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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Blossoming Calm
You gain hexproof until your next turn. You gain 2 life.
Rebound (If you cast this spell from your hand, exile it as ti resolves. At the beginning of your next upkeep, you may cast this card from exile without paying its mana cost.)
zapyourtumor on The Art of Deflection
1 year ago
The deck could definitely use some tuning, but I like the concept a lot, especially the flavor bonus of Jeskai plus a deflection theme.
Cards to Cut
First off I would cut a lot of the straight up bad cards. Divine Reflection obviously fits with the theme but the card just takes too much mana and offers too little for what it costs.
Shu Yun doesn't really do much for the 3 mana he costs, and his double strike effect even makes you pay two more mana every time.
Boros Charm is really more of a burn card, and I don't think it does very much in a tempo list like this. The indestructible choice can come in clutch sometimes, but the 4 damage or double strike options seem pretty mediocre. There are loads of great cards to run in Jeskai, and I don't think this is one of them.
Snapcaster Mage is obviously a great card. However, assuming you're on a budget, you also have to consider the fact that this card is taking up 1/3 of your decks price (for only 2 copies). More importantly, I'd actually argue that Snappy is far too slow for your tempo deck, which wants to be relatively aggressive with early threats like Swiftspear and Delver. The extra $40 you save can go towards some really nice upgrades for the deck, some of which I will suggest below.
The Manabase
I've had to build manabases for multicolor budget decks before, and I feel your pain. This is always easily my least favorite part of deckbuilding on a budget, and it just feels bad in general that your deck can't even run smoothly without spending a ridiculous amount of money on lands. But that's what WotC decided its going to make half its profit from so it is what it is.
I'm not going to make any specific card suggestions here, but your manabase is pretty clunky. This isn't really a criticism, since any manabase below a triple digits is going to be clunky, and I think the combination of basics+checks does an okay job all things considered. Thank god none of your cards have double pips of one color. I think any number of shocks are going to be out of your price range. Check lands are nice, but they basically require shocks to work well. Some other land cycles you can look into are Painlands, Innistrad Slowlands, Temple (Scry) lands, Amonkhet Cycle lands, and Pathway lands.
Maindeck Card Suggestions
Path to Exile: While some of the deflection cards can hit creatures, you technically only have three copies of bolt in the removal department. In my opinion, you should definitely expand that to a more diverse suite of removal spells which can cover all the bases. Path is probably the best catch-all creature removal you can run. It excels in the midgame, removes annoying threats like Murktide, Archon of Cruelty, Primeval Titan, Yawgmoth etc, and only costs one mana. It's also affordable! I think running around 1-2 copies would be good, with potentially another in the sideboard.
Prismatic Ending: A very strong removal spell that compliments Path very well. While path takes out all the high cmc creatures, ending deals with the cheap creatures easily while also dealing with any other problematic permanents. Most 3+ color decks of this kind that run white should run this card in my opinion. Ending also dropped in price a lot so it's quite cheap.
Lightning Helix: I definitely think you should max out 4 copies of bolt first, but helix would be like copies 5+. It also kind of fits the deflection theme since it gains you life (equivalent to preventing damage) while also dealing damage.
Monastery Mentor: Definitely on the more expensive side of my suggestions, but still a lot cheaper than Snappy. If you want to run a 3 cmc threat, I would highly recommend Mentor over Shu Yun. With all the noncreature spells you're slinging around, you will quickly amass an army of monk tokens with prowess.
Sprite Dragon: My replacement of choice for Stormchaser Mage. One of my favorite cards, Draggy is a threat that your opponent must answer quickly, or risk getting run over. Definitely a very solid 2 drop in this kind of deck.
Expressive Iteration: Iteration is a bit slower than most of my suggestions and most of the cards in your deck (besides Snap), but what we get for being slower is grind power and card advantage. EI is such a strong card that most decks from the aggro-midrange-tempo-control spectrum in UR colors choose to run it. Of course, if you are short of card slots then I think my earlier suggestions fit the deck a little better.
Consider: While I don't think you have space to add Consider in addition to Serum Visions, I do think it is worth cutting Visions for this card. You lose a little bit of digging power, but the instant speed is invaluable in a deck that wants to hold up mana for counterspells and instant speed removal/deflection effects. Opt works if you want to save a little bit of money since you have no graveyard synergy besides Snappy (which I think you should cut anyways).
Sideboard Card Suggestions
Tormod's Crypt: Grave hate.
Spell Pierce: Additional copies of Pierce are always good for decks with lots of those noncreature spells.
Wear / Tear: Remains some of the best artifact/enchantment removal in these colors, especially good against saga decks. Cheap also.
Hallowed Moonlight: Hits a surprisingly large number of decks right now, from Creativity to Scam to Rhinos to Yawgmoth to Living End--you get the idea.
Dress Down: This card is just crazy versatile and absolutely hoses saga tokens, and it is probably relevant in more matchups than you would expect. You can cast it in response to Murktide to make it a 3/3, you can shut down hammer and Yawg, stop Titan and Archon from using their ETBs, cast it in response to a Thassa's Oracle, etc.
