Storm Fleet Arsonist

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Storm Fleet Arsonist

Creature — Orc Pirate

Raid - When Storm Fleet Arsonist enters the battlefield, if you attacked with a creature this turn, target opponent sacrifices a permanent.

dusterGGG on Is stax possible in standard?

7 years ago

I've actually been thinking of trying to build a BR stax deck myself. Making use of both Angraths, Kitesail Freebooter, recuring Storm Fleet Arsonist, Vona's Hunger, Torment of Scarabs, Torment of Hailfire. I'm not sure it's good, but it's doable.

EpicBox75 on Angry Pirates

7 years ago

It seems that you maybe a new player or new to standard but your deck has too many singletons.You want that your deck is as consistent as possible and by first you can choose what you want your deck to do.

Example your deck is BR (rakdos) so it is usually really aggressive so you are seeking cards that cost max 4 mana (With few exceptions).

You should take out Wily Goblin Deadeye Tracker <- (To side) Pitiless Plunderer Lightning-Rig Crew <- (maybe for side) Angrath's Marauders Angrath's Fury Blazing Volley Brass's Bounty Hijack Morbid Curiosity Vraska's Scorn Wrangle Dual Shot Skulduggery Vona's Hunger Treasure Map  Flip Vanquisher's Banner Revel in Riches and Blood Sun and Walk the Plank . You should switch Angrath, Minotaur Pirate and Vraska, Scheming Gorgon for Chandra, Torch of Defiance if you are made out of money and if not then Angrath, the Flame-Chained will just done fine

For good 1 drop you should add 4x Fanatical Firebrand because he is useful even when games get long because sometimes that 1 dmg that he can do directly to face mattes some time. 3 more Dire Fleet Captain because they are hard to kill when you got 2-3 pirates attacking with it. 1 Kari Zev, Skyship Raider because she is reliable 2 drop because she is hard to kill and brings buddy when attacking and 2 Captain Lannery Storm because she has haste and ramps little bit for you to make wider board or faster Angrath. 1 more Dire Fleet Neckbreaker should do fine because she doesn't have evasive abilites but buffs pirates so much that they become even more menacing. (Hazoret would be amazing in aggro deck but she isn't pirate so you don't have to include her if you don't want / can't]

For other spells 1 more Lightning Strike 2 Vraska's Contempt 2 Kari Zev's Expertise 1 Vance's Blasting Cannons  Flip and 3 Shock (or 1 Magma Spray and 2 Shock ) and if you are able to get then 4 Fatal Push and try to put them in as you like

And add 1 more land and if you can you should get 4 Canyon Slough because they make decks more consistent thanks to that cycling

For side take out Blight Keeper Brass's Bounty Costly Plunder Dire Fleet Captain Dire Fleet Neckbreaker Revel in Riches Skittering Heartstopper Storm Fleet Arsonist Sure Strike Wily Goblin because simply they don't do much in most sitsuations

You should add 2 Abrade 1-2 Magma Spray (depending on how many sprays you have in mainboard) 2 Deadeye Tracker 2 Lightning-Rig Crew 3 Blazing Volley or Dual Shot and 2-3 Duress

These are just my thoughts and you don't need to change anything because I say so but these are what I recommend for your deck. If you want / need I can explain why I would take those cards out that I mention and what I would put in

Shimtalia on Sacimundar

7 years ago

Your Bimonthly update is as follows:

In - Storm Fleet Arsonist

Out - Chainer's Edict

Leafwing01 on Pirate etb

7 years ago

oh also try out Storm Fleet Arsonist

MindAblaze on LF: Mercadian Masques H: Things

7 years ago

I am looking for 3 cards, one of which has gone up preposterously since Ixalan was spoiled.

Rishadan Cutpurse

Rishadan Footpad

Rishadan Brigand.

Since Ixalan has brought us Storm Fleet Arsonist I thought it would be a nice time to build my Blade of Selves Flicker deck, using these four guys as the core creatures. Problem can't buy the Rishadan pirates anywhere that I'm used to looking.

Help a brotha out? I live in Canada, if that's an issue.

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