

Hey Everyone! Thanks for checking out my Poor college student version of BG Obliterator. And by budget I mean no Dark Confidants, Liliana of the Veils, or Tarmogoyfs. I am hopefully getting some Liliana of the Veils soon, but until then this is what I have to work with...

Anyway that aside, the game plan is fairly simple: Attrition. The goal of the deck is to cut a path through your opponents hand with Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozilek to get you to the point where Phyrexian Obliterator can take over the game.


The removal package includes spells such as Abrupt Decay and Victim of Night to help me get through opponents mid game threats. Dismember and Slaughter Pact are my more versatile removal spells that allow me to tap most of my land each turn and still remove important threats at instant speed. Maelstrom Pulse is a catch all and Drown in Sorrow and Putrefy are simply metagame cards for my local LGS.


For creatures we have Phyrexian Obliterator (obvisouly) as the beater. He does a great job of smashing through slow opponents and proves to be a very effective blocker in my aggressive local meta. I mean who wants to swing into that... I utilize Scavenging Ooze as the other bruiser in the deck as, there are quite a few creature reliant decks that will leave the ooze with food for days. Also he gains life, which is great in a deck that often Lava Axe's itself turn 1. Courser of Kruphix provides a good blocker, that doesn't die to Lighting Bolt or Anger of the Gods which is very relevant in the local meta. On top of that it thins land out of the deck and helps me gain a little life back. All in all a great card. I choose to play Vampire Nighthawk over Kitchen Finks simple because I needed a flying blocker and I like the lifelink. I am playing Pain Seer Instead of Dark Confidant. Its not a great replacment but I have liked if over cards such as Sign in Blood simply because it has a body that can attack, block or eat a removal spell for Phyrexian Obliterator. I don't know if running Pain Seer as my only card advantage spell is a great idea, im still testing him. I might add some amount of Sign in Bloods to the main just to have som parented draw power.


The mana base is fairly consistent and straight forward. Between Verdant Catacombs and Twilight Mire I can play any card in the deck. I have rarely run into a time when I couldn't cast my spells on curve. I am Planning on running 2 Marsh Flats in the main when I get my hands on them, and I would Prefer Tectonic Edge over Ghost Quarter but I need to acquire one as well.

--Matchups/ Sideboard Strategy (Work in Progress Please Help!)--

I need opinions on the deck, especially the side board. I have a fairly aggro heavy local Meta that consists of 3 Red decks (2 burn, 1 RDW), RB Aristocrat, Affinty, BUG Infect, 2 WB token decks, UW Tron, Snapcaster Mage Scapeshift, Bogels, Fish, and UR Storm. We just recently started playing Modern so I have only play against a Handful of the decks. So far I seem to have a good matchups against UW Tron, Scapeshift and the WB Token decks, but I havent really got to test against Burn or Bogels which im concerned about.

Against UW Tron I win if I get Scavenging Ooze out, or side in Beast Within for when he reanimates Iona, Shield of Emeria naming Black.

Against Scapeshift I can usually carve a path with hand disruption long enough for Phyrexian Obliterator to get there, but Repeal is often a tough card for this deck to get through.

Against WB Tokens, Drown in Sorrow and Golgari Charm]] usually win me the game,, but Path to Exile can be a real pain for this deck to get through some times.

I don't really have a plan for the other decks as I haven't really got to play against any of our other players. Please leave any thoughts or suggestions! Thanks! I will continue to update this as I play during our Modern Events starting soon.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 2 Mythic Rares

31 - 5 Rares

12 - 7 Uncommons

3 - 1 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.19
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Phyrexian Germ 0/0 B
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