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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Human Warrior

This has flying as long as there is a +1/+1 counter on this.

TheVectornaut on

8 years ago

This actually has some pretty cool ideas for a first deck.

I think you might benefit from focusing more on the noncreature spell plan than on the lifegain plan. You can certainly still have both, but having a card like Soulmender just to trigger your two copies of Sunbond seems very committal when you aren't getting other synergy out of it. If you are more interested in the lifegain plan, just let me know and I can certainly provide other suggestions.

With that in mind, some of the creatures could be swapped out for others with heroic or similar abilities. Sungrace Pegasus and Lightwalker could be replaced by Akroan Skyguard or Wingsteed Rider. Graceblade Artisan could be Tethmos High Priest or Fabled Hero. Soulmender could be Myth Realized or Favored Hoplite. Student of Ojutai could be Dawnbringer Charioteers. Nyx-Fleece Ram could be Hero of Iroas, Vanguard of Brimaz, or Monastery Mentor.

If you want to stick with the enchantment theme, you might replace the non-enchantment spells with something like Eidolon of Countless Battles, Ethereal Armor , or Daybreak Coronet. Otherwise, heroic works well with spells that have multiple targets. Some examples are Ajani's Presence, Launch the Fleet, Phalanx Formation, Blessed Alliance, Dauntless Onslaught, Shoulder to Shoulder, Tandem Tactics, Redeem, and Cauldron Haze.

Well, there's some ideas to mull over at least. Good luck with your deck man. (Oh, and by the way, card linking is done using double brackets, not double parentheses.)

Kiivuhl on

8 years ago




mack10k on Green snowball

8 years ago

THe problem with this deck is there are some underwhelming cards in here. Also if you are going for a creature strategy, you should have more creatures. If you are playing against control (which is very popular right now), then you need those creatures to recoup after a board wipe. Also Lightwalker and Lambholt Pacifist  Flip require synergy in order for them to be effective. While I am a big fan of the pacifist, it takes too much for it to get off the ground in this deck. Also you have to be careful of Liliana, the Last Hope, she will hose your strategy if they can protect her. Tireless Tracker is a must for any humans deck playing green. Card draw and gets bigger over time. I also like Hamlet Captain, it can get around Lily. Thraben Inspector is also a very good one drop. It survives Lily and gives you card advantage. If you are playing Green White, you should look at Dromoka's Command. It's a very good card and can prevent damage from Kozilek's Return, pump your creatures, and make people sacrifice things. If you are only playing two colors, Always Watching is another addition to the deck that should be considered. Also I don't like Nissa, Voice of Zendikar here. She doesn't do a good enough job at pumping your team and brings no synergy with humans. Gideon's Reproach is just a bad Declaration in Stone. I know it hits a lot of things, but it keeps your mana open and can soon become very predictable.

michaelmtg92 on

8 years ago

Hey Randomdeath and buildingadeck I made some changes, luckily I had most of the cards you guys suggested in stock I removed Thraben Valiant, Show of Valor, Sanctified Charge, Rush of Battle, Moorland Inquisitor, Moment of Heroism, Mighty Leap, Lightwalker,Gideon's Reproach and Dromoka Dunecaster should I just turn this into a pure pump with anti-boardwipe?

Xavkul on

8 years ago

Are you sure you need the Arashin Foremost? You only have one other warrior creature (Lightwalker). YOu could substitute it for Always Watching to buff your creatures and give them villagence.

Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip might be good too, seems he would go great in this deck.

Sure, I'm jumping the gun with no description, but just throwing in my 2 cents.

ShiningSpear on Red White Aggro Humans

8 years ago

I feel like you're not going to get a whole lot of use out of Lightwalker, as it's completely contingent on Thalia's Lieutenant to gain flying. Maybe swap those guys out for Gideon?

Zemi on Oh, the Humanity

8 years ago

How about putting a few Odric, Lunarch Marshal? It would make use of first strike from Knight of the White Orchid and vigilance from True-Faith Censer.

Mixing humans with allies in an equipment deck is a very good idea but because you are focusing on humans, I would drop the combo Captain's Claws + Stoneforge Masterwork. Stoneforge Masterwork still works, but I would drop Captain's Claws. And if you would consider Knight of the White Orchid, I would add more True-Faith Censer. In this line, I would also trade Consul's Lieutenant for Hidden Dragonslayer. Also, if you would consider Thalia's Lieutenant, Lightwalker could also be a great addition.

I will work also on a crazy mono white all humans deck and tell you afterwards.

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