Ajani's Comrade

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ajani's Comrade

Creature — Elf Soldier


At the beginning of combat on your turn, if you control an Ajani planeswalker, put a +1/+1 counter on Ajani's Comrade.

Misconception on Lathril's Elves

3 years ago

Cool build so far! May I give some suggestions based on my own Lathril Deck?

Quest for Renewal is a recent addition I found that can easily double as a win-con once you get Lathril going, as it allows you to activate her again on each opponents turn.

I'd also throw out cards with too little synergy such as Ajani's Comrade and Bramblewood Paragon in favour of manadorks such as Llanowar Elves and Elvish Mystic as additional ramp to get your engine going faster.

As for every deck that contains green I highly recommend Beast Within for removal since it lets you get rid of almost anything, lands included.

This Deck is still a token-strat, so if you have the budget Skullclamp can do wonders when it comes to card-draw!

Hope this gives you some Ideas :)

multimedia on Elves of the Swarm (Budget)

6 years ago

Hexaflexagon, thanks for the upvote.

When Dominaria hits Standard this deck will change a lot. I won't just add 4x Llanowar Elves and call it done :) The three drop spot for Elves is going to be loaded with Steel Leaf Champion, Marwyn, the Nurturer and Rishkar, Peema Renegade. Llanowar Elves lets me potentially play any of these three drop Elves turn two which is far and away better than anything that Narnam Renegade can do.

I consider Narnam and Ajani's Comrade the flex spots right now, they're most likely going to be cut for new cards. You're right Deathtouch is nice to have and it's possible that I will play both Llanowar and Narnam depending on how the meta turns out, but 4x Llanowar is a for sure addition. More one drops are good with Marwyn. Narnam may even be a sideboard card for some matchups.

Ridgescale Tusker is the same CMC as Verdurous Gearhulk and Gearhulk is a much better card. Tusker is a fine budget replacement for Gearhulk. Tendershoot Dryad is also the same CMC as Gearhulk and it's very slow compared to Gearhulk. It can be good if it sticks around a few turns and I'm also trying to achieve ascend with Radiant Destiny which is a reason to play Tendershoot. The problem is it's not better than Gearhulk. Gearhulk gives me potentially game winning counters value the turn I play it.

I can only afford to play copies of one five drop because I'm focusing on tribal Elves in this deck and both Tusker and Tendershoot are not better cards than Gearhulk. The main strategy here is +1/+1 counters and Gearhulk is one of the best enablers for counters.

I see a fun Abzan tribal Fungus, Saproling and Radiant Destiny deck start to take shape with new cards in Dominaria. Tendershoot could be the high end card for a deck like this.

love_by_zedruu on Elves of the Swarm (Budget)

7 years ago

As much as I love everything in this build, why not run Greenwheel Liberator over Ajani's Comrade? It doesn't have trample, but it's a much better late game card.

Spooktacular on Cats With Assault Rifles

7 years ago

With Ajani's Comrade, why no Ajani Planeswalkers?

djnewellmit on Majestic Keyword soup hou

7 years ago

There are not many options for a one or two-drop with trample, but Ajani's Comrade fits the bill but is often overlooked since it was in a Kaladesh planeswalker deck and not the main set. It is Standard-legal as long as Kaladesh is.

MrGameAndScotch on

7 years ago

Maulfist Revolutionary and Ajani's Comrade are the ones that would fit, but then I'd have to kick out some other creatures which produce tokens. So I try to manage it with Larger Than Life, Nature's Way and Rhonas the Indomitable.

miampizza on Karametra, God of Harvests

7 years ago

The Landfall ability indeed triggers along Kalametra's.

Some cards I would switch out include:

Abzan Kin-Guard 4 mana 3/3 lifelink is quite weak.

Aetherwind Basker Has no synergy with the deck.

Ajani's Comrade In my opinion Scavenging Ooze would be much stronger in terms of utility and reliability

Argothian Elder Land untap is useful if you're using many utility lands, which you are not. Could be replaced by any mana dorks like Elvish Mystic or Avacyn's Pilgrim

Aven Mindcensor This guy should stay if your playgroup is playing combo-heavy decks, otherwise he's useless

Blinding Souleater Little synergy with the deck

Salt Road Patrol Lacks utility

An-Havva Inn and Ancestral Tribute Very defensive cards, but Trostani, Selesnya's Voice or evenPelakka Wurm would benefit the deck more.

Angelic Blessing It looks rather weak compared to Collective Blessing orCathars' Crusade

Aether Vial A pricy card mostly used in tempo decks like Merfolks. Not very useful here since we should have plenty of ramp anyway.

Accorder's Shield Less synergy than say, Sword of the Animist

Chimeric Staff Looks like a weaker Chameleon Colossus to me.

Arboria Kinda goes against Karametra as a whole since you WANT to play creatures to pump out lands.

Absolute Grace+Absolute Law I mean, if you're only facing red and black, this should stay. Otherwise, it's an even deader draw than Great Wall.

Abzan Runemark Weaker than Rancor or many other boosting enchantments.

There might still be a few cards I find odd or out of place, but for now I'm slightly running out of time, so I'll proceed with some general must-have cards:

Sol Ring, Selesnya Signet, Command Tower, Oblivion Ring, Chord of Calling, Solemn Simulacrum, Tireless Tracker, Sun Titan, Eternal Witness.

Also wow Living Plane if you own one it's great, though if not it's quite the pricey card.

I can give you an extensive list of potentially great cards if you want me to, though tonight this is all the time I had, my apologies.

CheapDecks101 on My Current Deck

7 years ago

Don't run Ajani's Aid unless you have some huge combo with Ajani. Also don't run Ajani's Comrade because you only have 1 Ajani.

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