Scroll of Griselbrand

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Scroll of Griselbrand


1, Sacrifice Scroll of Griselbrand: Target player discards a card. If you control a Demon, that player loses 3 life.

dreadswolf on Lyzolda's Bloody Sunday

2 years ago

I took out Ravenous Demon  Flip, Scroll of Griselbrand, and Smoldering Crater, and added in Manaforge Cinder, Rakdos Cackler, and Footlight Fiend. I think this will improve the deck. Thanks for the advice!

legendofa on Budget Torture

4 years ago

You have some good discard pressure here. The Eldest Reborn feels a little out of place here, though. I might suggest some instant-speed discard, like Scroll of Griselbrand , Necrogen Spellbomb , or Funeral Charm in place of maybe a couple of Harsh Scrutiny or Agonizing Remorse.

SinsOfTheMoon on Shapeshifter Tribal

4 years ago

I won a few tournaments with a similar deck, but it was more control oriented. I'm not posting my complete build online, but here's a few ideas :

Universal Automaton allows so many recursive interaction with Emry, Lurker of the Loch. I opted for other slivers, such as Mindlash Sliver, Necrotic Sliver and Harmonic Sliver. Scroll of Avacyn and Scroll of Griselbrand suddenly become very cost efficient and the 2nd one can create good locks with instant speed discard (hello Teferi, Time Raveler).

Even Lurrus in the main deck can be a good option if you play that way. And you know what? You could have a complete 15 card sideboard swap for both kind of plays, either aggro or control :)

SinsOfTheMoon on Why yes, I am wearing niambi.

4 years ago

Nice concept, but you will never ever be able to play this slow paced deck in modern. Still, here is my card suggestion : Make use of Niambi's ETB ability, paired with other low cost legendary creatures that could allow for recursive effects... such as Emry, Lurker of the Loch that can do a perfect lockdown paired with Teferi, Time Raveler and Scroll of Griselbrand as well as fueling your graveyard with cards you need to resurect AND low cost artifact that should be in your sideboard. Fblthp, the Lost is a nice draw and add more potential for Niambi's discard ability. Vendilion Clique for obvious reasons. Flagstones of Trokair both for fueling Niambi, and 4 copies of it is very good since any time you play a 2nd copy it becomes a free fetchland without paying life.

Good luck!

TriusMalarky on Modern Lurrus Prison

4 years ago

So, here's what I'm thinking:

Spreading Seas

Pyroclasm(2 copies or so)

Fatal Push(duh)

Lightning Bolt(duh)

Galvanic Blast

Aether Spellbomb

Necrogen Spellbomb and Scroll of Griselbrand

Nihil Spellbomb

Seal of Fire

Seal of Removal

Pyrite Spellbomb

Some Signets

Maybe Duress

Lantern of Insight and the mill friends, specifically Ghoulcaller's Bell

Thought Scour for consistency

Artificer's Intuition is a literal Survival of the Fittest here.

Whir of Invention

Ratchet Bomb because repeatable specified wraths is fun.

Shrine of Burning Rage and Shrine of Loyal Legions might be interested but their value is dubious.

Grave Peril can also control the board.

Locket of Yesterdays can help reduce mana costs of reanimating spellbombs.

I wonder if I can cast Lotus Bloom from my yard or if Lurrus of the Dream-Den doesn't allow that.

Os Mox Tantalite worth running?

Pithing Needle seems great.

Renegade Map for land draw?

xSpicyMeat on How Not To MTG

5 years ago

Luxxis7, thank you for the suggestion! I'm honestly not too sure at this point; Scroll of Griselbrand is excellent as a free ' Shrieking Affliction ' trigger and can be used to tap for Herald of Anguish 's 'Improvise' before being activated. I will playtest and see how it goes in place of Necrogen Spellbomb . Let me know how you go too!

Luxxis7 on How Not To MTG

5 years ago

Hey, so I've tried making a build like this myself, since it seems pretty spicy. Have you considered Scroll of Griselbrand over Necrogen Spellbomb ? It could be another 3 damage or would you prefer the flexibility of card draw?

legendofa on Pattern Recognition #90 - Custom …

6 years ago

In the world of instant-speed discard, I think it's necessary to mention the activated abilities of Scroll of Griselbrand and Necrogen Spellbomb. Both single-card, opponent's choice cards, but they're out there.

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