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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Oldschool 93/94 | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Haunting Wind
Whenever an artifact becomes tapped or a player plays an artifact's activated ability without Tap in its activation cost, Haunting Wind deals 1 damage to that artifact's controller.

amarthaler on
EDH Rakdos Group Slug
2 years ago
Out: painful quandry
In: Haunting Wind
Most people opt to discard, so Painful Quandry really isn't slugging the way I'd like it to. I see great potential with artifact/treasure hate in cards like Haunting Wind. Plus the artwork is fantastic.
amarthaler on
[Primer] Mogis' Slaughter House: Murder Made Tasty
2 years ago
Very nice Rakdos slug deck. I highly recommend adding Repercussion to pair with Blasphemous Act which is already in your deck, as well as Mana Geyser paired with Cut / Ribbons which is in your maybe board. Both those pairings have won me many games with my group slug deck - just this past Friday, Repercussion did 117 damage to one fella, and I followed it up with X=19 Ribbons thanks to Mana Geyser.
I took Haunting Wind as an idea from your deck list and will have to place it within my own - to punish all those treasure lovers out there!
Please check out my Obosh deck when you have time: https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/edh-obosh-the-preypiercer-1/
Thanks for sharing!
OrsettoMorbido on
List of Color Pie Breaks/Bends
4 years ago
Some of these might not actually be breaks or bends, but i'll put them here anyway, since they're worth discussing. Thanks for this list btw, i wanted to create a pentacolor break/bend edh list in forever! Ephemeron, Phyrexian Tribute, Broken Visage, Artifact Possession, Curse Artifact, Catacomb Dragon, Grave Robbers, Burden of Greed, Guardian Beast, Haunting Wind, Phyrexian Gremlins, Priest of Yawgmoth, Relic Bane, Soldevi Adnate, Spoils of Evil, Warp Artifact, Xenic Poltergeist, Presence of the Master, Mudslide, Soulflayer, Rishadan Cutpurse, Rishadan Footpad, Rishadan Brigand, Sea Drake, True-Name Nemesis, Serendib Djinn, Parallax Tide, Uktabi Drake, Propaganda, Mirri's Guile, Sylvan Library, Drop of Honey, Elvish Spirit Guide, Jabari's Influence, Barbed Foliage, Storm Front, Recycle, Storm Seeker, Null Profusion, Illusionist's Gambit, Overtaker, Reins of Power, Ray of Command, Prodigal Sorcerer, Instill Energy, Fire and Brimstone, Pallid Mycoderm, Mycologist, Orcish Spy, Killer Bees, Visions, Emerald Dragonfly, Arboria, Demonic Torment, Shade of Trokair, Vivisection, Slith Strider, Midnight Charm, Keen Sense, Simoon, Goblin Spy.
king-saproling on
Poor Planning and Poorer Planning
5 years ago
This looks very fun to play against! You might like these: Shared Fate , Haunting Wind , Mind's Dilation , Painful Quandary , Bident of Thassa , Pestilence , Death Match , Polluted Bonds
lil_cheez on
Skithiryx's Spooky Scary Skeleton Scheme
5 years ago
Thanks for the feedback Ravenrose!!!
Homicidal Seclusion is nice, but I often see myself with a bunch of skeletons on the battlefield as nobody cares to kill them. So I use them to block as I try to kill people with Skittles. I'm running a bunch of tribal and color anthems to try and fasten the clock. If this was a SERIOUS Skittles deck I would run it for sure tho!
Champion of Stray Souls is nice and on theme but unfortunately very overcosted!
Haunting Wind and Oversold Cemetery are cool, maybe I'll go after them!
Ravenrose on
Skithiryx's Spooky Scary Skeleton Scheme
5 years ago
Homicidal Seclusion can be fun in this deck. Champion of Stray Souls could also be considered for this deck. Haunting Wind could also be a fun addition. Oversold Cemetery is fun too!
I hope these help!
Raven Rose
Ravenrose on
No Prayer for the Dying
5 years ago
I am flattered to be commissioned to have a look at this deck. Bontu the Glorified could be useful in this deck. Animate Dead and Dance with the Dead are fun reanimation spells. Grimoire of the Dead may also come in useful. Hissing Miasma is a maybe. Haunting Wind is fun. Endless Ranks of the Dead provides you with sacrifice outlets. Blood for Bones may also be fun. Emeria Angel may also be fun. Requiem Angel is also a provider of sacrifice outlets.
I hope these help!
Raven Rose