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Ghyrson Starn, The Friendless

Commander / EDH* UR (Izzet)


Ghyrson Starn is a commander I've wanted to build around while I was moving into a new place, but I didn't have most of my magic cards on me. The ability to deal direct damage isn't necessarily powerful for most cards in the game, but I was enamored with the idea of some guy double-tapping my opponents every time I threw a pebble at their shoulder.

The idea of the deck is to cherry tap your opponents to death, using a multitude of smaller bodies that don't really do a TON of damage, but our buddy Ghyrson Starn is always right behind them, turning 1 damage to each opponent into 3.

This is relatively budget (more or less straight from the boxes of commons and uncommons), and this deck isn't necessarily looking for critique; I just want to put it out there as a list of the cards in the deck. Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx is probably the only genuinely expensive card in this deck; swapping it out for another mana rock or a less expensive land (the last time I checked its price I thought it was like $2, just goes to show how much things can change in 10 years)

Good Synergies in the deck:

Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph + Wildfire Elemental - Because Ghyrson Starn does a second hit of damage, Wildfire Elemental triggers twice, giving all creatures +2/+0 instead of +1/+0.

Blisterspit Gremlin + Wildfire Elemental

Brimstone Trebuchet + Wildfire Elemental

Erebor Flamesmith + Wildfire Elemental

Firebrand Archer + Wildfire Elemental

Kessig Flamebreather + Wildfire Elemental

Lightning-Rig Crew + Wildfire Elemental

Reckless Fireweaver + Wildfire Elemental

Spear Spewer + Wildfire Elemental

End the Festivities + Wildfire Elemental - All of these cards, in one way or another, hit every opponent for 1 damage. Since three opponents are dealt non-combat damage, Wildfire Elemental triggers three times for each instance, or six times with Ghyrson Starn.

Djinn Illuminatus + End the Festivities - for 1 damage to three opponents is so nice, you gotta see it twice. Or three times. Or seven. for 7 damage to hit everything on the board might be expensive, but it combos extremely well with Ghyrson Starn and Wildfire Elemental


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