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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Goblin

Tap: Sparksmith deals X damage to target creature and X damage to you, where X is the number of Goblins in play.

DraxCummuni on Grumgully Tribal

2 years ago

Ammonzy Goblin Lackey and Guardian Project both would be great. I was looking at Foundry Street Denizen, Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei, and Sparksmith to help lower costs as well. I know I need better land, and I will be getting some soon. What about more/better sac outlets? Using persist could get me infinite mana.

Also, what about cards like Flameshadow Conjuring and Molten Echoes?

MagicMarc on Best Red Creatures?

3 years ago

I personally really like the Chartooth Cougar that psionictemplar suggested.

But goblins are the way to go!

4x Goblin Matron , 4x Mogg War Marshal , and 2 or more of your Beetleback Chief .

Then add 1 or 2 copies of Sparksmith and Flamewave Invoker . You can tutor for them with your Goblin Matron s. Sparksmith for creature heavy metas and Flamewave Invoker can finish games.

Depending on your meta, another good option is Skirk Marauder .

Goblins kind of win at pauper.

RangersGuild on What Do You Mean They're Everywhere?!

4 years ago

I actually considered Sparksmith already. I took it out because it can only target a creature. Also at a certain point it will flat out kill you if you have enough goblins out.

Idoneity on What Do You Mean They're Everywhere?!

4 years ago

Honestly, the one you've chosen is fine. Perhaps a "?!" at the end, but I haven't much else to add.

Unto goblins, I'd recommend Sparksmith, for it does much in terms of murder.

Spell_Slam on Mardu Matron

5 years ago

I have a Grixis version of this deck that I've had lots of success with online a while back. Our decks are very similar. Check mine out here: Matron Control

A creature I think you should absolutely be running is Sparksmith. This card is so powerful; if the opponent can't answer it, it will destroy many popular archetypes like Delver and Elves. I would play it over Heelcutter as a tutor target.

I ran the Frogtosser Bannerets in the beginning, but quickly cut them because they felt so bad. The discount was not nearly as relevant as I would have hoped and stopped mattering in the late game. The 1/1 haste body also wasn't impressive.

I am perfectly happy with 1 copy of Tarfire as a tutor target and would play better removal instead. I completely cut Nameless Inversion because there just weren't enough X/3s in the format to justify paying 2 mana for an otherwise mediocre removal spell. This is also why I'm playing Flame Slash over Lightning Bolt.

I feel like 21 lands wouldn't be quite enough for you deck. Hitting land drops is so important to be able to play matron and whatever you tutor on the same turn, not to mention you're playing 5-drops. I am playing 23 and also running karoo lands, which helps a lot with consistency. You should definitely think about running some mix of Boros Garrison, Orzhov Basilica and/or Rakdos Carnarium.

Orkboss on Unified Pauper Upper Class Gobbins

5 years ago

I like the Idea, even brewed a little bit with that myself. Here are the problems I encountered and see in your brew of goblins in general, desregarding the "aristocrats" theme. I will comment on that further down:

  1. Electrickery is the first card sideborded against this, and in your brew, there are no creatures to survive it. It gets especially annoying, if our opponent casts it in response to a Goblin War Strike . Not quite as devastating but still annoying are cards like Nausea or Shrivel . This is one of the main reasons, most goblin decks run some numbers of Goblin Cohort or Mogg Conscripts (next to the fact, that a 2/2 for is pretty ok).

  2. How reliable is Kuldotha Rebirth , with just 8 targets? Especially, since you might need great furnace to sacrifice to fireblast.

  3. What do you need Goblin Matron for? She is normaly used to get a specific answer to whatever is needed. Is there any goblin that is worth it to tutor out on turn 3 or later as an speciic answer to a bord state? the only one that comes to mind is Sparksmith , to get rid of a blocker, like an angler. However, you only have one matron in the deck anyway, for mostly your only target, sparksmith. Either slow down the deck and run more targets like Goblin General , Tarfire , Goblin Lookout or Goblin Bushwhacker , or cut her.

  4. How reliable is fling? You mostly will be able to fling either foundry street or a sledder pumped creature. However, both require specific circumstances, either to play a lot of cards from hand and still having mana and fling in hand, or a big bord, fling in hand and sledder on field.

Now, for your basic Idea.

If you want to make a lot of tokens, you need a consistant payof. Goblin war strike is one, but, only one. The aristocrats theme is hard, if the only sacrifice outlet and benefit are 4 copies of goblin sledder. I don't have a definite solution for this, just some ideas. One is to forget about sacrificing your tokens and include cards like Goblin Bushwhacker or even Goblin War Party and go full on a go wide and pump your team strategy.

The other is to go in a goblin storm direction, as seen in this youtube video.

I hope I could help.

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