Peregrin Took
Start Commander Deck

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vintage Legal

Peregrin Took

Legendary Creature — Halfling Citizen

If one or more tokens would be created under your control, those tokens plus an additional Food token are created instead. (It's a colourless artifact with ", , Sacrifice this artifact: You gain 3 life.")

Sacrifice three Foods: Draw a card.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Magnigoth Sentry
Yavimaya Sojourner
Icing Manipulator
Fallaji Excavation
Gnarlroot Pallbearer
Maraleaf Rider

xraider on Ygra Eater Of the world

5 months ago

Another card to add is Cauldron Familiar. This gives you combo potential. Here I'm thinking of combos with: Academy Manufactor, Peregrin Took, Pitiless Plunderer, Warren Soultrader and a sac outlet.

DawnsRayofLight on Squirrel Combos

7 months ago

Ygra, Eater of All goes infinite with camelia and Experimental Confectioner

Using the above to explain my adds:

ADD (16)

Ygra, Eater of All

Krark-Clan Ironworks

Basking Broodscale

Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest

Ivy Lane Denizen

Delighted Halfling

Elvish Mystic

Birds of Paradise

Elves of Deep Shadow

Experimental Confectioner

Dosan the Falling Leaf

Phyrexian Altar/Blasting Stationfoil

Birthing Ritual

Braids, Arisen Nightmare

Fiend Artisan

Lively Dirge:helps to get cheap combo pieces

DROPS (need to drop a single card too to get to 100) 17

4x lands (this deck looks like it can run fine off of 30 if you add 4-5 0-1 cmc ramp pieces)


Prosperous Innkeeper

Song of the Dryads


Cauldron Familiar (unless I am missing the combo piece for it in the list)

Craterhoof Behemoth: may be a bit win more. don't see it doing much

Gala Greeters: meh card

Gilded Goose: meh

Tireless Provisioner: could stay or go

Toski, Bearer of Secrets: don't know how aggro this deck is, seems more combo oriented

Damnation: probably between MHM and fallout you have enough wipes

Nature's Claim: good removal but probably good on that

Woe Strider probably fine on sac outlets

May consider Protean Hulk piles as well

TannerP1997 on Ygra Consumes All

8 months ago

Just a few more suggestions I've found while brewing:

Night of the Sweets' Revenge: turns all your creatures into mana dorks and is a good finisher if you've generated enough tokens.

Blight Mound, Golgari Germination, and Ogre Slumlord: other enablers for the Cauldron Familiar combo, and Ogre Slumlord explodes when you wipe the board.

Feasting Troll King: worse version of Cauldron Familiar, but can be a second line if you have three of the enablers like Camellia, the Seedmiser, Experimental Confectioner, Peregrin Took, or the others listed before.

Cybermen Squadron: because you should always have an unnecessary card that does cool stuff.

Poly_raptor on Clue Food Treasure token synergies

9 months ago

I have recently started building a new deck. It is a Morska, Undersea Sleuth deck.

I have so far been playtesting it on here and then today playtested it in a real 4 man pod with some playtest cards.

I have narrowed it down to be a Krark-Clan Ironworks + Myr Retriever + Scrap Trawler combo deck.

Whilst fine tuning the list I noticed a potential combo that I am unsure about. I am curious to know how the following three cards interact.

I understand the replacement effect between Peregrin Took & Academy Manufactor, but what happens if you throw the third card into the mix?

Am I right in thinking the following:

Clue enters. PT & COTPP both trigger. I stack & resolve PT. AM sees this and multiplies the additional clue to make a food & treasure. Do I then get a second replacement effect from COTPP which makes an extra clue & triggers AM again, which then creates a loop?

Is this an infinite loop that would present a draw unless I could removed a combo piece?

SirChancelot on Dirty Hobbitsez & U'r Stinkin Trees

1 year ago

Missing Animation Module to Go with rosie. Add Krark-Clan Ironworks. KCI + Vending machine goes infinite with Peregrin Took or Academy Manufactor and adding Arcbound Ravager will increase redundancy in those combo lines. Idk what you should take out but not having KCI is a huge whiff. My best recommendation is toss Dusk / Dawn for it. As for Animation Module that one is a good card but im not sure it can make its way into the list as adamantly as KCI should.

I have a deck that utilizes a lot of the same combos. You should check it out. Vending Machine Slumlord CEO

wallisface on interaction between peregrin took and …

1 year ago

Nah as they are replacement effects you choose the order they’re resolved in, but they won’t trigger infinitely off each other.

Example, where you make a single Clue, you could do one if the following:

  1. Have Peregrin Took resolve first, making it a Clue and a Food, and then have Academy Manufactor make that into 2 Food, 2 Clues, and 2 Treasure instead.

  2. Have Academy Manufactor resolve first, replacing it with a Clue, a Food, and a Treasure, and then have Peregrin Took add an additional Food (making a Clue, a Treasure, and 2 Food total).

YStar27 on interaction between peregrin took and …

1 year ago

if i create a token with Peregrin Took and Academy Manufactor out will i make infinite clues foods and treasures because every time i make a token i create an additional food from Peregrin Took and Academy Manufactor will then create a clue and treasure and start this loop again? i know these are replacement effects and it probably doesn't work like this but how does it work?


Monomanamaniac on Eat at Rocco's

1 year ago

So I'll be honest and say that I'm a total outsider to the food deck archetype, so I'm no expert. I'll make some suggestions of cards that I like and that excite me.

Kami of Whispered Hopes seems like a bomb and Jaheira, Friend of the Forest could turn your food into mox emeralds. Yotian Dissident Gyre Sage Incubation Druid Shalai and Hallar Three Visits

A lot of LOTR stuff would work too Peregrin Took The Shire Samwise Gamgee Sam, Loyal Attendant

I hate to suggest cuts, so I'll leave that up to you. I will say that you seem to be trying to do a lot of things, maybe think about cutting out some of the sub themes, and try to work on the top end of your curve because it's still quite high

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