Omnath - Locus of Ramp [defunct May 28th '20]

Commander / EDH NoNeedToBragoBoutIt


GS10 says... #1

Going this hard on ramp and so few creatures, I'd definitely feel the need to run Parallel Lives.

Is Fresh Meat proving useful to you? It seems very situational to me. Personally I run Descent of the Dragons, which in Omnath can do all you want for that transaction: Sac all your Elementals, even trade relevant big creatures from your opponents for dragons, trigger Omnath a lot, and keep a board of big creatures.

I'd consider Blasphemous Act for Starstorm if you don't run it mainly for it's cycling ability, but even so, Blasphemous Act is much more effective as a board wipe. (I run Savage Twister instead for no reason! But it's probably one of my next upgrades to make)

I favour Omnath a little bit more creature based: Some of my absolute all stars have been Budoka Gardener, Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip, Rakka Mar and Avenger of Zendikar as the prime finisher when I decide to attack for lethal (since I mostly keep my elementals as barriers and sac them consistently and rarely attack for lethal with them).

Check my deck and description out, I hope it can help you improve yours as well! ;)

Elemental Fireworks

Commander / EDH GS10


+1 given ;)

October 16, 2016 7:32 p.m.

BlueSunCorp says... #2

I would definitely add some more creatures to the deck. Especially elementals that work with lands or retain some sort of benefit from playing/having them.

  1. Rubblehulk
  2. Thicket Elemental
  3. Thornling
  4. Undergrowth Champion
  5. Phytotitan
  6. Titania, Protector of Argoth
  7. Omnath, Locus of Mana
  8. Fertilid
  9. Cloudthresher is a amazing for annoying flying tokens, medium flyers and a clutch blocker in general. Tireless tracker is great for draw and a powerhouse later.

I would also recommend:

  1. Khalni Heart Expedition: This card works wonders early game. A good hand with this can net you Omanth turn 4 along with a 5/5 elemental. An average hand still means turn 5 or 6 at the latest.
  2. Abundance
  3. Rite of the Raging Storm
  4. Journey of Discovery
  5. Mob Rule
  6. Destructive Revelry
October 16, 2016 8:15 p.m.

Holy ish, thanks for all the input BlueSunCorp & GS10 (again!).

I've been thinking about Parallel Lives and Doubling Season and i'm still sceptical as their immediate influence can vary a lot more as in, let's say, Prossh, Skyraider of Kher. I might take them out of my Prossh - Need some water for that burn? deck though to test them.

Fresh Meat isn't supposed to work as a benefit of saccing but should pull the game on my side after a board wipe. If my opponents fear Elementals and prefer a clear board they'll be just happy to see i got my pings and a dozen 3/3 beast that will be able to swing as the rest of the board is cleared. Absolute pet card of mine, you should try it out!

The reason why i'm running Starstorm instead is, that i can always cast it in response. If Omnath, Locus of Rage is targeted by spot removal i know a board wipe is going to go down soon and whoever wants to cast it is trying to avoid the pings. Starstorm allows me to clear the board in response and get all the triggers nontheless. Plus, it's really flexible. If i want to keep board presence and/or swing for a lot on my next turn i can always cast it with x=4 the end step before my turn. In a vacuum Blasphemous Act is bonkers, but for what i'm trying to do/avoid Starstorm is just the better fit.

As for your creature suggestions, i'd prefer Oracle of Mul Daya over Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip as for the imminent influence, insane synergy and big package of value. While theoretically a great combo Budoka Gardener with it's before a single yet big Elemental hits the board is simply too much investment. Not even talking summoning sickness. His ability before he transforms might be great in other decks but i purposely designed my ramp (mainly) around lands hitting the board from the library instead of going to my hand. So Courser of Kruphix and said Oracle of Mul Daya fit better in any case. Rakka Mar looks cool and i might test him out. Unsure if i need another token spawner though. Avenger of Zendikar is a definite force if it stays on the field, but judging from my experience he gets destroyed before anything big happens unless you can ramp after you cast him. So you'd need to cast him and either need a (fetch) land in hand or have enough mana open and a ramp spell in hand. On the other hand i'd love dropping him with In the Web of War on the field...

Either way, thanks again for your input, will try out Doubling Season, Parallel Lives and Rakka Mar.

1.Rubblehulk - I do have a copy and played it for a while. It didn't win me any games with Bloodrush and i never felt like casting it as a creature. I prefer going wide instead of big, as it helps against spot removal.

2.Thicket Elemental - Feels like i'd only run it for being an Elemental. If i'd be more into creature and tutor-based gameplay i'd just run one of the many green broken creature tutors instead.

3.Thornling - Um, no? Despite the creature type this would feel just off.

4.Undergrowth Champion - Another example of going big. Could be very cool landing it on turn 2-3, but apart from that, meh.

5.Phytotitan - An "undying" Elemental for ? Such a clunky mechanic as he returns tapped and all. If it had a smaller body but cost less and would return untapped i'd go for it.

6.Titania, Protector of Argoth - I'd love to run her, but she's a lot more effective when the deck is stacked with the optimal fetches and a Crucible of Worlds. I'm working/trading towards that end but before i get closer to that i fear she's too situational.

7.Omnath, Locus of Mana - I've always been a fan of Old-nath, but despite getting big and its creature type i don't see much synergy here. Rulewise i'm not even allowed to have both Omnaths on the field at the same time, if i'm correct. If i had one of these i'd totally play it - in my Ezuri - Regenerating Leader deck for it's clear and brutal synergy there.