Alpine Moon: Mainly for Urza's Saga, but it also stops Tron and hits some random stuff like Valakut Scapeshift and Lotus Field shenanigans.
Mystical Dispute/Aether Gust: Just decent color-hate options, if you need more flexible sideboard pieces and have extra space.
Blossoming Calm: Another card I like in decks like this, great against Burn and Rakdos Scam but also stops stuff like Archon and Yawg Combo from targeting you.
Deck Description Suggestions
Each person usually has their own style of deck descriptions, but I can give some suggestions based on my own deck descriptions.
Accordion tabs are usually my go-to, and I'm glad you already started one here.
- Deck overview/general deck goals
- Gameplan
- Maindeck card choices (can be broken up into sections: creatures, interaction, etc.)
- Sideboard card choices
- Matchups/Sideboarding Guide (optional)
- Nonbudget Upgrades (optional)
In terms of stylistic choices, if you contact Yeago (the site owner) on the discord and request CSS perms you can do internal/embedded CSS. You can do inline css without perms, but it is pretty limited and only allows you to customize the objects in the description itself.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading all of my comments; I hope at least some of it was helpful lol. Happy brewing!
Andramalech on Modern Amulet Artifacts
1 year ago
I noticed that there isn't a sideboard detailed, and I did notice how your mana based is arranged, so I'll take it you prefer Bant () colored spells. I'd recommend:
- Vines of Vastwood
- Blossoming Calm
- Dovin's Veto
- Vapor Snag
- Aether Gust
- Luminarch Aspirant
- Veil of Summer
- Broken Bond
- Blacksmith's Skill
- Built to Last
- Farewell
- Ancient Stirrings (can't remember if this is on the ban list or not..)
I noted that you said you haven't constructed this yet so I keep that in mind with my recommendations; afterall, Broken Bond may do what you need it to better than Force of Vigor but honestly go off, either way, I see the great potential you have to make this an unorthodox at your local tourney. It would certainly raise eyebrows, and I think it could be fun. Best of luck with your building!
cyeRunner on Incorporeal Zombies (Modern Spirits)
2 years ago
Cool Deck, +1 :)
4 Selfless Spirit seem too many considering that there are currently not many mass-removal spells in the meta, you could exchange 2 for Unsettled Mariner.
With 3 Cemetery Illuminator already in the maindeck you have good graveyard hate, I recommend cutting the 3rd Remorseful Cleric for a Blossoming Calm to improve your matchup against burn.
Carrot_cake on Naya Heroic (Modern)
2 years ago
May I recommend Blossoming Calm instead of Emerge Unscathed?
philktoken8998 on Yorion Brew Sideboard Help
2 years ago
Thanks. I think my thinking is just how do Yorion, Sky Nomad players adjust their sideboard options considering the 80 card main and how that dilutes the potency of sideboard choices generally. Ie is a plan of having tutorable targets in the sideboard a good idea vs. still playing non tutorable but more flexible/powerful cards?
1.) Solitude and Batterskull reasoning: - Solitude and higher CMC spells doesn't work with Experimental Synthesizer particularly well. You CAN cast it if exiled with synthesizer, but you're generally having to do a 2 for 1 and hoping for a really good target right when that happens. For this card, I'm specifically thinking vs. reanimator, titan decks, and murktide. It can also help vs. hammer as well.
- Batterskull is brought in against aggro decks and burn since I think this and Sylvok Lifestaff are probably better than non tutorable cards like Blossoming Calm.Batterskull also can provide pseudo card advantage when fighting vs. control/omnath but generally can be a clunky card in a lot of other matchups. Kaldra Compleat basically fulfills the role of Batterskull in the main deck of giant beatstick to a better level.
2.) Decks that are giving grief or I believe could give grief are big mana (omnath, tron, and titan) and then all in combo decks (living end, belcher) since the deck isn't running counterspells in the main/side.Experimental Synthesizer and counters nonbo but if you think it's worth adding some amount into the board I'm all ears.
SpammyV on Should WotC be uninvolved in …
2 years ago
I'll be honest and say that I do miss the days when commander wasn't the focus of design. I enjoy casual multiplayer Magic and playing competitive 60-card formats, and the number of "each opponent" effects that could have been "target opponent" or "any number of target opponents" (see: Tasha's Hideous Laughter) are starting to get on my nerves. I know it's not strictly a multiplayer thing since it's also easier to implement on digital clients, but it annoys me that some things like Modern Mill don't even have options like Blossoming Calm for counterplay. Back to two ships passing in the night.
I'unno. The less that Commander is becoming differentiated from the rest of Magic the less I feel the need to play it.
zapyourtumor on UW Yorion Blink
2 years ago
I mean if burn is that much of a problem, you can play Kor Firewalker if you have to. Or Blossoming Calm. (I think Calm would be better for this deck though)