Delney, Streetwise Lookout
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Pre-release Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vintage Legal

Delney, Streetwise Lookout

Legendary Creature — Human Scout

Creatures you control with power 2 or less can't be blocked by creatures with power 3 or greater.

If an ability of a creature you control with power 2 or less triggers, that ability triggers an additional time.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Frontier Seeker
Essence Reliquary
Kinjalli's Dawnrunner
Eriette's Lullaby
Neighborhood Guardian
Fortune, Loyal Steed

Eloniel on Necronomicon | Teysa Karlov | Primer

1 month ago

Hi Masterful

There is so many new card to evaluate:

Another drain: Marionette Apprentice

Fodder creation: Charismatic Conqueror Afterlife Insurance

Sacrifice pièce: Warren Soultrader

Mana cheap win more (token creation + drain) Delney, Streetwise Lookout

Aexislord on Emmara, Soul of the Tapped (EDH - Optimized)

2 months ago

Hackbrett I am SO sorry that it took me this long to respond! Thank you so much for your kind words words, and I am very happy to learn that someone else built the deck and is seeing success with it.

I am definitely noticing that multiple people are seeing success with Boromir, Warden of the Tower. I think I need to playtest this card more to see if the effect comes into play enough to offset the higher mana cost compared to Selfless Spirit.

Thousand Moons Smithy  Flip is a card that got my attention a while back, although my initial impression was that it felt a bit too "win-more"-ish. Regardless, I am in the process of playtesting it, along with Delney, Streetwise Lookout, Wylie Duke, Atiin Hero and a couple of other cards. I think that Delney, Streetwise Lookout will almost certainly make the list because it is both a tapping outlet AND a token doubler for this deck (although it is a shame that it cannot double Welcoming Vampire and similar cards). However, I still don't know what it will replace. One thing I will say is that long-time "staples" of the deck, such as Paradise Mantle and Springleaf Drum have started to feel less and less essential now that we have so many toys to play with.

I will keep everyone updated in the coming months. Hopefully MH3 gives us some more goodies!

OxygenDestroyer65 on Does Delney Trigger Life of …

2 months ago

If I have Delney, Streetwise Lookout and at least one other creature on the battlefield when I attack with a Life of the Party, does Life of the Party's attack trigger happen twice? Or does it only happen once because Life of the Party's attack becomes greater than 2? I assume it does because Life of the Party is a 0/1 before its attack trigger resolves, but I could be wrong?

MartinEMcArthur on Blood Artist and Delney, Streetwise …

3 months ago

Let’s say I have both Blood Artist and Delney, Streetwise Lookout on the battlefield. If I then cast Wrath of God while they’re both on the field, will Blood Artist still trigger twice for each creature death, or won’t she since Delney also died at the same time?

playboiSwag on Necronomicon | Teysa Karlov | Primer

3 months ago

Hi Halestor19 & Masterful

First of all thank you very much for the detailed primer Masterful, it was really helpful to understand Teysa Aristocrat and how to play it.

I tried a few of the new cards from MKM and Fallout and these are my thoughts:

Feral Ghoul: This might be a wincon, but I have two issues with the card. If you can’t get it big enough to give everyone enough rad counters to kill them, this won’t have a big impact on the game (depending on the amount of rad counters) or worst case you just fuel their graveyards which could enable graveyard strategies. Besides that, even if you manage to put a huge amount of rad counters on them, it still takes a full turn cycle to kill all of them which allows them to interact with you before they die. I didn‘t put it in my deck.

Delney, Streetwise Lookout: I playtested it for a while because it sounds so sweet. Not only does it add an additional death trigger on most of out creatures, it also doubles every other trigger (ETBs and so on). Nevertheless, I cutted it because it’s a typical win more card - it is good if you already have a board state established or if you have additional creatures that have ETB trigger. But most of the time there were better play options for me and when I was behind it basically is a dead draw.

Afterlife Insurance: This card is awesome. The amount of fodder you generate with it is unbelievable since with Teysa in play the creatures we give afterlife will spawn 2 spirits. You don’t need to go infinite with this deck to win, you just need a few creatures and this card.

griffstick on Restrictions to make commanders interesting?

4 months ago

I've been keeping up on magic online playing brawl and that's because I don't have time raising to kids under 2 yrs old to leave the house for several hours to play magic. So what do I suggest?

I'm a mono black player at heart. And playing brawl has really shown me a wide range of cmdrs and its easy to build with every card at your disposal.

Sheoldred  Flip was the most fun for a newer mono black cmdr but your opponents might find it to be very oppressive as it's focus is getting cards to the graveyard by making players discard and mill. Meanwhile kill spells to put more creatures in the graveyard. Plus killing Sheoldred  Flip only allows you to recast her allowing you to kill another creature on etb. So spells that bring her back immediately like Undying Evil do work here.

For mono black historic brawl I like Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet. Now I know how this isn't a card that you missed on your hiatus but maybe this is one worth looking into. Make a control shell and smash with kalitas. Have a few backup win cons.

Outside of mono black I like

That's what I got.

Halestor19 on Necronomicon | Teysa Karlov | Primer

4 months ago

Yo Masterful , Foster_I_Am

I have been testing a couple cards. I really like Feral Ghoul as a potential win con if you can’t get your drainers out. I feel it as a cheaper Elenda, the Dusk Rose. Not the same, I know, but still something that is working. All we need are 10 death triggers to give them 44 rad counters when it dies with teysa out. Could mean death, and usually is.

I haven’t tried Afterlife Insurance yet but it seems like the nail in the coffin if we have the board state. Wouldn’t know what to cut it for though.

I have tried Omarthis, Ghostfire Initiate but haven’t actually used it to do anything. I played like 6 games with the card. Maybe not enough play testing.

I really like the idea of Delney, Streetwise Lookout doubling everything if our commander is indisposed.

Those are my ideas for improvements.

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