
Enchantment (4)

Sorcery (1)

Instant (2)

Planeswalker (1)


This here is a little brew I've had on the stove for quite awhile. I've been playing old school zoo, which I've enjoyed a lot, but ending a round in 10 minutes gets kinda boring. Been playing this deck for a few months at my lgs. I try to update the list every week or so based on my experience. Usually end up 3-1 and have gotten to 4-0 a few times. The maybe board is a collection of cards I have the are side-board-able but for now I am happy with where the 75 is.

Few notes on my main and side

  • In my 4 flex slots (2 naturally + cutting a copy of Thalia and Vent) I have two Dark Confidants and two Blade Splicers. The deck struggles against Mardu and BGx mostly because when you go into top-deck mode the synergy of the deck begins to fall flat. Dark Confidant provides the deck something it direly needs: card draw. Blade Splicer feels meh sometimes because of Kolagan's Command but for the most part it acts as a win con for the deck with all of the blink engines.

  • No RIP. Remorseful Cleric has been great for me. RIP can be clunky with Thalia and Cleric takes advantage of E&T being a vial deck. I find most of the time to beat a graveyard deck all that is really needed is a well timed single exile effect. A two powered creature WITH flying has been more impactful in every match I board them in and seldomly ever wish i was running a RIP.

  • No Stony Silence. Similarly to Remorseful Cleric, Phyrexian Revoker feels better for a creature centric deck to fill it's role. First off Stony Silence is a non-bo with vial which is what makes E&T viable. Phyrexian Revoker is far more flexible being able to be vialed in response to a problematic planeswalker, creature, or artifact. Also it can shut down mana producing abilities which is huge against elves and humans. the argument here would be; what about affinity? Well this match-up is super unfavored anyway, I'd ball park it as 85-15 against us. Stony Silence is too slow and affinity boards against it anyway making it far less effective. The new hotness is harden scales affinity I have two rounds of matches under my belt against the deck and a record of 4-0. Revoker naming Steel overseer or revenger will buy enough time to stabilize and hopefully slam a Displacer to troll their counter-centric plan.

  • Fragmentize. This is mostly a local meta call. Red prison absolutely shits on me with moon and bridge, boarding it in makes me feel like a may have a chance in this horrid match-up. It's also useful in several other match-ups burn (bridge), 8-rack (bridge), Mardu (moon). Being sorcery speed is a big bummer but it hits everything problematic in the format for the best rate; a single white mana.

  • 2 Orzhov Pontiffs. One of my favorite cards of all time. Can be used as a combat trick, sweeper, or to save your creatures from damage based removal.

  • 2 Kambal, Consul of Allocations. Card is honestly golden against a good amount of the meta. Comes in against any UR/UW control variant, hurts tron a considerable amount, and makes Burn buckle.


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99% Competitive

Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 1 Mythic Rares

33 - 11 Rares

23 - 3 Uncommons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.37
Tokens Emblem Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, Faerie Rogue 1/1 B, Knight Ally 2/2 W, Spirit 1/1 W
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