Cabal Archon

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Cabal Archon

Creature — Human Cleric

(Black), Sacrifice a Cleric: Target player loses 2 life and you gain 2 life.

myLAAN on Help me crack a combo!

1 year ago

Yup, the suicide aspect is very flavorful and what else is Premodern about than style ;)

You can also use what I mentioned alongside Ashnod's Altar and the aforementioned Decaying Soil to kill fair and square. Priest of Gix + Altar + Soil is infinite black mana and then Cabal Archon kills. However, that works without the Carnival of Souls :D

myLAAN on Help me crack a combo!

1 year ago

Since you're playing Chainer, him, Carnival and Cabal Archon + Priest of Gix allows you to have someone lose 2 life for 2 of yours.

Davinoth on Orah's Dirty Clergy [Retired]

3 years ago

     ichibancho: For your deck I'd probably recommend War Priest of Thune , Cabal Archon , Leonin Arbiter , High Priest of Penance and/or Nullpriest of Oblivion .

     And you're welcome! Always happy to help. =)

Davinoth on Orah's Dirty Clergy [Retired]

3 years ago

     ichibancho: Tough question to answer, as the impact of any one card is really dependent on what you're playing against. Suture Priest & War Priest of Thune are both pretty good options from my decklist. A few other options for consideration: Cabal Archon , Disciple of Griselbrand , Leonin Arbiter or Nullpriest of Oblivion . Depends if you want to go the more Staxy route or for more inherent synergies.

     I'm sure Geralf's Messenger + Luminous Broodmoth is a pretty fun and convincing way to win a game, but unless you're going to a new tournament with new players every week that shit's gonna get shut down by your playgroup really fast. The same reason I ended up cutting Liliana's Contract + Mirror Entity from this deck. Having Broodmoth out every game would be super! However to build the whole deck with that idea in mind would be foolish. Maybe that's just my own ideology about the game, but I really believe that powerful effects and cards should be nice bonuses when you draw them, not cornerstones to build a deck around. Especially when only one such card (Broodmoth) performs its function, what do you do when it's exiled?

     Tutors can mediate a bit of that, but you're playing a Commander that thrives on combining with other 'likeminded' cards. You don't need it to be a Cleric deck to win with Geralf's Messenger and could probably run a different General altogether that would better support your win condition (e.g. Teysa Karlov ).

     And you're welcome! Always happy to provide feedback and have a broader discussion! =)

Nagoragama on Orzhov Inquisition (WB Cleric Tribal)

3 years ago

Should Cabal Archon be re-added? I had it in the original Cleric deck back in the day, but it didn't seem to have enough of an impact in Commander. It's a good win-con, but requires a lot of clerics on the field to be any good.

VorelNailo on

4 years ago

The win-con is generally stacking aristocrat effects and recycling the graveyard over and over. Blasting Station, Cabal Archon, Relic Vial, and Wayward Disciple can deal a surprising amount of damage, and we can always just make an army of zombies with Rotlung Reanimator.

Snickles@EDH_only on The Church of Sacrifice

5 years ago

list of possilbe clerics to consider:

Heliod, God of the Sun - okay, not a cleric, but makes cleric tokens

Alms Collector - good card draw engine in EDH - prevents players from drawing their deck in one go also

Auriok Champion - linear upgrade from Soul Warden - resists removal

Auriok Replica - good sac for anti-commander damage, fits cleric type, colorless to cast. not super amazing, but worth mentioning

Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim - not all that useful until you gain some life, then amazing removal. and 2/3 deathtouch for 2 isn't bad either

Battlefield Medic - damage prevention based on clerics. nothing to special, but tribal themed, so I mention it here.

Beloved Chaplain - evasion that's hard to top - can't be blocked by creatures, can't be removed by creatures.

Blind Zealot - sacs to destroy target creature when it hits a player, good for general

Cabal Archon - sac outlet? check. Cleric tribal? check. sadistic grin? double check.

Cabal Executioner - on par with blind zealot - lacks the evasion, but doesn't sac to activate. mixed bag, but not horrible

Children of Korlis - sacs to revert life total to start of turn? yes please

Custodi Lich - grants Monarch, and forces creature sac on play and when you regain it. seems good.

Custodi Soulcaller - requires a few players to be super amazing, but still worthwhile even if all you get back is Children of Korlis

Daru Spiritualist - not quite pro- red, but helps agaisnt spot removal for entire tribe. bonus if paired with Shaman en-Kor

Devout Chaplain - most clerics are humans, exile is good. enough said.

Eight-and-a-Half-Tails - good protection for your side of the field.

Entomber Exarch - cleric that can reanimate or force pitch from opponents. not gamebreaker, but solid card with options

Frontline Medic - clerics are indistructable as long as 3 swing? seems good

Giver of Runes - really should be vodka-aunt of runes, but w/e, still good

High Priest of Penance - great to chump with, better with aethreos, best when indistructable

Kor Sanctifiers - decent artifact / enchantment removal on a cleric body, not much else to say.

Leonin Arbiter - the staple of death & taxes and hate bears is, in fact, a cleric. seems useful.

Leonin Relic-Warder - fiend hunter for artifacts & enchantments, not much else to say.

Mikaeus, the Lunarch - cleric that slowly buffs your side

Order of Whiteclay - recusion cleric. not as useful once it gets vigilence, so fair warning.

Pious Evangel  Flip - sac outlet that transforms into a mini- blood artist, is cleric.

Pontiff of Blight - mass extort is disgusting. seven toughness is hard to remove.

Ravos, Soultender - recursion + steroids = win

Remorseful Cleric - mass graveyard remval + evasion is good

Shaman en-Kor - this guy is bonkers, and with any form of damage prevention makes your side nigh unkillable

Sin Collector - exiles instants & sorceries, solid card. never returns them either. probably is on a wanted list in some libraries for back charges

True Believer - if you don't want people to target you, ivory mask with legs is a cleric too

Tymna the Weaver - less useful in duels, but solid for mass card draw otherwise

Vile Deacon - cleric tribal lord for black, comparible to doubtless one

Weathered Wayfarer - land tax on legs. still a cleric

Whipgrass Entangler - ghostly prison based on clerics for mana, but single target per use

Whisper, Blood Liturgist - creature recusion that nukes for 6 with general out, or mass reanimation if opponen't don't take it.

Profane Prayers - not an X spell, but cleric tribal nuke seems kinda on-theme.

Venturub on Holier than thou

6 years ago

I am sorry but I remembered to give you ine last suggestion: since you have Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, why not also use Stern Judge? The lands of your opponent will also be swamps, and with Starlit Sanctum or Cabal Archon the game will quickly be over.

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