Charismatic Conqueror

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vintage Legal

Charismatic Conqueror

Creature — Vampire Soldier


Whenever an artifact or creature enters the battlefield untapped and under an opponent's control, they may tap that permanent. If they don't, you create a 1/1 white Vampire creature token with lifelink.

Idoneity on People are Mana Too

5 months ago

May I recommend a Raise the Alarm? How about a keen and mean Charismatic Conqueror? I'm telling you, these are great! You better hop to it!

TitanWalls on Whippits (Jolly Balloon Man Token Primer)

6 months ago

Lol, the reason I stayed away from cards like Ancient Gold Dragon, Battle Angels of Tyr, and Charismatic Conqueror is pretty much just because I've been approaching The Jolly Balloon Man as a commander for a budget deck. I ended up leaning away from the value-generating blink effects because in playtesting, unless I hit the instant-win combo, it was actually just taking forever to deal lethal damage. As for Custodi Soulbinders, I agree the activated ability isn't very attractive but I do like the prospect generating one or more flying tokens every turn with P/T equal to 1+ the total number of creature owned by all players. Obviously it depends on playgroup, but I'd think that for a lot of games at turn 6 or later, the copy tokens would probably come in as at least 20/20's. It was a way to go very tall that also takes advantage of the token generation route, but you're right that it's totally expendable if you want to purely focus on making more tokens. And I'm glad you like the Jackdaw Savior, I had to double check the rules myself to make sure I wasn't crazy, but yeah, the synergy really is wild!

SlangNTrees13 on Whippits (Jolly Balloon Man Token Primer)

6 months ago

Hey TitanWalls, I really like Threefold Thunderhulk. That's a lot of tokens coming in with a copy ability or untap or two to take advantage of our damage pingers. Ancient Gold Dragon has also caught my eye if I decide to slot in anymore high mana cost baddies. For now I had stayed away from going heavy token creation and focusing on our own balloon tokens, as do you feel the 7 mana is still worth it when we could be dropping the likes of Battle Angels of Tyr or Charismatic Conqueror for much less? You have got the wheels turning though here to shift our focus towards damage pingers with copiable token creators. I do like it very much. I run Boss's Chauffeur in my Jetmir deck to great effect and the lower 5 mana cost is appealing despite its other creature dependent conditionality. If I do move to the token route it would definitely make sense. Custodi Soulbinders Cool one, but don't want to have to pay that 3 mana activation cost. For Jackdaw Savior I had to read your comment and sat for a second and then went, "Does it copy the mana value? Have I ever known this?" and then realize yes, yes it does. So, Jackdaw I'm going to get in for sure, don't want to lose Sevinne's Reclamation as I want to be able to get any permanent, so Karmic Guide will most likely get the chop. You are right, edhrec is good at listing any Commander synergy cards. Thanks for the suggestions. See if I can't get a few token focused games going today as I'm happy to lose Felidar Guardian and Restoration Angel and move away from the blink focus I am thinking.

Eloniel on Necronomicon | Teysa Karlov | Primer

9 months ago

Hi Masterful

There is so many new card to evaluate:

Another drain: Marionette Apprentice

Fodder creation: Charismatic Conqueror Afterlife Insurance

Sacrifice pièce: Warren Soultrader

Mana cheap win more (token creation + drain) Delney, Streetwise Lookout

Kenny762 on Necronomicon | Teysa Karlov | Primer

1 year ago

Masterful Love this deck and the frequent updates! What is your opinion on Charismatic Conqueror? I was surprised it wasn't mentioned in your latest update.

Crow_Umbra on

1 year ago

One of the newer token producers that I can think of is Charismatic Conqueror, but that's not necessarily guaranteed token production. It might be worth looking at more spell-slinger focused Extus, Oriq Overlord  Flip or Jetmir, Nexus of Revels decks, since some of the builds I've seen irl tend to use spell-slinging based token production to support the token production on creatures that are mostly in the 3+ cmc range.

Yeah, Sov Okinec is a little confusing at first. You are correct in your 2nd comment. Let's say Sov Okinec attacks, and you have a Walking Ballista with 2 +1/+1 counters already on it. Sov Okinec would give Ballista another 2 +1/+1 counters, since Ballista's base power is 0. It will continue to balloon from there.

I currently run Sov Okinec and Kutzil in my Gylwain, Casting Director deck, since all role auras provide a baseline +1/+1 buff

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