
Suspend some Cruel Ultimatums. Use Cast Through Time to double them. Kill with Chancellors (not the best win con but having one or two in your opening hand in a game with 3-4 opponents makes it a beast). Use Wizards to help you do funky stuff.


Jhoira of the Ghitu is the catalyst. She allows me to power out Chancellors and Ultimatums way faster than I should. Use it to put Cast through Time into play as well.

Chancellor of the Dross is the main win con. Having him in the opening hand makes him so much sweeter. Here's some numbers... 1 Chancellor + 3 opponents = +9 life for you, -3 for each opponent. 2 Chancellors + 3 opponents = +18 life for you, -6 for each opponent. On and on and on until I usually have 5 opponents so 1 Chancellor + 5 opponents = +15 life for me, -3 for each opponent &&&& 2 Chancellors + 5 opponents = +30 starting life! It's a good way to start a game.

Cruel Ultimatum is really hard for people to recover from. You can suspend it on turn three to guarantee it coming out on turn 7. I prefer to suspend...

Cast Through Time first if you draw it. It'll make your ultimatums even more cruel. It works with nearly zero other cards in the deck. If you don't have it use...

Information Dealer to stack your deck. With several wizards on the board he becomes crazy powerrful. Don't have him either? Just use...

Vedalken AEthermage's wizardcycling ability to get him or any other wizard you need. Other cool wizards are...

Voidmage Prodigy - the threat of a counterspell can slow people to your pace and can work well with...

Xathrid Necromance - stacking this guy can be pretty cool. He makes everything a better chump blocker and works well with Voidmage Prodigy.

Vela the Night-Clad - Vela can help shave some life from all opponents. Turns Voidmage Prodigy's ability a bit more dangerous.

Grim Lavamancer - The Lavamancer is repeatable removal that can deal with all sorts of troublesome little creatures and he's a human wizard. Two damage isn't the most useful amount of damage but you can sell this ability to other players to bolster their removal. Plus, a zombie blocker and the Lavamancer is 4 dmg to a blocker. He works in direct opposition to...

Elixir of Immortality - Elixir is here because I feel it's a near auto-include in multiplayer causal. Games can run long when there's no predictable meta. Just don't use your Lavamancers all willy-nilly and you should be good. I only include one copy because you can fetch it with...

Trinket Mage - He's really just in here to get your elixir. You only need one because you can use your dealer to draw it or chain your wizard cycle into the elixir with it. EDIT: He can now fetch my new addition...

Aether Vial - An end of turn Jhoira with a suspended Ultimatum or Chancellor can be pretty cool.

Shadowmage Infiltrator - Almost forgot about one of my faves. This guy can usually find someone to connect with to net you a card or two. You'll inevitably draw the ire of that player no matter how much you try to tell them it's just to draw cards so be careful. He draws a lot of removal but then again so does nearly every creature I play. We just want to make sure Jhoira is alive enough to help us win so having our Infiltrator eat some removal is totes ok by me. The best part? He eats the good removal. He's black and has 3 toughness and can't usually be killed by the small stuff.

Terminate - Some cheap and good removal. I have Dreadbore, Dismember, and Hero's Downfall in my collection but Terminate has a bunch of advantages in my play group. First, Dreadbore is sorcery speed and most of my friends don't play planeswalkers. They're generally expensive cards and we don't like to put that much money into casual. Very few planeswalkers means instant speed is way more important that being able to kill planeswalkers. Hero's Downfall is instant speed and can deal with the occasional walker but it costs 3. I haven't playtested this extensively yet but I feel there's so much to do in each of your turns that sparing mana is important. Lastly, Dismember is very cheap and if we started with Chancellors the 2-4 life loss shouldn't be a problem at all. It's instant speed and kills indestructables. However, I wanna reach past that 5 toughness. Some of my friends favor fatties.

Shivan Gorge - The last few extra points of damage.

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth - Allows you to hard cast Chancellors if need be.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

35 - 0 Rares

5 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.49
Tokens Morph 2/2 C, Zombie 2/2 B
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