank you for the good wishes! I intend to record what happens the best I can so I can accurately report on the games. Whatever happens I couldn’t have done as well without you! I do have one big question for you below, if nothing else please help me settle the Palinchron debate.
I got to playtest Tezzeret the Seeker last night and in my limited experience he is VERY good in this deck. I can’t say I would want to see Thran dynamo more than tezzeret in almost any situation. He is an absolute lightning rod. If your opponents know you have dramatic reversal in hand, they have to counter the tezzeret or they will simply lose the game. They can’t wait to see what the ‘-x’ ability grabs (unless they run Stifle or Disallow which isn’t common right now), because the Isochron Scepter just enters the field. If the opponents don’t know you have dramatic reversal in hand it is even more precarious for the opponents, because they don’t know if you are about to win the game or not. Furthermore they should still probably counter it because of the +1 ability alone. Untapping a mana vault every turn is extremely valuable.
Dream Eater performs remarkably well also. It did so well, that it was actually the target of Phantasmal Image at times. Bouncing a Kraum or a Talion to their owners hand feels really good, shutting down their card advantage and setting up my own.
Fabricate is definitely the next tutor to go in if I were to add another one. Still debating what comes out for it. Muddle more likely grabs Isochron Scepter because there is one less artifact tutor than spell tutor. I think I am happy with the tutor base after adding Tezzeret though.
Admittedly submerge is awful against non-green and even 4-5 color decks, because they often don’t run many basic lands except dual-lands. It is definitely a meta choice. Rapid Hybridization is more expensive but meta flexible. Since I don’t know exactly what the meta will be at lotscon and there is no sideboarding allowed I’ll probably go with the more flexible card.
This week my top debate is Palinchron. In the current rev it is starting to feel clunky. Requiring 6 lands on the field seems like a tall order in cEDH, doable only in slower games. He is also clunky because I can’t tutor him or recur him from the graveyard, without exploring the addition of Body Double. Questioning Palinchron also brings Aetherflux Reservoir into question, because Palinchron is the biggest payoff for aetherflux. Without Aetherflux there is no back-up win-con to Thassa’s Oracle which is monumentally important. So taking out Aetherflux is not an option. The Aetherflux/Palinchron wincon is slower than Isoscepter and hard to know when to go for. Though Palinchron is clunky, he is currently the best payoff to aetherflux, and it assists Thoracle. BUT thoracle doesn’t need the help of infinite mana in this deck because I am noticing that I can get to the bottom of the deck before I have 6 lands in play. So I just need a card to be an Aetherflux Reservoir Payoff.
That all said: I posit Shrieking Drake vice Palinchron. This card combos with Defiler of Dreams and Aetherflux Reservoir to have infinite spell casts, life, and damage. Shrieking drake is more innocuous and FAR less expensive therefore making him less risky to run. Shrieking drake also has the versatility of returning a Sphinx to my hand to be cast again. The biggest downside to this choice is that there is less infinite mana combo redundancy than with Palinchron. I think this downside is mitigated by Unesh getting through a lot of the deck very quickly, without needing the help of infinite mana. After briefly exploring the addition of Body Double, I think this course could be doable if we replace Sphinx of Lost Truths. Body double gives me combo safety with Palinchron, makes the combo only require 5 lands in play if I am doing it with Body Double, and has the versatility of copying anything in ANY graveyard. Worth noting, copying things in an opponents graveyard is not often the best choice. The biggest cons here is this makes the deck generally more expensive to play, and body double doesn’t further plan to get through the deck.
I think playtesting is required to know which of the two paths (body double or shrieking drake) is best to take. But with limited time, my gut tells me the Shrieking Drake path is better because it is still lower to the ground, and has synergy with the 20% rule.
eliakimras on
The Horrarrr
1 year ago
Hey! Joey from EDHRECast commented on upgrades for Captain N'ghathrod here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obGhfxKWkk4. He focus more on the mill side of things, so he has more targets for reanimation.
Doing my research on topics he didn't touch on, you might want to consider:
- Some evasion for your Horrors: Intimidation, Vela the Night-Clad;
- Some recursion with Beacon of Unrest, Body Double, Boneyard Parley;
- Ramp that does something else: Heraldic Banner, Midnight Clock, Phyrexian Totem;
- Draw that fills your graveyard: Fact or Fiction, Hostile Negotiations, Scattered Thoughts, Scion of Halaster.
Just like what I did with Menacing Aura, it might be wise to stuff some utility into your lands, so you have more options when playing your matches.
- Access Tunnel is a second copy of Rogue's Passage. If all else fails, it at least works on Captain N'ghathrod itself.
- Talking about second copies, Tomb Fortress is a second Port of Karfell in your build.
- Bojuka Bog is a must for when another graveyard deck gets out of control.
- Memorial to Folly is a late game alternative for gas when your hand is depleted.
- Geier Reach Sanitarium lets you sculpt your hand and graveyard for recursion later. It may also put some fatties on your opponents' graveyards for you to reanimate.
- Hagra Mauling Flip is removal on a land.
- Terrain Generator ramps you when you have nothing else to do with your mana.
- Faceless Haven is another Horror at your disposal, as long as you run
- 7x Snow-Covered Island and 7x Snow-Covered Swamp.
- And to tie all together, Tolaria West, that can search any of the lands above.
Headers13 on
Flying Through The Plains In The Blue
2 years ago
psionictemplar on
Hulk Pact
3 years ago
I think you are probably right on cutting some removal. So how do these changes look.
Add: 4 Unmarked Grave 1 The Underworld Cookbook 3 Discovery / Dispersal
Remove: 3 Dismember 3 Esper Sentinel 1 Reveillark 1 Smallpox
Most all the additions are to help with getting hulk in the yard, with cookbook giving me a small amount of flexibility.
The removal decisions were based off mana considerations and the potential non-bo with an early smallpox/sentinel. Reveillark was probably the hardest pull since I do want backup combo pieces, but Body Double gives me the option to use another players graveyard as well.
I am not completely sure of these changes yet, but one thing I have been mulling over is the need for Prismatic Ending. I can't think of anything right now so dangerous outside of a Relic of Progenitus or Tormod's Crypt that I might need to remove. Not to mention that it doesn't progress my gameplan at all.
EVENcast on
A Monster’s Guide to Volo [Primer]
3 years ago
Thanks for the suggestion Lumovanis, I hadn’t considered Body Double and it’s a solid option. It can target our opponent’s graveyard and/or our own… which gives it a recursion-like quality in Volo. I am committed to not doubling up on creature types though, and I think the Clever Impersonator deserves the shapeshifter slot because of its lower cmc and its ability to clone non-creature permanents. Doubling Season and Parallel Lives don’t actually work with Volo due to the wording of the rules text “a copy of a creature spell becomes a token”… this technically doesn’t count as creating a creature token.
Lumovanis on
A Monster’s Guide to Volo [Primer]
3 years ago
Volo can be a fun commander. I would probably be running Body Double, despite Clever Impersonator. Also pretty surprised to not see Doubling Season or Parallel Lives.
Have (1) | metalmagic |
Want (1) | beesaurs |