Risk Factor

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Risk Factor


Target opponent may have Risk Factor deal 4 damage to them. If that player doesn't, you draw three cards.

Jump-start (You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. Then exile this card.)

Bookrook on Valeyard voting

4 months ago

GoldberserkerdragonTouché. I play it just because it goes towards the whole opponents making choices theme. Risk Factor would probably be a better choice.

9-lives on burn deck help to refurbish

1 year ago

I replaced Boros Charm, Lightning Helix, and Deflecting Palm. Switched them out with Atarka's Command, and Play with Fire. Removed Risk Factor and Light Up the Stage. Put into play Yavimaya Iconoclast and Black Market Tycoon. Got rid of Satyr Firedancer. I'm not asking if it looks fun, haha. I'm wondering if it's so-called competitive.

wallisface on burn deck help to refurbish

1 year ago

9-lives modern is a format with fetchlands - your opponent will be effectively starting on 17-18 life even if they're trying to be conservative as possible with how they fetch lands.

I know very well how burn works, I've played it many times before, and played against it incredibly frequently. I've won a bunch of tournaments so have a pretty-good idea of what i'm talking about here.

There is a reason that no competitive burn deck is playing either Risk Factor or Light Up the Stage - and it's not because every-other burn player has been lobotomized. You're suggesting that your barely-played homebrew is more justified than the collective efforts of every-other competitive burn player on the planet - and that is an absurd call to make.

9-lives on burn deck help to refurbish

1 year ago

Wow. wallisface You are not familiar with the playstyle of burn decks, then. Usually it goes like this:

draw lands, draw burn spells, play burn spell #1 taking 3 damage to the opponent. Your opponent does something on his turn. Do the same thing again, playing 2 burn spells. Opponent has at least 9 life missing. Repeat. Play at most 3 burn spells. 18 life missing. Run out of cards. Wonder why you aren't drawing burn spells. Need burn spells! NEED BURN SPELLS!

This is why Risk Factor and Light Up the Stage are so useful. There's no doubt that, logically, you're going to run out of cards in hand faster than your ability to keep them at-hand. There's no way anyone is going faster than this, unless there is ramping or something.

9-lives on burn deck help to refurbish

1 year ago

The point of going over 60 is that I can afford to have more space in my deck so long as I keep the number of burn spells a certain ratio. This is one of the few decks that actually benefit from having a large number of cards, so long as I keep the same ratios. For instance, I have 32 burn cards, and the deck you showed me had 28, where 32/70 is similar to 28/60, the former being 0.457 and the latter being 0.466. I've tried games with Monastery Swiftspear. It's really not that great of a card, and completely depends on drawing it in the first turn. Satyr Firedancer is really a great card, and helps me keep the opponent from casting any creatures too damaging throughout the game. I really don't know what you mean by 'too midrange and not enough aggro'; the most expensive spell mana-wise is Risk Factor which is 3 mana total, really being an outlier in my deck with regard to mana value. Like I said, I usually run out of cards in hand whenever the opponent is around 12-7 life.

DarkKiridon on Imodangggg that *** SPICY!

1 year ago

Risk Factor maybe? Urabrask  Flip, Electrostatic Infantry, Smoldering Egg  Flip for more creature options maybe. I don't play EDH nor do I have a deck for it so I don't know what type of cards work better in this format so you can ignore me if you want lol. My playgroup has been thinking about it but we just play Modern.

Valengeta on Xenomorphic Expanse

1 year ago

TheMeadiator I like Browbeat and Risk Factor, used both in other decks. I've decided to mainboard 2x Lead the Stampede as it can draw me more cards than Browbeat.

Colossal Majesty is a bit too slow for me, and Dawn of Hope doesn't make much sense here since I dont use Lifelink

I agree that more craw draw is necessary, but it's hard to find good one in these colors for a tribal deck

DreadKhan on Mono Red- Take 1

1 year ago

If you're going for Sligh, have you thought about Bonecrusher Giant? This offers you Stomp for 1R, which cancels damage prevention and deals 2 damage, then when you've got nothing better to play it's a 4/3 for 3 with upside. I think it's a better Flametongue Kavu, though both might be worth looking at.

I'm not sure about Jackal Pup in this age and day, there are 2/1s that don't have a drawback you could be running in mono-red, Falkenrath Pit Fighter and Falkenrath Gorger both seem better, Pit Fighter can turn into new cards when it's too small to matter.

I think if you ever want to run Shock, you should probably run Seal of Fire first, Seal can come down turn 1 and is damage on board until you need it, which can let you snipe something like a Thalia, Guardian of Thraben or Eidolon of the Great Revel without hassles. I added x2 of it to my Burn deck to help my Dragon's Rage Channeler work better, but there are a lot of tough matches where I really love the card.

I can't decide if a Browbeat or two would work in here, there is also Risk Factor, 'damage or cards' is pretty scary if you've got 4 Mountains and might pull 2 Fireblasts.

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