Wild Evocation

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Wild Evocation


At the beginning of each player's upkeep, that player reveals a card at random from his or her hand. If it's a land card, the player puts it onto the battlefield. Otherwise, the player casts it without paying its mana cost.

Tur on People's Thoughts on Mommy Norn?

2 years ago

Combo players, in semi-competitive, do not care about this card. It will never be a road block to their combo decks. It will die right away or be countered. Boom and that's all they wrote. Counterspell cards would be more effective against combo players.

Again, I do not care about the Yarok, the Desecrated part of the card. That really doesn't matter too much.

The problem which I have with Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines is the very large amount of judge rulings, player errors, and misrepresentation which will occur.

It is inevitable these will occur.

How many times have you seen someone in your play group do any of the following actions:

In a casual meta takebacks are generally acceptable. Assuming not too much time or actions have past.

Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines is a engine for these kind of effects. Unless you're a very sticker for the rules, half the time you'll have to deal with so many takebacks. It's a headache.

I'd probably just scoop to this card if I don't have an out in-hand.

At least Winter Orb isn't going to cause massive takebacks.

Gleeock on Devil Rant

2 years ago

Hmmm. Hard to say. I think devils in MtG have a lot of room to be further defined beyond that initial narrow Ravnica viewpoint. IMO a good difference would be: wanton & destructive evil vs. calculated badness. One place I would agree on is that Devils have alot of space for improvement. I think your peon-level devil tokens are fine as representations of agents of wanton destruction & I've actually done alot with them. I think Zurzoth, Chaos Rider deserves more credit BTW.

I think the MtG community is way too narrow on their scope of how chaos has to function in the game. As you said Stardragon coin flips are easily manipulated into an inefficient control concept, I barely consider them chaos, in that, the end result is typically just manipulated so much. I think polymorphing is an example of a form of chaos that could be explored further with lord-level devels (which we've had very few of so far). The DnD set has been strong at exploring dice-roll types of chaos with variable effects that benefit you in chaotic ways. The Wand of Wonder is the best kind of chaos that could be explored. The Deck of Many Things is chaos that could be explored further. Oath of Druids again, is chaotic as hell, but is not chaos by traditional MtG community definition. I think it is not fair to say "chaos is hated", when chaos has been poorly-defined & only just being explored in new ways. I also do not carry the same hate for say: Wild Evocation as some of those other examples.

I so want a Devil-lord of transformation that causes a forced polymorph for everyone.

legendofa on Devil Rant

2 years ago

So far, Devil creatures show up in just three planes with any regularity: Ravnica, Innistrad, and New Capennaland. Philosophically, they represent or are aligned with random chaotic destruction on the first two, and work as construction and demolition in the last.

I believe this isn't mechanically represented by randomized effects because the player-planeswalker is assumed to be directing their actions, and not letting them run rampant and act on their own.

I think randomizer cards are best in small doses, or when directed to a goal of finishing the game. On one hand, a Scrambleverse led to one of my most memorable game moments, and Wild Evocation + Possibility Storm + Grip of Chaos holds a place in one of my Horde Magic designs (where it's almost always publicly announced). On the other hand, these effects make it more difficult and unwieldy for the person using them to win, and often the winner comes down to whoever gets the best/least bad random effects. If you enjoy that playstyle, go for it! Just expect that not everyone will, and some people will be actively opposed to it.

Kazierts on

3 years ago

I think your last suggestions (Wild Evocation, Unpredictable Cyclone and Aetherworks Marvel) are a bit too much for me. However, I actually loved Dream Devourer and Ignorant Bliss. I'll probably get a playset of devourer, once I start buying the deck and test the ratios. I just don't think impulse draw will be that useful after Worldfireing since I won't have mana.

Really grateful for your suggestions!

lagotripha on

3 years ago

I quite like this. I'd consider Dream Devourer and . Dream devourer helps cheat on the cost of larger spells, while also setting up any colourless creatures as a wincon - its really sweet here.

On a pure jank level, I can reccomend my favourite card; Ignorant Bliss. It sets you up post-wildfire and counters thoughtsieze. In a similar vein, effects like You Find Some Prisoners or Light Up the Stage that exile cards from the top of libraries and let you cast them can set up a post-wildfire state in a pinch.

Wild Evocation or Unpredictable Cyclone is a cute way to set up worldfire, Aetherworks Marvel plays nice with garagodon, and mana rocks are good. Especially alongside devourer.

Best of luck - Jank brews like this are a lot of fun.

hellokitty6666666666666 on New hubs to be added

4 years ago

legendofa I guess just decks whose main theme is causing chaos for the table lol. Shuffling permanents or spells around, cheating others' creatures or permanents out, randomly countering spells, just causing general chaos.

Cards like Grip of Chaos , Planar Chaos , Possibility Storm , Hive Mind , Eye of the Storm , Chaos Warp , Scrambleverse , Warp World , Wild Evocation , etc. come to mind.

Searching decks and forums on here brings up quite a lot of results. I would consider my deck here: Giving Good People Bad Permanents a chaos deck. EDHREC has a 'Chaos' theme hub as well if you're interested in looking there.

Romer on Riku's Replicants

4 years ago

Hey Forceofnature1, thanks for the positive feedback!

Yep, I've played this deck many times over the past decade. It was my first commander deck, way back in 2011, and I've continued updating it over time. Riku's definitely a target when he comes out but there are so many other sources of replication that I can often still be a threat with big board presence without him.

Hmm, I'm not super into chaos playstyles myself but if you were looking to go in that direction I'm thinking you'd want things that let you cast spells for free so you could save your mana to copy those spells or copy the creatures as they enter the battlefield. Things like:

You could also look at things that have this effort for all players, banking on your ability to create additional copies of spells, letting you pull ahead of other players in value:

Trying to think of other chaotic effects - maybe Genesis Ultimatum ? You could copy the Ultimatum itself, plus any creatures that ETB from it you could make copies of, too.

You mentioned reworking your Riku deck with Sakashima at the helm - did it become mono-blue or did you use the new Sakashima partnered with someone green/red?

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