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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Standard Brawl | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Corridor Monitor
Artifact Creature — Construct
When Corridor Monitor enters the battlefield, untap target artifact or creature you control.

lagotripha on
2 years ago
I've been away from the game for a bit, not sure if this is late, but I'd check out older birthing pod lists for ideas - getting the combo lines to stick took some messing about. Vanafar is only sort of birthing pod- 'untap creature' or 'blink+haste' does make options.
The main thing I'd expect to see in here is Corridor Monitor with mana dorks and haste options. Something like First Day of Class or similar have secondary combo lines that can help smooth out the deck by allowing 'vanafar into combo' rather than having to flood the board to get it to stick.
Its a question of threat density, and the line you need to get the win - thats always the battle with combo. As is, this tries to go 3 drop + Vanafar or neoform, wait a turn (dodging sorcery speed removal), combo off.
Look for tools to protect the pieces, let you skip the waiting, speed up finding your pieces, or bait that combo then go off with another.
SynergyBuild on Soul Chamber
3 years ago
Necrosis24 true, but making players use colored mana is important here. Otherwise Ashnod's Altar and Corridor Monitor would go infinite. This is a little harder to abuse in that way.
That being said, it should still not be written as stated properly.
TriusMalarky on
4 years ago
Mystic and Llanowar Elves are better than Grazer or Caryatid 99% of the time. The only downside is that Mystic and Elves are super easy to kill. That's the only downside, and while it's a big one and keeps them in check, it's not significant enough to make them worse than much else. The only things better than them aren't really good in Pioneer(Deathrite Shaman) or aren't legal(Birds of Paradise, Noble Hierarch, Utopia Sprawl, Wild Growth).
Also, I can definitely see 1x TKS as a tutor target in a Vannifar Pod list. You can run 1 Blast Zone and some Yavimaya Coast as ways to have sources so drawing it isn't a problem. It's a powerful card, and being able to turn any Corridor Monitor or Bounding Krasis into a 4/4 that steals your opponent's best card forever is pretty darn good.
You don't have the support for blinking. If you're going Pod, you can't really be blinking anything. You don't have the slots, and it's a synergy that is only really good if you can jam Restoration Angel or Felidar Guardian, and then you only want 1-2. You can't do either of those here. You can't even use Flickerwisp.
Combat Celebrant isn't a combo with untapping. If you read the text, it says 'if it hasn't exerted yet', which kills comboing.
TriusMalarky on
4 years ago
The problem is that toolboxes are slow. They take a lot of time to get into gear.
I mean, Vannifar on t3 can win on turn 4 in Modern. I think even in Pioneer it can do a lot:
t3 Vannifar
t4 turn Mystic into Corridor Monitor, untap Vannifar. Sac monitor to grab Renegade Rallier which nabs Monitor to untap Vannifar. Sac Rallier to get Breaching Hippocamp and untap Vannifar. Sac Monitor for another Rallier and then another Hippocamp. Sac a hippocamp for Prophet of Kruphix.
From there there's a ton you can do. You can probably put half your deck into play at that point if you do it right.
However... that's not near fast enough. It's easy to get a removal spell and blow Vannifar up right before the opponent untaps to combo off with it.
Omniscience_is_life on Need Help Developing an "Ertai, …
4 years ago
Definitely gotta get some untappey shenanigans going on as well, you're in blue so that shouldn't be a problem, though.
Jandor's Saddlebags, Aphetto Alchemist, Corridor Monitor, Niblis of the Breath, Minamo, School at Water's Edge, and Mind Over Matter all work
SynergyBuild on Sultai Yisan, the Wanderer Bard
4 years ago
Surely I can help. You want to look for how many forests/elves you have to start. Quirion Ranger/Wirewood Symbiote are great for the first activation, however easily you could go for something else like a dork.
I like going for tutor chains that give value. However, if you have enough mana for two activations and an additional you can win on the second turn you activate him, as long as you got one of the two untappers previously mentioned!
Getting Thassa's Oracle, then responding to the trigger by untapping and tapping Yisan, getting a Spellseeker to find a Demonic Consultation can work for a win.
If you want another chain that takes less mana on the win scenario, here are some choices you can try out! Corridor Monitor on two, Hyrax Tower Scout/Deceiver Exarch/Pestermite/Bounding Krasis on three, and clones, for further levels if you just want to get to another combo you like.
Galvanic Alchemist deserves a mention in my opinion, as it allows for one of the best lines I know of, specifically in Tasigur.
Deathrite Shaman -> Biomancer's Familiar -> Galvanic Alchemist -> Wirewood Channeler. The channeled at that point taps for at least two, so with the alchemist makes infinite mana of all 5 colors, but getting infinite blue and filtering it back in, however you can remember that Yisan would just cost 1 Green mana for the last two activations, so is much cheaper near the end.
Again, Familiar, Deathrite, and Alchemist are good value, with Alchemist you can bind it to Yisan for tons of value, and the familiar works with the Arcanist, Yisan, and Tasigur! There are a ton of replacements for both Wirewood Channeler, like Zaxara, and a ton more for Deathrite Shaman, as any elf would work, or often even no elf! The issue is that summoning sickness is pretty sad.
Sylvan Safekeeper is a good turn one get for protection, Caustic Caterpillar, Gilded Drake, etc. for removal. These pieces help protected the combo.
TriusMalarky on Sultai Yisan, the Wanderer Bard
4 years ago
Fun tools with Yisan:
9 mana gets you from 1 to 5 counters really quickly. If you happen to have 12, you can go grab peregrine drake then get Deadeye next turn for the win.
SynergyBuild on Birthing Pod Spike -Answered
4 years ago
Legacy can abuse it with Conspicuous Snoop now, fetching it and a Goblin Matron is an easy win.
Setting up other combos was way easier than before, with a strong 2-drop untapper in Corridor Monitor and a strong 4 drop in Felidar Guardian. Both go well with Kiki and Pod now!