Blessed Respite

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Blessed Respite


Target player shuffles their graveyard into their library. Prevent all combat damage that would be dealt this turn.

leovolt884_ on Dandan dredge

6 months ago

Bookrook I just meant any dual land of choice, shocks probably work best also to speed up the game since you'll need a lot of attacks with Slitherhead. The new ping lands could also work but they're slow. A new suggestion is if you want the effect of Endurance, run Blessed Respite instead. It's a fog that has the shuffle graveyard into library stapled on. Just because a 3 mana 3/4 could really quickly change the pace of the game. For Thoughtseize I'd suggest cutting at least one Life from the Loam because they probably won't see a lot of use with reshuffling the graveyard into the library and they can be cast effectively from the graveyard anyways. Maybe one Set Adrift also. I think it can clear too many cards out of the graveyard. It also has very little upside in its actual effect since its a sorcery and your opponent is just going to redraw that same card as soon as you pass the turn. The effect would be more interesting gameplay wise on an instant to set up your own draw. Codex Shredder feels a bit too slow especially with so few ways to set up draws that the instant speed mill doesn't have use other than filling the graveyard which other cards in the deck do better. If you want to up the complexity and interaction, add in some card draw, so players aren't sitting with empty hands in what is going to be a very slow game as well as add in card selection with Ponder and Brainstorm (which would be incredibly powerful considering since it lets you basically choose what your opponent will draw and what you will draw next turn at instant speed). If you do this keep the Codex Shredder at 4 copies, cut the Set Adrift altogether or replace it with an instant of the same effect, and maybe consider Clear the Mind instead of adding Blessed Respite. Also I believe traditional Dandan is run at 80 cards so bringing this list up to 80 would be super fine if you add in card draw and card selection. That being said it would really up the blue presence in the deck making lands a bit trickier :>

SufferFromEDHD on Angus says no.

1 year ago

Turbo fog! Neat old strategy that doesn't get utilized enough in EDH.

Peacekeeper is one of my favorite creatures. Very unique words in MTG. Sun Titan is an underutilized 2 card White combo. It would fit the theme of your deck well.

Fog effects have been power creeped. Blessed Respite, Comeuppance, Orim's Chant, Tangle would be useful upgrades.

You are running Blue so Lapse of Certainty and Mana Tithe although awesome cards are kind of lackluster. Run free/alternative cost counters or at the very least Dawn Charm for the fog.

Energy Field combos with Rest in Peace in an on theme way.

Icbrgr on What is the "best" way …

2 years ago

lol yup legendofa you did apparently have the fog itch awhile back and I commented on that thread too lol. The Solitary Confinement route really seems unique/fun/risky to build around (I love it)... and Martyr of Sands just seems genius wallisface THE CONCEPT OF That build looks neat!

I think I agree with nbarry223 with taking a liking to the scepter/spell route...the utility of spells like Blessed Respite/Dawn Charm have a lot of appeal to me... but i could just be having a case of "the grass is greener on the other side" going on because I own all to 1-2mv/cmc spells i could want for Isochron Scepter but tempted by the new hotness that Abiding Grace offers but im not exactly sure if its "better" or not.

nbarry223 on What is the "best" way …

2 years ago

There was a thread on this topic a few months ago. I've always liked the Isochron Scepter path myself. Things like Pollen Lullaby / Blessed Respite / Dawn Charm where you do more than just the fog effect. You can always run cantrips like Manamorphose as well, to make more value out of your scepters.

Delphen7 on How to Handle Quality Changes …

2 years ago

Say Player A casts Moonlace on some nonpermanent spell, such as Lightning Bolt (that is controlled by Player B).

Moonlace has these rulings: "Moonlace’s effect doesn’t wear off." and "If Moonlace is cast on a spell that becomes a permanent, the permanent will enter the battlefield colorless and will remain colorless until it leaves the battlefield (or until another effect changes its color) ". Since Lightning Bolt is not a permanent, it will ostensibly be colorless in the graveyard.

Say Player B casts another Lightning Bolt. There is now a colored Bolt, and a colorless Bolt in the graveyard. If any player casts a shuffle effect, such as Blessed Respite, there is now no way to differentiate the two bolts from each other.

Since it could matter which bolt is which (For an effect like Ceremonious Rejection), how does the game handle differentiating each one?

wallisface on The Modern Deck That Will Make You Lose Friends

2 years ago

Ok, all goods. I’d be keen to see your competitive build and provide feedback when its made - feel free to tag me in it when it’s up if you want me to have a look :)

Replying to your other comments:

  • Yeah Ensnaring Bridge isn’t cheap so could defo break this decks budget - i saw Saga and made some assumptions on your price-limit, but my bad. Normally in Lantern lists though you wouldn’t have to worry about Bridge being destroyed, because by the time you’ve cast it you’re already choosing what your opponent draws, and have de-handed them of any threats.

  • I’m not sure where the Leyline of Sanctity convo came from (I’d suggested running hand-disruption, not protecting from it), but in any case I don’t think Leyline is worth it. Burn spells and Thoughtseize both kindof play to Lanterns advantage, so don’t particularly need to be worried about. Your deck has much bigger threats to worry about - for example if your opponent has an Eidolon of the Great Revel in their opening hand, you just lose. Likewise if they have Teferi, Time Raveler you’re in big trouble… there are a lot of single-card threats that could win on-the-spot. You not having hand disruption or board-disruption will put you in a tough spot in a bunch of matchups.

  • Most opponents versus Lantern will concede once the lock is in place, so your attempts to troll them into playing forever might not work. You’ll only really manage to entrap newer players this way, and tbh that just feels mean. In any case, with 4x Blessed Respite, you’d still be easily able to continually shuffle both decks before they mill-out, theoretically keeping the game going forever, so Elixer is still a largely pointless addition

Doorknobkid on The Modern Deck That Will Make You Lose Friends

2 years ago

wallisface Thank you for the feedback! I want to answer some of your suggestions.

  1. I didn't include Ensnaring Bridge because A: it goes over my budget and B: Ensnaring Bridge is easily prone to artifact destruction. With Fog spells I can avoid that with consistent spells that now can only be countered.

*Note: Thank you for the Ensnaring Bridge suggestion. I will add it to the Maybeboard along with Pyxis of Pandemonium.

  1. I have 2x Leyline of Sanctity for anti Thoughtseize and anti Burn. Yes, I know there is only 2 copies and you're not that likely to get them, but it does help if you get lucky and get them in hand. And you can just use the lantern combo to avoid drawing it later, since there is no white sources in the deck.

  2. I have 4 copies of Elixir of Immortality because it is meant to shuffle your OWN deck. Blessed Respite is meant to be toxic by shuffling your opponent's deck too to make the game last forever.

P.S. I will be releasing an actually competitive version of this deck very soon. It's definitely not budget, but it's really good and consistent.



wallisface on The Modern Deck That Will Make You Lose Friends

2 years ago

Some thoughts:

  • It feels like Elixir of Immortality isn’t really needed when Blessed Respite can already shuffle your grave. Maybe 1-2 copies is still viable, but 4 feels like overkill.

  • Why use all these fogs when you could just Ensnaring Bridge?

  • A big part of Lantern Control is taking important pieces from your opponents hand early, to make sure they can’t just win with what they start with. I’m worried without hand disruption your opponent will be able to cause too much havoc to your attempts to lock the game up

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