8.Fertilid - for 2 lands and a single ping? There are easier ways to get the land and the single ping doesn't make much difference.

9.Cloudthresher - Flyers aren't too much of a problem in my LGS. If so i'd prefer Silklash Spider over this as it's a permanent solution for all flyers.

1.Khalni Heart Expedition - Great early game card, but later on i hate it for it's delayed ramp. Have it, cut it, never looked back.

2.Abundance - Hmm, love the effect - i would always pick "nonland" - but revealing it somewhat spoils it for me. There are cards in the deck that need the element of surprise. Maybe if i get one in a trade i'll try it out.

3.Rite of the Raging Storm - Hmm, fun durdle but outside of my turn chances are nothing really happens.

4.Journey of Discovery - Each mode on it's own has good value, especially the second one early game, but mid-late game its too expensive going for the entwined effect.

5.Mob Rule - Fun card, but my deck is very streamlined to beat face. If i were in the mood i'd run my copy of Insurrection instead.

6.Destructive Revelry - Hmm, spot removal isn't a particular strength of this deck. 'Til now that never caused any problems. If that changes my adds would be Unravel the Aether and Deglamer as they hinder graveyard recursion and enable me to shuffle away Gods and Darksteel Colossus (which doesn't see much play).

Thanks to you too. I'll give Abundance a try if i can get my hands on one. Titania, Protector of Argoth will be an addition at a later stage.

October 17, 2016 6:15 a.m.

GS10 says... #4


About Fresh Meat and Starstorm I disregarded they're instants, they felt a bit like sorceries! You're absolutely right! ;)

Obviously Oracle of Mul Daya is the perfect card for Omnath (and pretty much any deck running green to be honest, actually) but since budget-wise it's often double Nissa's cost, I always try to suggest the not so expensive stuff or things that might go under the radar. If you play Omnath, I expect you to know Oracle and want him in ASAP ;) I'd still run both probably (once I get my own Oracle), since Nissa doesn't only ramp you but is a beacon for all kinds of removal. And I'd rather have people squandering resources to get rid of her than doing so on my Omnath or even Oracle. In my experience people fear PWs or the mere threat of them, more than they should. Nissa is great, yes, she will do a lot, but she doesn't win on her own or not like Oracle or Omnath would at least, so she ends up being a deceptive move from my deck often, while I still get value from her everytime. In the end it's a personal option of course.

As for Budoka Gardener I've only used it's Elemental ability once, to win the game. Otherwise the main reason he's in there is the ability to play another land a turn. Without Oracle I take what I get, and he ramps me early game and allows extra Landfall triggers after Omnath is on the battlefield. I pretty much only make elementals to sink mana if I'm out of gas, or if I get Warstorm Surge + Where Ancients Tread out. That's a game winner on itself! But given the choice, still, Oracle of Mul Daya every single time, over pretty much every single card in the deck lol

In my experience, with all the mana ramp spells and extra landfall cards I run, usually Avenger of Zendikar wins the game in the next one to two turns (if everyone's still alive on the table). With In the Web of War it seems perfect though! ahah

One last thing about the Legend Rule! You CAN have both Omnath, Locus of Rage and Omnath, Locus of Mana onto the battlefield. There is no single identifier that tells you they're the exact same character apart from the name, and the name must be exactly the same for you to have to sacrifice one of them to the legend rule. One example of the identifier I mean are Planeswalkers: Chandra, Flamecaller and Chandra, the Firebrand for instance both have "Planeswalker - Chandra", on the card type box. In that situation you know they're the same legend and you must sacrifice one. As for Omnath, you just get the card name which doesn't match fully, so you can keep both. I also had that doubt with the new and old Khans in the KTK block standard, and it does work. You only have to sac legends with the same exact name (which is also why Sakashima the Impostor is so cool and works with legends).

October 17, 2016 9 a.m.

Vash13 says... #5

Nice, another awsome deck, here my only suggestions would be Life from the Loam for reacurring land drop/mill defence/its a badass card i think it would fit nicley here, and then Harvest Season with a strong creature force its not hard to get huge amounts of land from this especially if you get a couple tap effect creatures in play

January 15, 2019 6:35 p.m.

Vash13 says... #6

Oh also i forgot to say loose Farseek and Rampant Growth and add Primal Growth

January 15, 2019 6:38 p.m.

3rd time the charm, thanks for the compliments, Vash13!

In an earlier iteration of the deck i played Life from the Loam - only to realize i don't have enough lands that sac themselves. If i were to play with Crucible of Worlds , Scapeshift and a full suite of originial Fetches that would be one of the best cards the deck could have. At the same time getting all 6 Fetches and said cards would be an investment that would nearly double the deck's value - it is far more likely that im going to build another 1-2 decks with that money instead.

I'd never cut Farseek and Rampant Growth , because both of them, Nature's Lore and Sakura-Tribe Elder are the best drops the deck has. Either they allow me to cast Omnath, Locus of Rage a turn early or they make for cheap Landfall triggers.

You're propably right about Primal Growth . I should find a slot for it.

January 24, 2019 9:57 a.m.

Vash13 says... #8

Ok thank you for the counter explanation that makes a lot of sense, i apriciate it because ive considered building this commander so its nice to get multuple perspectives.

January 28, 2019 12:31 a.m.

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