Drop a Draco Challenge

Challenges and Articles forum

Posted on Dec. 8, 2016, 4:28 a.m. by mdc7233

The goal is simple. Your opponent needs to be buried by turn 5, BUT you need to drop a Draco in order to do it.

Brew tipsSee the UnwrittenElvish PiperCombustible GearhulkReanimateAngerWarstorm SurgeBlast of GeniusKaalia of the Vast

EpicFreddi says... #2

A few questions:
- are we playing with vintage format restrictions?
- do we need to kill the opponent by turn 5?
- Do I need to cast Draco or could I reanimate him?

December 8, 2016 4:31 a.m.

mdc7233 says... #3

No to vintage restrictions. Yes dead t5.Whatever gets the draco dropped.

December 8, 2016 4:41 a.m.

mdc7233 says... #4

Draco must be a component in killing your opponent. Wether it be by discard, cast, Fling, nill, you name it.

December 8, 2016 4:45 a.m.

BLEATH says... #5

I hear "drop a draco" a LOT in pokemon. Does this have any correlation?

December 8, 2016 4:53 a.m.

EpicFreddi says... #6

Draco Meteor should be a magic card.

December 8, 2016 5:05 a.m.

aholder7 says... #7

are we looking to build a deck that does this consistently or can we just explain how we do it? because the later seems fairly trivial. Black Lotus into 3 red, Faithless Looting discarding Draco and Anger, Manamorphose the 2 floating into black, Reanimate and Tainted Strike. play a mountain. swing 10/10 infect on turn 1. only uses 7 cards. im sure it could be done with less, this is just the first that came to mind.

December 8, 2016 5:06 a.m.

GobboE says... #8

I actually used to have a black deck like that, I do not have the expensive cards, but this deck was fast and mono black coloured.

It had, among some other things, 4 Hidden Horror, 4 Body Snatcher, 4 Dark Ritual, 4 Animate Dead, 4 Dance of the Dead, and a combination of Scion of Darkness, Draco, and Nicol Bolas (not hard casting him anyway). I think I also had Bog Witch, and Jet Medallion in there....and certainly removal (Terror, and Dark Banishing at the time) to remove pesky blockers

Play was simple:Either turn 1 Dark ritual > Hidden Horror and then turn two animate Draco and start swinging, and remove blockers

Or turn 2 Dark ritual > Body Snatcher and then as above (if body snatchers get's killed it's even easier)

You virtually always have drawn some ramp so a turn three big bad monster was certainly no exception.

December 8, 2016 8:06 a.m.

MagicalHacker says... #9

So here's my tweak of the previously mentioned 8-card interaction that involved a Black Lotus:

  1. Play Blood Crypt untapped.
  2. Cast Dark Ritual.
  3. Cast Putrid Imp.
  4. Discard Anger and Draco.
  5. Reanimate Draco.
  6. Cast Tainted Strike on Draco.
  7. Attack for 10 infect.

That's now 7 cards and none of them are the price of a used car.

December 8, 2016 4:15 p.m.

aholder7 says... #10

if only so i'm not outdone.

1) Black Lotus

2) Show and Tell

3) use lotus for show, to cheat in Omniscience

4) Draco

5) Expedite

6) Tainted Strike

who needs a car anyways.

December 9, 2016 1:41 a.m.

mdc7233 says... #11

Anyone going for a strategy other than reanimate and show and tell? BREW, BREW, BREW!

December 9, 2016 3:24 a.m.

GobboE says... #12

Ok, challenge accepted:

Plains+Swamp+Dark Ritual+Charmed Griffin = Draco in turn two

December 9, 2016 4:11 a.m.

GobboE says... #13

ok skip that Charmed Griffin in my remark above: I forgot that it read 'each OTHER player'.

My idea can still work, but with a Copper Gnomes instead of a Charmed Griffin then you can have a turn two Draco... In this case I suggest that the deck is blue instead of B/W.

December 9, 2016 4:15 a.m.

GobboE says... #14

I obviously meant Blue / Black : where's the edit button for comments when you need it?

December 9, 2016 4:16 a.m.

Bovine073 says... #15

EpicFreddi well, there is good ol' Shivan Meteor.

December 9, 2016 5 a.m.

EpicFreddi says... #16

insert "it's something" meme here

December 9, 2016 5:45 a.m.

mdc7233 says... #17

I guess one does not simply "Drop a Draco".

December 9, 2016 6 a.m.

GobboE says... #18

You mean as in with paying its mana cost: with Exploration, Burgeoning, basic lands, and some luck you could do it.

But other than dropping it on the table just because you can :) , A draco needs some work (still an awesome card though)

December 9, 2016 6:23 a.m.

EpicFreddi says... #19

Channel your inner Draco on Turn 1 with Elvish Spirit Guide. You'd die on T2 tho, but whatever.

December 9, 2016 7:48 a.m.

MagicalHacker says... #20

aholder7, oh, NOW it's on!

  1. Play Mountain.
  2. Play Vexing Devil.
  3. Opponent is smart and loses 4 life.
  4. Play Black Lotus and sac for .
  5. Play Erratic Explosion revealing Draco.

Five cards. Your move.

December 9, 2016 9:34 a.m.

aholder7 says... #21

The challenge specified you had to play Draco.

but how about we try

1) Badlands 2) Black Lotus for 3 green3) Channel with 2 of the green4) Draco with 12 life mana from Channel you have 8 life left (draco costs 4 less from badlands)5) Concordant Crossroads with the last Black Lotus green mana.6) Grafted Exoskeleton (and equip) with 6 life mana using Channel you have 2 left.
you still have Badlands untapped if you want to do anything fun like Lightning Bolt yourself.

this doesnt beat my 6 cards before i just wanted to use Channel this time.

December 9, 2016 2:21 p.m.

mdc7233 says... #22

Let us not forget the power of Possibility Storm.

December 9, 2016 2:32 p.m.

aholder7 says... #23

we could use Chaos Warp for cheaper.

December 10, 2016 4:12 a.m.

This discussion has been closed