Treasure Vault

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Treasure Vault

Artifact Land

: Add .

, , Sacrifice this: Create X Treasure tokens. (It's a colourless artifact with ", Sacrifice this artifact: Add one mana of any colour.")

Cloudy2024 on 8Cast but I swap all the bad cards w Crabomination

1 month ago

cool deck capwner! maybe try Treasure Vault as it counts for affinity.

sergiodelrio on Eldra-Zero

2 months ago

Another thought: Mox Opal requires sort of an "infrastructure" for the Metalcraft condition to be online. One popular option to do that with as little opportunity cost as possible would be Darksteel Citadel or Treasure Vault, which is also an artifact.

Other ideas could be Roadside Reliquary or The Mycosynth Gardens (or other suggestions we previously talked about), depending on where you want to go with the deck. What vector would you like to improve anyway? Where is it struggling? How is playtesting going so far?

wallisface on Should I Put Additional Artifact …

5 months ago


  • Treasure Vault is probably better than Darksteel Citadel, but it’s close. However, in your deck Darksteel Citadel is probably better than Vault of Whispers, as you have nothing that needs black mana (if you’re ever not casting Vault Skirge for , you’re doing something wrong).

  • regardless of the point above, I think your deck is lacking enough blue and white sources to be reliable, and i’d be dropping a bunch of the black & colourless lands in favour of more lands that can provide white/blue.

  • Chromatic Lantern is an absolutely tragically terrible card. Maybe you’re thinking of it being useful is a hangover from Commander?? In any non-edh format the card is just really, really bad - 3 mana for this effect is not playable. At least upgrade it to Talisman of Progress if you’re wanting a mana-rock that sticks around. Although I also think that Chromatic Star/Chromatic Sphere are also much better options.

DemonDragonJ on Should I Put Additional Artifact …

5 months ago

wallisface, Caerwyn, jethstriker, yes, that makes sense, so I shall keep my existing lands, but I actually did have Darksteel Citadel in this deck, before I replaced it with Treasure Vault, or do you believe that the citadel is superior? Also, I feel that both Chromatic Sphere and Chromatic Star are radically inferior to Chromatic Lantern, so I cannot in good conscience replace the lantern with those cards.

DemonDragonJ on Should I Put Additional Artifact …

5 months ago

I have four copies of Razortide Bridge in this 60-card artifact deck of mine, but I am wondering if I should replace the four copies of Glimmervoid and four copies of Treasure Vault with four copies of Goldmire Bridge and Mistvault Bridge, for a more reliable mana base; what does everyone else say about that?

As a side note, I severely dislike the fact that those artifact dual lands are named for specific locations on Mirrodin, which limits the sets in which they can be reprinted.

Niko9 on Skrelv's Toxic Masculinity

8 months ago

Deck looks really fun, and as somebody who runs a mono white deck a lot, this list looks awesome : )

I have a few suggestions, just because you were asking about making this as competitive as possible.

You could probably get away with running more utility lands, stuff like War Room or Roadside Reliquary are nice when you just need to draw something, and I like Blast Zone a ton because it's always something you can sink some mana into and when it goes off it's amazing. Treasure Vault can be kinda similar where you can sac a little efficiency and get an amazing turn.

Dowsing Dagger  Flip is a great equip and you have lots of attacking and evasive creatures, so might be awesome.

Concerted Effort could be an absolute bomb, giving all your guys double strike, flying, or protection. Effort and Mother of Runes are so great together.

For max cometitiveness, I think about a Phyrexian Dreadnought and Tocatli Honor Guard or Hushwing Gryff package, just because dreadnaught is such a crazy toxic target, and honor guard can even be tutored off Pyre of Heroes and Mother of Runes or Alaborn Zealot. Zealot also works well with protection because you can pro her from her own destruction, and really, worst case she is just a 1mana protection from attacks. It's a convoluted combo for sure, and I'd only do it because I have a few dreadnaught copies from back in the day, he is way too expensive now : ) Also, things like Hushbringer can just be great stax pieces on their own.

Duelist's Heritage might work well with toxic

And I really like Crashing Drawbridge in any attack focused deck, just for the haste, but sometimes to have a big butt blocker too.

legendofa on Mox Quartz

1 year ago

Circle of Dreams Druid doesn't represent a specific character, place, or event, but rather a specific subclass of druid. In 5th Edition D&D, the thirteen main classes each have a number of specializations called subclasses. Each character chooses a subclass for their main class, usually at second or third level, that gives them more exclusive abilities, but you only make this choice once per class--once you choose your subclass, that's it. The Circle of Dreams is a druid subclass that emphasizes protection, safety, and travel (so the flavor's a little off, but a lot of the AFR cards concede flavor for gameplay).

I think Mox Quartz is too strong and reliable, since its mana cost is strictly generic mana. CoD Druid uses heavy color costs to restrict its utility. As it stands, this card is a supercharged blue Sol Ring. A cost of or even might be better, since there are a lot more utility artifacts than creatures at mana value 0-1.

T1 Seat of the Synod, T2 Darksteel Citadel, T3 Treasure Vault, Mox Quartz, and you're mana-positive with no further investment or opportunity cost, and I'm deliberately leaving out other colors and mana rocks--Sol Ring, Fellwar Stone, signets and talismans and so on. This would be a major threat in Commander and devastating in everything else.

TheBestMagicCard on Emrakul, the Promised End

1 year ago

Ha! I also just remembered that Sojourner's Companion is included. This card is a weird include, but it acts kind of like Traveler's Amulet and Wayfarer's Bauble, in that it gets a land and it can count for towards Emrakrul in the graveyard. As of now, the only cards it can search for are Darksteel Citadel and Treasure Vault, Treasure Vault being the more like useful option, as it can give you extra mana for the next turn - I think of it kind of like a worse Skittering Invasion - and it can also be a land in the graveyard for Emrakrul's cost reduction.

Ultimately, I think this is kind of cool and dorky, but maybe not powerful enough to include. I honestly haven't used it enough to get a good sense of weather it's worth it or not.

But, I also hope and assume that one day, more powerful artifact lands will be printed, and then it might be actually a really cool card... I could def see taking this out for something more useful, but right now I think I still need to see more play with it before I take it out...

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