Blue Mind Hu-Mill-iation!

Modern The_Raven


The_Raven says... #1

LeaPlath; Surgical Extraction is like 4 dollars! 4 dollars for a sideboard card? No way man. I can't choose which cards to remove with Relic of Progenitus . So I think that Tormod's Crypt is better.

So i'm thinking;

4x Dispel

4x Tormod's Crypt

3x Torpor Orb

4x Echoing Truth


dvizzier; I did not know that. Thanks! I'm now going to get my hands on them!

July 23, 2013 10:12 a.m.

tukayooo says... #2

Hello, you could also check this out for milling fast while getting your Lands.

Always remember that you should be the one they will have to counter. :)

Modern/Legacy B/U Miller Deck - a budget B/U miller deck.

July 24, 2013 1:08 a.m.

tukayooo says... #3

You could add Pithing Needle on Side against Elixirs. And making your deck mono color will be difficult to handle against Reanimator deck or other decks that has Iona, Shield of Emeria .

I have already tried my deck on a tourney and it somehow survive because I side a Grafdigger's Cage ,Torpor Orb ,Pithing Needle , and a Tormod's Crypt

July 24, 2013 4:43 a.m.

tukayooo says... #4

Yeah I put Dream Twist because it has a flashback and an Instant.I'm still waiting for someone to sell me Glimpse the Unthinkable that's why I just use Dream Twist .

Glimpse the Unthinkable /Dream Twist will suffice the milling.

I'm not a Planeswalker dependent that's why I put only 1 Jace Beleren . And I put my Echoing Truth on my Fire Breeze Storm Deck.

July 24, 2013 6:34 a.m.

tukayooo says... #5

Hello I'm back again :) I already commented on Fire Breeze Storm Deck that explains how it was played :)

July 25, 2013 12:17 a.m.

beleren2013 says... #6

I like the deck. I currently run two mill decks, you can check em out if you want.


July 26, 2013 5:39 p.m.

The_Raven says... #7

Thanks for the +1! I will take a look at your decks!

July 29, 2013 4:45 p.m.

i think you should run black in your deck it will be so mutch faster than mono blue and then you could make some fun about some grave hate spell's like Crypt Incursion

July 31, 2013 6:01 p.m.

tomtomfish says... #9

you should add some Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker also. otherwise its really cool

August 4, 2013 4:20 p.m.

Busse says... #10

Heeey, I raise your mill to a mill combo :D *Blue Project, maybe you can get some ideas out of it... Anyway, I once designed a similar deck (with Hedron Crab and the other blue-mill staples) , but it had no control whatsoever, so I discarded it. How do you do it if you play against aggro decks, or so? Cheers

August 8, 2013 1:14 p.m.

The_Raven says... #11

kandamancer2403 and tomtomfish;

Adding black... I have thought a lot about it. But I have decided not to put black in the deck.

If I'm adding black to the deck, I need the dual-lands. But they are so expensive. And I try to keep this deck budget.

I would love to have both Crypt Incursion and Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker . But my deck is Mono-blue :D

Busse; Heeey :D. I like your deck! I will make a comment!

Make a similar deck again! :D That would be awesome!

Against aggro... Jace's Phantasm - An early 5/5 blocker! Fog Bank - A early 0/2 (Almost) Invincible blocker! Mana Leak - COUNTER! (Your opponent can't pay 3 in a aggro deck). Echoing Truth - Return hasty creatures!

A question - Do anybody have a cool name for this deck? "Mono-Blue Mill Deck" is not so creative. Please help me!!

August 8, 2013 5:42 p.m.

SranWrap says... #12

Could directly replace Mana Leak with Counterspell if you're mono-blue

August 8, 2013 5:53 p.m.

Busse says... #13

I had a cool name for mine... I'll inherit it: "Mill-enium Phantasm" or maybe "Blue Hu-Mill-iation" can also be good, if you are not a Star Wars fan. Also... some cards that you might or might not have seen: Jace's Erasure , Visions of Beyond , Memory Sluice . And get Ghost Quarter out of here, I don't think it's necessary... really. +1 to your deck, by the way.

August 8, 2013 6:32 p.m.

The_Raven says... #14

SranWrap; Counterspell is not legal in Modern. Do you know if it ever will be reprintet?

Busse; Thanks for the +1! :D

"Blue Mind Hu-Mill-iation". I like that name! That sounds great! Thanks a lot! (I like the Star Wars movies, but I'm not a fan :D

I have seen Jace's Erasure , Visions of Beyond and Memory Sluice . I like both Visions of Beyond and Memory Sluice , but I don't like Jace's Erasure . 1 card every turn? Nope...

Visions of Beyond is pretty awesome. It's like Ancestral Recall . If I put it in, what should be taken out?

Memory Sluice . Is this card better than Tome Scour ? Should i put Memory Sluice instead of Tome Scour ?

Ghost Quarter is actually pretty good :D. It can get rid of nasty lands. And can be used with Archive Trap . It can also be used on my own lands. So i get 2 lands to enter the battlefield, thats activating Hedron Crab ! I'm playing Mono-Blue, so the colourless mana dosn't reallty matter :D.

Thanks a lot for your help!

August 9, 2013 7:55 a.m.

Doktillia says... #15

My comment is purely speculative, I'm attempting a 'budget' of your 'budget' and thought I'd pitch in to the inspiring deck. Consider Devastation Tide as a potential tempo / life saver. Peer Through Depths for a 'generally' faster deck. Phantasmal Image for additional Hedron Crabs or Jace's Phantasms, I see Phantasmal Image as a worst case (0/0) weak Fog Bank or a weak Clone . Phantasmal is aggressive which I appreciate, but it admittedly more reliant on luck / suitable match-ups.

September 24, 2013 12:19 a.m.

The_Raven says... #16

Hello Doktillia!

I have been away from MTG from some time.... But now I'm back! Ready to improve all my decks! :D

What I really like about your suggestion, is the Phantasmal Image ! I have never thought about that card!

What would you suggest me to remove then?

December 26, 2013 5:37 p.m.

colin13 says... #17

I think that you should run 4x Merfolk Mesmerist . Maybe take out 1x Traumatize and 3x Island . this deck should only need 20 lands.

January 27, 2014 1:22 p.m.

8vomit says... #18

Without fetch lands, you are not utalizing hedron crab as he should be used. If fetches are out of the question, consider Terramorphic Expanse and/or Evolving Wilds . or consider dropping hedron crab for something better.

if you splashed black, the obvious card to add would be Glimpse the Unthinkable , and Psychic Strike might be okay aswell

March 4, 2014 10:52 a.m.

8vomit says... #19

This is picklesgarage's mill deck, i have personally played against it and it has done very well mind grind modern

March 4, 2014 10:55 a.m.

The_Raven says... #20

Hi 8vomit

Want to point this out. Ghost Quarter is a sort of a fetchland. If I sac it, destroy my own land, I can then search for a land. So it works like a fetchland. I know that it will kill 1 land, but on the turn that I sac it, It won't cost me that lands mana.

Do I need more fetches?

March 4, 2014 11:10 a.m.

8vomit says... #21

You dont want to GQ your own land, thats counter-productive. GQ is good to have in your deck (or at least SB) though for tron pieces and Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle decks. But to answer your question, no it doesnt need fetches, but they would help you more than GQ-ing your own lands

March 4, 2014 11:19 a.m.

tomkear says... #22

I myself don't play MDN atm, but if i was to (which i want to) I am torn between the U/B mill, or infect. I do however play Mill in Commander, and the whole U/B work hand in hand. The strength of mill in U/B does come down to your budget. Breaking // Entering x4 to be a start, as the release promo is cheap, and that's mill 8 for UB.

 I understand where you are with your ghost quarter fetch idea, but over-all it is not so great. All the general mill spells in modern they go up to 3 mana. The only scenario i would consider a ghost quarter fetch would be with 3 crabs on the board, the loss of 2 land in a turn for a mill of 6/12 doesn't seem worth it in my opinion. Mill is fast, the Jace draw power is ok, but for 3 mana, your going to draw 1 card, and that will most likely be it. Thought scour and visions beyond are good draw.

In an ideal world your looking for;

T1: island, crab. T2: crab, island/swamp/fetch, so you hit a mill for 6 or 12(fetch), followed by a breaking and entering milling for 8, and by turn 3 you'll have the 20 cards needed for visions, either before the land drop, with archive trap, or after the land. By removing the jace's you can free up space for another visions and orb. Mind Funeral is an ideal T3 too. With mill your focus is mill, and being fast. Creatures do help, but it might be worth considering it, and its stronger other Mind grind.

I apologize for the long comment.

March 5, 2014 4:22 p.m.

andrewwii626 says... #23

id say you ought to add like 2 Jace, the Mind Sculptor and 4 Time Ebb . the Time Ebb on their own can stall quite a bit especially with high mana cost creatures and creatures with tokens or enchantments so you can counter other control decks, enchant decks and green rush decks with Experiment One or anything of the sort. im using m14 specific cards because its 2014! woo

March 10, 2014 11:20 a.m.

XxmanoxX says... #24

very nice deck mate, +1

October 14, 2014 6:05 p.m.

you should consider running some Reliquary Tower this will allow you to have no maximum hand size which would come in handy if you run Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur this cards ability makes the opponents maximum hand size 0 but draw seven cards each round. so to help from decking out before your opponent does you should run Traumatize and if you are worried about them attacking to much you could also use Nevinyrral's Disk i'm new to this web site so i don't know if my links will work.

card's listed:Reliquary Tower x4Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur x2 (2 for draw power)Traumatize x4Nevinyrral's Disk x2

February 11, 2015 2:04 p.m.

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